My Journey with POE has end

So if you are still here, where's that PoB for your glad? Just wanna see how much more damage i can squeeze out of it.
Last edited by Fluffy_Maverick on Oct 17, 2021, 5:56:27 PM
In terms of Ele. Conversation Gladiator is deleted. My FB is dead. Zero chance to make it work.
Strike Skills also get nerfed.
What exactly Physical Strike Skill should i play to feel good ? By saying good, i don't mean OP at any means, just an average good feeling.
The only thing that may still work well is Cyclone, but i just don't like that skill, and Gladiator is the last thing you will play on Cyclone.

As far as the Strike Skills(this is the real melee), yeah maybe i exaggerate a bit, but everyone that played them know how s***** they are, and that they needed a HUGE nerf long time now. And what GGG is doing ? They are nerfing them even more, and Rangers like this one are clearing maps no gear at all with 1 Chaos Bow and 10 Chaos Unique Flask ....

The guy own word is that he ain't playing Melee, cause its *******, and that this is build is ridiculously OP, but hey let's just nerf Skills that are long time dead.
And then people are talking that the game have 160 gems, and for what reason, when just a small % are actually worth it playing, almost none of them are melee ....

And my reaction is not just because of the Gladiator nerfs, but exactly as what you describe. Bigger nerfs have been done many times. And in so many cases it's exactly the melee builds that are getting gutted, and they are staying dead for long, long time.

And let's been real here:
Blind is nerfed big time
Fortify is nerfed
Strike Skills nerfed
Gladiator annihilated
Juggernaut is long time dead, no buffs(anything for it), he actually get a general nerf as well
Chieftain is huge pass
Tempest Shield is a straight up nerf for the melee, that was a free cast
Flesh and Stone nerfed and etc

I think the dissatisfaction is quite deserved. I wouldn't have a problem if the nerf was against really OP builds, but it's exactly the opposite, against Build that you have to invest quite a lot to get just a low damage with strong survivability.

Fluffy_Maverick, I usually don't like giving/showing my builds, but since i quit i will wait for 3.16 to come, and see how much deleted my Gladiator get, and will give you the POB, to see how you can make it work, we had a deal ?
Last edited by RoyalMarauder on Oct 17, 2021, 6:01:10 PM
RoyalMarauder wrote:
As far as the Strike Skills(this is the real melee), yeah maybe i exaggerate a bit, but everyone that played them know how s***** they are

I agree; Strike Skills are in need of a rework, like Slam Skills got a while back. And some of them, especially Wild Strike, Double Strike, Dual Strike and Heavy Strike are in dire need of strike range, which they took away. It's a VERY strange decision, but we still don't know how it will turn out - it all depends on the tree.

Lightning Strike, on the other hand, was a fairly popular strike skill this league. Why? Because it's not really dependent on the initial hit when clearing. Frost Blades is also a fairly popular strike skill, why is that, when the skill is dependent on the initial hit? Well, 18-21 strike range... So yes, strike skills needed a doubling/tripling of their strike range, and I seriously doubt that the buffs on the tree will result in that.

But the +2 strike range some of them lost? It's a stupid change. It's a weird change. But it IS a minor change, and absolutely not the end of the world. I'll probably still go for Frost Blades or Wild Strike this league, as strike skills are my cup of tea. I did Lightning Strike this league, and did everything I set out to do.

You seem a little bit hellbent on playing a physical skill, why is that? After the Impale nerf (and some elemental buffs), elemental skills are quite up there - and absolutely worth playing again.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Fluffy_Maverick, I usually don't like giving/showing my builds, but since i quit i will wait for 3.16 to come, and see how much deleted my Gladiator get, and will give you the POB, to see how you can make it work, we had a deal ?

Nah, s'ok, i will forget all about this thread before the friday comes. Just wanted to see if i could gain some passing enjoyment from looking at it.
Last edited by Fluffy_Maverick on Oct 17, 2021, 6:18:50 PM
Phrazz wrote:
RoyalMarauder wrote:
As far as the Strike Skills(this is the real melee), yeah maybe i exaggerate a bit, but everyone that played them know how s***** they are

I agree; Strike Skills are in need of a rework, like Slam Skills got a while back. And some of them, especially Wild Strike, Double Strike, Dual Strike and Heavy Strike are in dire need of strike range, which they took away. It's a VERY strange decision, but we still don't know how it will turn out - it all depends on the tree.

Exactly what i was thinking. For all we know there could be a mastery that just straight up gives you 6+ strike range and there might still be more on the notables.
Phrazz wrote:
RoyalMarauder wrote:
As far as the Strike Skills(this is the real melee), yeah maybe i exaggerate a bit, but everyone that played them know how s***** they are

I agree; Strike Skills are in need of a rework, like Slam Skills got a while back. And some of them, especially Wild Strike, Double Strike, Dual Strike and Heavy Strike are in dire need of strike range, which they took away. It's a VERY strange decision, but we still don't know how it will turn out - it all depends on the tree.

Lightning Strike, on the other hand, was a fairly popular strike skill this league. Why? Because it's not really dependent on the initial hit when clearing. Frost Blades is also a fairly popular strike skill, why is that, when the skill is dependent on the initial hit? Well, 18-21 strike range... So yes, strike skills needed a doubling/tripling of their strike range, and I seriously doubt that the buffs on the tree will result in that.

But the +2 strike range some of them lost? It's a stupid change. It's a weird change. But it IS a minor change, and absolutely not the end of the world. I'll probably still go for Frost Blades or Wild Strike this league, as strike skills are my cup of tea. I did Lightning Strike this league, and did everything I set out to do.

You seem a little bit hellbent on playing a physical skill, why is that? After the Impale nerf (and some elemental buffs), elemental skills are quite up there - and absolutely worth playing again.

This Gladiator was intend to be Double Strike ones, but it was miserable. FB definitely feel way better from the get going, and can't even compare them.
Before that i tried to make a Heavy Strike Juggernaut, which feels absolutely terrible. But don't want to dig on that and the reason for it.

Tried Infernal and Molten, but they feel terrible, and the damage was insanely crap on POB when i theorycrafted.
Tried Pestilent Strike and Viper Strike again on PB, but it was just terrible.
Didn't tried LS or Wild Strike, cause i feel alright on FB, and was going to work on it on STD, cause i don't like the League Cycle, and constantly go on a "new train".

Fluffy_Maverick, but let's be real that ain't going to happen, i mean the +6 joke. And getting them from the tree is just a straight up nerf, cause you got to waste point into them, and they are already in ..... place.

That decision absolutely got me gutted.
Again i just show a Tornado guy running around with no gear at all and with 5chaos Flask(the guy mention it, lol) and a 1 chaos Unique Bow on T16 clearing it on 1,4hp, no dead, no problem at all. And Tornado is not even in the conversation on the Bow meta, there is way worst example ....

But somehow Strike Skills deserved a nerf. :D
Such ridiculous decision gets me away from the game back in the day, and it's doing it now as well.

But it's not only that. They are just refusing to fixing stuff, that should have been fixed years ago, like the terrible loot system we currently have, the fiasco trade system and the list goes on and on.

Last edited by RoyalMarauder on Oct 17, 2021, 6:40:32 PM

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