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[3.24 STANDARD] 213/844 MF Solo 100% Deli T16 - Pound for Pound the Best MF in the game

LampratziA wrote:
hi guys ...sry for my noob question but how you activate seems it doesnt fill up whatever i it there any method i should follow????any help?????TY

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Last edited by muir on Jun 7, 2022, 11:23:28 AM
muir wrote:
LQ19910226 wrote:
HI, ty for the build, I am also trying to build on it.

Just one question, how is this build feeling in 3.18? with the nerf and buff to headhunter, is this build still the same power as in 3.17? what is the major play difference?

HH is more powerful than ever for this build.

You won't move quite as fast, but you will do more damage and be basically invulnerable.

Stealing frostwall is an extreme damage multiplier, and its very common.

ty for your reply, so does the frostwall cause the fireball to explode and shotgun? what is the mechanic?
Also, I have read a post that says the projectile that chained back after hitting a wall wont do extra damage to the same target it hit before, which seems to me that the chain wont add single target damage as contrary to the shotgun effect you mentioned in your post.
LQ19910226 wrote:
Also, I have read a post that says the projectile that chained back after hitting a wall wont do extra damage to the same target it hit before, which seems to me that the chain wont add single target damage as contrary to the shotgun effect you mentioned in your post.

Fireball is different, it has an explosion component which does shotgun (can hit multiple times per cast) when the explosion occurs.

In the case of monster/blight tower frostwall cages (which you can now steal as AN HH mods) this causes both the projectile effects (double forking, chaining) as well as explosion shotgunning, so you end up with an insane multiplier of dps on the order of 32 * 2 * 2 = theoretically 128 hits per cast if you're camping inside the frostwall cage.

See the videos on the OP for examples (Blight, Delve).
ty for your quick response, I will test it in game myself.

Is this build working for 5 legion run? how many kills can you reach with this?
Because the setup is similar, I would like to see the potention of legion running.
LQ19910226 wrote:
ty for your quick response, I will test it in game myself.

Is this build working for 5 legion run? how many kills can you reach with this?
Because the setup is similar, I would like to see the potention of legion running.

Yes its probably one of the stronger legion builds right now.

6k+ kills solo.
Would this work with Vaal Ice Nova? How does it compare?
Darchell wrote:
Would this work with Vaal Ice Nova? How does it compare?

I'm not a fan.
Hi, thanks for the build guide! I'm trying it out because I'm sick of dying to everything with my bow build. I would like to know if there is a guide on how to craft a weapon base with just the vaal modifier? If there isnt could you give us an idea of what to do to craft a decent weapon, please?
MMINC wrote:
Hi, thanks for the build guide! I'm trying it out because I'm sick of dying to everything with my bow build. I would like to know if there is a guide on how to craft a weapon base with just the vaal modifier? If there isnt could you give us an idea of what to do to craft a decent weapon, please?

You should try to become familiar with

I'd suggest imprint crafting so you can go back to the blue base on command, using veil orbs and sufflocking to add the DD focus modifier or straight up DD if you're ok with lower max damage, then you can do cannot roll attacks and exalt for guaranteed +1 all gems prefix, then multimod, +2, and a prefix of your choosing.

There are other more expensive methods for even more power, but I think these are a waste of time and you're better off saving a mirror + fee for a really good synth bow copy than trying to go further on a non synth base.

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