Content Update 3.15.0 -- Path of Exile: Expedition

After playing a few days last league as I for the first time didn't enjoy it, was I hoping for a better one this time. But seeing all the nerfs to the skills I enjoy do I think it might be time to wait for PoE:2.
this makes me feel like i should have spent 400 dollars on supporter packs, a shirt and hoodie about a year ago, instead of in like march....

i've put around 2k hours into this game, on and off since prophecy league. i actually got a mirror drop in breach league; lvl 54 or so in CRUEL difficulty in lunaris temple. i know. stupid as hell.

-delirium was pretty good but deliriums make the game run like shit
-harvest i barely played, wasn't a fan of planting the harvests, idk
-heist was buggy as hell, but i was finally 'getting good'; fell in love with tectonic slam and got to lvl 93 or so. i had a lot of fun but man the heists were soo buggy
-ritual was amazing
-ultimatum i discovered my love of popcorn srs (bees) and actually beat sirus for the first time, got to level 95 and had some of the most fun i've ever had in the game..

i feel like i've already sucked the poison out, but i hope its still fun for me. that reddit post pointing out all the conflicting statments from chris/ggg and the literal game itself is ... something. best wishes, everyone.

anyone playing osrs add me in game LOL 'Celine Dijon'
PoitelMarto wrote:

Offtopic, but as conversation went to that...

DoT from ailments are computed from the hit's base damage, but are not affected by whatever specifically modifies damage on hit.

For example, if you play a melee bleed build, these mods will affect both hit and DoT:
- incr/more/less physical damage (as bleed counts as physical)
- flat physical damage, includinc flat damage with specific weapon type

However, these won't affect DoT:
- incr/more/less melee damage (bleed isn't melee damage)
- incr/more/less damage with hits such as Deadly Ailments

(this is far from exhaustivity, check the wiki if need be !)

I'm confused now... if bleed scales from the hit, then surely an 80% less damage with hits will affect the bleed indirectly. I understand it doesn't double-dip but let me show an example:

1000 hit damage let's say translates into 10,000 bleed damage.
80% less hit damage = 200 hit which makes the bleed only 2000. The more multiplier would have to be 400% to regain what you lose from the loss of the hit damage.

Specifically, I'm wondering how this affects my SST build. But I don't see this gem being used outside of abilities that have implicit DoT numbers and that don't scale from hits.
Overall i don't mind nerfing the power creep.. but touching all of the QoL elements like mana cost, triggering skills and speed just makes no sense at all...

Also the quality of certain gems just negates the whole purpose of build diversity.. what more boring quality stat than % inc dmg??

I've never felt so antihyped about patch notes than these.. but guess we'll just have to wait and see..

Absoluuutely not! ;)
It's worst content update since 2013...
Summ3r wrote:
wacojitsu wrote:
So I just finished my POB for my 3.15 starter.
So attack mana cost 47 (after using a -9 mana for non channeling skills)
19 attacks pre second
897 mana used pre second

mana pool is 650.
so if I don't use any aura's at all
and I have a mana flash going all times which we know is impossible now.
I should be able to attack for about 1 full second before running out of mana.

This is good. this is very good. This is that difficulty GGG was talking about.
What's harder then playing a game that is completely and utterly broken?

Do you guys not have phones?

So you can solve problem with your build and make it works (thats how we are playin POE) or just leave the game, cause you cant, you are tired, you just lazy or so. Both paths is okay. Actually you can ask for help to solve the problem with your main skill, right here. Maby you are missing smth. Or you can just complain and no one will cares)

That in mind, and after looking at the unfortunate state of your poor toons, I think they are missing (out on) a lot of something (end game content) hit us up for some advice to fix what appears to be a recurring problem. Or you can just complain about legitimate grievances and no one will care(s).
IGN: @Azuriyl or @Bephany
Base Character Evasion Rating has been lowered to 15 (previously 53). Characters no longer gain Evasion Rating per level.
Does that mean, if I don't raise Dexterity monster will just start to always hit me? And even if I do raise Dex they will still hit me way more easily?

Is this a nerf to "easily" stackable evasion on the upper end? Or will this make life almost impossible early on for an evasion gameplay?
Can anybody help me with this question?
Incarcerated wrote:
PoitelMarto wrote:

Offtopic, but as conversation went to that...

DoT from ailments are computed from the hit's base damage, but are not affected by whatever specifically modifies damage on hit.

For example, if you play a melee bleed build, these mods will affect both hit and DoT:
- incr/more/less physical damage (as bleed counts as physical)
- flat physical damage, includinc flat damage with specific weapon type

However, these won't affect DoT:
- incr/more/less melee damage (bleed isn't melee damage)
- incr/more/less damage with hits such as Deadly Ailments

(this is far from exhaustivity, check the wiki if need be !)

I'm confused now... if bleed scales from the hit, then surely an 80% less damage with hits will affect the bleed indirectly. I understand it doesn't double-dip but let me show an example:

1000 hit damage let's say translates into 10,000 bleed damage.
80% less hit damage = 200 hit which makes the bleed only 2000. The more multiplier would have to be 400% to regain what you lose from the loss of the hit damage.

Specifically, I'm wondering how this affects my SST build. But I don't see this gem being used outside of abilities that have implicit DoT numbers and that don't scale from hits.

Your character screen already has all the value derived before you even hit something.
Accuracy, Hit %, Physical dmg, Fire dmg, Bleed dmg, etc..etc...

Then you go hit something.
Apply the damage resolution formula for each one of the dmg type.
Last edited by linghuchong9 on Jul 22, 2021, 3:11:03 PM
at least my SSD got some free Gigabytes now. Instant uninstalled and won't regret. Bye Poe.

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