3.15.0d Patch Notes

Scion coc still dead????
POGGER Next Time Go Research from player not streamer

dev never play this game lol

go nerf something like before (alway has been)
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that was fast
best patch ever! thank you!
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Press R or RIOTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
IGNs PentaKill_Brand
Ripped at Lv88
Now trying to be b in invasion league
Minions league soon after bleed rework? Nice changes, I liked previous one too so not biggie for me. Stick to your vision GGG!!
nikpoe wrote:
Minions league soon after bleed rework? Nice changes, I liked previous one too so not biggie for me. Stick to your vision GGG!!


What about the quality of life in the league?
if u start testing ur changes before deploying a patch, it would be really great.

Those gem changes just point out how hard they failed nd thats an easy test to see.

Atleast retention Must be high enough to show u how hard u failed developing a proper patch nd proper Gem twerks otherwise GGG would´ve never done anything.

Btw thanks for ruining my SSF fun by bringing out unplayable gems to buff them by a 247% more multiplier 3 days after League start, without any info before that.
Last edited by Cptbuzyo on Jul 28, 2021, 3:57:07 AM
please double down and nerf it back to how it was at the start of the league next league. it was fine reddit are just cry babies
my mana is gone
Calm down people... most players had no real issues in going through acts and GGG just wanted to give us new ways to play, using ignored passive tree nodes, unique items and maybe forced us to sacrifice bit of our DPS to other quallities of gameplay... It is quite lame when every build reserve 95% mana to auras and piano 5 flasks for constant +100% more damage and immunity to everything...

For example Freeze - previously you used flask of Heat, and thats it. Nobody got frozen for the cost of 10 second bestiary fight...

Now you have to think about it - uniques like Cyclopean Coil or The Brine Crown have value with associated drawback, stacking freeze avoidance on boots and passive tree, reducing effect of ailments... it is harder, sure, but it is also more interesting.

And about this patch:
The mana costs were overtuned. I think we would be OK even without the buffs, however they admited players don't like it so much so they backed up and gave us some of the quallity of life back. See, they care.

So stop crying and hating. Enjoy the game, which is still the most complex and interesting ARPG. Just wait several days and another absolutelly broken big-brain build from eirikeiken or OMGItsJousis will drop our jaws again...

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