Community Designed Microtransaction - Final Poll

Which concept art would you like to see as the community-designed Cyclone Effect?

Grinding Gear
Poll closed
Poll should have been named guess what Zizaran thinks looks best
Man... THANK GOD we have these polls for the things that really matter about the game and affect everyone. But when it comes to game mechanics or things that affect everyone playing? Better rely on the elite-minded opinions of the streamers as well as the small group of people working on PoE in the GGG office to make the decisions that will affect everyone. The 500 pages of people telling you to come up with a better solution to Harvest? The overkill nerfs to end game that even the shills disagreed with? What do those people know? They’ve only played the game since it came out. Who cares if you ruin the game for most people, make it less fun, or ruin something that you will be too stubborn to fix and think it's "balanced". As long as we can give the fake notion of "choice" from the community for some mtx that you will ultimately end up profiting from? Now that's what really matters.

It’s the same thing with their recent merchandise feedback post, where they may as well have written;

Our beloved customers, I mean "community", please give us "feedback" on how we can milk more money off of you with merchandise, all while giving off the facade that you have some choice in something. Oh but you do have a say in something about the game, you get to tell us what product you are most likely to buy from us if we were to make it into merch and we get to profit off of you. You have the illusion of having a say in the game and we get to say we are altruistic devs who listen to their community. Oh, what's that? You have some valid feedback about the actual game on either the trade manifesto or harvest crafting manifesto, etc.? No no, we don't need this. Our small group of people working in the GGG office are clearly capable and know best what the majority of people playing this game want. Plus, we can ask ole reliable reddit and the elite minded streamers who do the Baeclast every expansion reveal for their input. Who cares if a sizable amount of the player base quit out of frustration due to out-of-touch decisions that make the game insufferable or remove anything that does make the game even slightly "easy". We at GGG know best, so open up your wallets and give us "feedback" on what really matters, merchandise plans, and mtx suggestions.
People's logic on here:
"Can't form a valid argument? Easy, stalk the person's profile instead and attack their character.
Don't like or can't handle someone's opinion? Easy, label it as “toxic”."
Last edited by JohnJohn1988 on Jun 23, 2021, 11:41:47 PM
Reeeee poll this please, some streamers convinced his/her chat to vote Sharknado voting should be a personal choice not what streamers want.

What's next streamers telling us who to vote for in the election?
Last edited by L0ukie on Jun 15, 2021, 6:22:26 AM
Ayyy caramba.

Guess im happy that sharknado won. However, thats kinda awful that 4k people wanted that currency mtx(imo its the worst alongside with rainbow but thats my opinion) and now they wont get it cause Ziz said to not vote for it.

I dont see why influencers cant just pay ggg to make a mtx for them. Is it even an option? Or is it restricted to div cards? Hopefully ggg will release rest of those cyclone mtxes later on.
L0ukie wrote:
Reeeee poll this please, some streamers convinced his/her chat to vote Sharknado voting should be a personal choice not what streamers want.

What's next streamers telling us who to vote for in the election?

I thought thats already the case KEK
GGG should remove all these defamatory remarks about God-Emperor Zizaran.

Sharknado for life!
What a shame. Around 4K people ruining the event for the other 10k people. Wont be buying this and im willing to bet the other people who feel cheated at the lack of integrity for these polls wont be either.

Quick math, lets assume that those 4K fanboys who rigged polls actually buy it, lets say the MTX is roughly 135 ($13.50) point in line with the newer cyclone mtx. Thats $54,000. Now lets assume that the 10k people would probably would have bought one regardless of what won, but wont anymore due to the rigged polls. Thats $135,000 potentially lost. And i really hope that ends up being the case because i was ready to buy whatever won so long as the polls werent rigged regardless of whether or not i liked what won. Obviously thats not the case anymore so i hope yall enjoy the fact that you just potentially made GGG lose out on a shit ton of potential money to please your streamer who doesnt even know you exist nor even care you exist.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
Last edited by Tin_Foil_Hat on Jun 16, 2021, 7:35:10 PM
Tin_Foil_Hat wrote:
What a shame. Around 4K people ruining the event for the other 10k people. Wont be buying this and im willing to bet the other people who feel cheated at the lack of integrity for these polls wont be either.

Quick math, lets assume that those 4K fanboys who rigged polls actually buy it, lets say the MTX is roughly 135 ($13.50) point in line with the newer cyclone mtx. Thats $54,000. Now lets assume that the 10k people would probably would have bought one regardless of what won, but wont anymore due to the rigged polls. Thats $135,000 potentially lost. And i really hope that ends up being the case because i was ready to buy whatever won so long as the polls werent rigged regardless of whether or not i liked what won. Obviously thats not the case anymore so i hope yall enjoy the fact that you just potentially made GGG lose out on a shit ton of potential money to please your streamer who doesnt even know you exist nor even care you exist.

Yeah, its pretty messed up. The least GGG should be doing at this point is making both of the top 2 choices, and bundling them together without doubling the price. That way it at least minimizes the damage done, and GGG can still make a bit more money than they would have otherwise.
I hate to say it, but it looks like Charan was right in his thread (I initially debated against what he was saying, but now I agree with him).

Allowing the streamers to 'spam vote' the 'Sharknado' with a bunch of their 'Twitch' viewers who probably don't even play 'cyclone' or will never even buy the mtx is abhorrent. Basically streamers are allowed to run roughshod over the wishes of the playerbase by turning their 'one' vote into 'thousands' of votes by manipulating their influence and rigging the polls by swinging it in their favor, which shows a huge lack of respect for the general community. The 'Streamers' and 'GGG' can have their mutually 'nepotistic relationship', but I won't be a part of it (financially). I'm really hoping they'll restore my faith in the poll by including both of the top two favorites for mtx creation, and not just 'Sharknado.'
Last edited by TheIronBankofBraavos on Aug 3, 2021, 11:59:53 PM
Why are you salty people even complaining so much? It wasn't twitch fanboys that even did it.

First of all, ANOTHER BIG TWITCH STREAMER DID THE SAME THING FOR CURRENCY. But youre not complaining about that one because you lost. I bet if you won it would be all "we beat them fair and square" with no mention of it.

Secondly. it wasnt "4k" people as you say, it was about 1-2k. At least that was the viewers for the section of campaigning, and from talking to people in chat, half of those didnt even vote for sharknado.

The simple fact of it is you LOST FAIR AND SQUARE. And like politics in real life, losers can't ever just get over it.

Why do you even care so much? Its a microtransaction cosmetic, you arent voting on a new class in game or something that actually matters. There are 1000 other mtx for you to get. Choose something you like.

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