
Account Name:WolfenDragon
Character Name: WulfySpins
Time Zone: EST
Year/Month started playing PoE: July 2018
Highest Level: 94
HHey! I'd like to join the guild, I'm a new player and I'm just looking for help and tips.
Account Name: 8ullet
Character Name: bbullet
Time Zone: PST (California)
Year/Month started playing PoE: I started playing about a week-ish ago.
Highest Level: My highest character is currently a Lacerate Gladiator Level 50 (I'm quite proud of that lol)
Account Name: WaitThisIsntDiablo3
Character Name: FeelingWeird
Time Zone: PST
Year/Month started playing PoE: December 2018
Highest Level: 88
@WaitThisIsntDiablo3 & @8ullet & @WolfenDragon - invites sent. Welcome to the guild!
Account Name: aipsylon
Character Name: HeistToxicHurricane
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Year/Month started playing PoE: Don't remember, I think it was Harbinger league
Highest Level: 88 on standard, 87 Heist

Always tend to get bored as characters hit around mid 80's looking for a guild to try to keep things next league
@aipsylon - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
Six days left until Flashback ends. You can totally hit 100 if you really wanted to!
Account Name: whood
Character Name: Ograblyashkaㆍㄹㅁㄹㅁㆍ
Time Zone: GMT +3
Year/Month started playing PoE: 2013
Highest Level: 100

@whood - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
Account Name: HolyDdraig
Character Name: ThiiiiiiiickBoy
Time Zone: UTC+00:00 (Portugal)
Year/Month started playing PoE: Kinda Hard to tell, remember touching the game a bit in legion and synth but only started actually playing in late blight.
Highest Level: 95

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