[3.12] Replica Alberon Poison Wander | 70M~170+M Sirus dps | 7k+ life | Face Tank Sirus


This build was inspired by Mathilification's replica alberon poison wander assassin build.

i upgraded his build to juice more dps and now ended up with 70+mil shaper dps

Updated 7/11 - changed body armour & gems for more tankiness

Pros and Cons
+ Tons of Damage
+ Tanky
+ Big Aoe
+ Fast mapper
+ Bleed, Freeze, Ignite immune

- Many crafting involved
- Not aura stacking build
- Chaos DoT
- Leage Start not viable

Build Features

+ 7k+ life
+ 58% dodge / 48% spell dodge
+ 2300 Strength
+ 3 power chage / 3 frenzy charge / 3 endurance charge
+ 2500 life leech per second on single target (infinite life gain while mapping)
+ A LOT of room for improvements
+ Actually oneshot simulacrum 20/20 boss with 4L

POB / Pantheon / Bandits

**Requires fork version**
# of poisons applied recently

# of poisons applied recently is set to only 30 which is less than aps which means about 70mil dps is achieved when i only attack 1 second every 9 sec(only 900k dps comes from on hit dps)
actual dps if you attack for full 4 sec is 167Mil (37projectiles x 4sec = 148 recently poison applied)

- Major = Soul of the Brine King for stun immune
- Minor = Soul of Garukhan for extra evade chance

Bandits = Kill all

build mechanism

this build is built around Replica Alberon boots

this item adds 1 to 80 chaos damage to attacks per 50 strength.

so strength stacking is most important in this build

Why Wander?

Poison is chaos damage ailment, and is scaled with our strength, so poison is the most valuable damage source for the build.

To stack poison, a build or attack must have huge aps. so we use power siphon with barrage support. at current state, i have 2.51 aps and 15 projectiles with power siphon, which is 37.6 attacks per second.

i've seen many people use this boots with cyclone or some other attack skills. but i guarantee you there's no other skill that grants more poison stacks than wander/bow with barrage support

Required gear

Replican Alberon's Warpath is the only required unique for this build to operate

Recommended Uniques

A Lethal Pride grants tons of strength(50 strength + 10% increased strength)

and two split personality with at least +5 to strength which grants 113 flat strength

4 inertia to transform dex into strength

My current gear

**My current equipped gears are extremely expensive**

changed body armour

basically doubled my ehp with lv20 immortal call for the cost of 100 strength.

In depth rare guide (crafting guide)

Body Armour

Look for a body armour with high flat strength, "%increased strength"(Elder) with some life and res.
Elder Astral plate is ideal but its extremely hard to get 6 off colour sockets
Alternatively use str/dex hybrid armour(dex only amour cannot roll strength mod).
Crafting body armour

83+ elder body armour with Str or Str/Dex. Alt/Aug/Regal to get "+XX to strength" and "XX% increased strength" mods. block suffix and use exalts to get high life roll, and add craft 6% increased attributes

Alternative Body armour upgrade (Updated 7/11)

I have changed to this bodyarmour for endurance charge sustain.
with this, now i changed lv20 steelskin to lv20 immortal call
now i am basically doubled on ehp at the cost of about 100 strength which is 5%


Imbued wand base type with "60% chance for poisons inflicted with this weapon to deal 100% more damage" mod is no.1 priority

other than that, increased attack speed is good to have.
crafting wands

Get a iLvl 83+ elder imbued wand.
alt/aug/regal to get 60% chance for poison to deal 100% more damage mod and a suffix. regal it and you need 1 open suffix and 2 open prefixes to multi mod and craft other mods


Atziri's Reflection is a best in slot shield in my opinion as it gives a lot or res, int for imbued wand(requires 188 int), increased effect of curse, and unaffected by curses mod

If you cannot afford this shield, look for high strength(40+) with life, and res roll

Helmet, Gloves

any gloves/helm with high strength, res with life is good enough

For Helmet, try getting as much res as possible as all our gears will only have 2 available suffixes for res

For Gloves, look for an Elder glove with
"Socketed gems are supported by Level X poison" or
"Socketed gems are supported by Level X faster attacks"
you can have one res mod if you have faster attacks instead of poison.
Crafting tips

Use Deafening Essence of Rage to craft rare with high strength.


Rings. Look to fill remaining resistances, high strength and life roll.
Try to get a ring with open prefix for mana cost craft.

Amulet. (Anoint Fusillade)
Astramentis is good enough until you can afford Atziri's reflection as it will give us enough int to use imbued wand

If you are looking to upgrade,
look for "%increased attributes(Shaper)/%increased strength(Warlord)
with enough flat strength/intelligence
and "1% increased damage per 15 strength"(Warlord) mod

Cyclopean Coil with corrupted implicit mod "X% increased strength" is good enough to use and also it gives freeze and ignite immunity.

You can also get a Hunter heavy belt for flat strength and "%increased attributes"(Hunter) mod with some res if you lack resistances.


Blood of Karui is very nice as we have 7k+ life and once you have "unaffected by bleeding while affected by malevolence" Watcher's eye mod.
If you do not have that watcher's eye mod, a life flask with bleed immunity is recommended.

Coralito's Signature and Witchfire Brew are pretty straight forward as those items will boost the poison dps and grant Despair.

Bottled faith is usable once you have Atziri's Reflection shield otherwise use silver flask or quartz flask with curse immunity mod.

Watcher's eye

Two very good mods are
"XX life gained for each enemy hit while affected by Vitality"
"Unaffected by bleeding while affected by Malevolence"

or you can get "+XX% damage over time multiplier while affected by malevolence" if you want more dps, but i find it unnecessary as current dps is more than enough.

Cluster Jewels

Large cluster with 8 passive skills, look for attack speed + mana leech. if you cannot afford a large cluster jewel, use life and mana leech node on passive tree.

Medium cluster x2 with 4 or 5 passive skills with Haemorrhage and Circling Oblivion.

Lethal Pride Location & Mod

Blue circles (Bravery and Defiance) give 5% increased strength each
Green circle (Master of the Arena) gives +20 to strength.

there might be a better combination, but i cbf so staying with this for now


Body Armour - 4G2B - Power siphon / Void Manimulation / Vile Toxins / Unbound Ailments / Deadly Ailments / Barrage

Gloves - 2G2B - Kinetic Blast / Unbound Ailments / Deadly Ailments / GMP

4L - 1R1G2B - Flesh and Stone / Malevolence / Herald of Agony / Enlighten(Lv4)

4L - 3R1G - CWDT(Lv20) / Steel Skin(Lv20) or Immortal Call(Lv20 / Vitality(Lv1) / Blood Rage

you can go with lv1 cwdt and lv3 IC or lv7 SS but i chose lv20 since i have 7k hp

3L - 2R1B - Spell Totem / Multiple Totem / Wither

3L - 1R2G - Enduring Cry / Dash / Second Wind

Alternative Quality Gems

Anomalous Power siphon 21/20 gives 2 additional projectiles

Divergent Herald of Agony X/20 gives extra 20% chance to poison, which is necessary to achieve 100% chance to poison without coralito flask

Anomalous Blood Rage to grant Frenzy Charge when fighting single target boss

and some others for QoL

You can also get Divergent Malevolence and Divergent Vitality for some extra dps(very minor)

Tips for gear progression

Buff management

Use Herald of Agony / Malevolence / Clarity if you do not have lv 4 enlighten.
Also drop vitality if you dont have watcher's eye with life gain.
If you do not have divergent herald of agony, respec into "Poison Chance", and Chance for poison and Poison Damage Multiplier".

Atziri's Reflection

If you do not have atziri shield, use a rare shield with high res and/or strength. use a silver/quartz flask with curse immune mod to counter curses instead of bottled faith.

Mana Sustain

This jewel is all we need to sustain mana and also life leech.
Fuel the Fight gives mana leech + attack speed + damage while leeching
Feed the Fury gives life leech + attack speed + damage while leeching
Last passive can be either Martial prowess or Heavy Hittler, Martial prowess grants 11% increased damage and heavy hittler grants 4%

If you can't get the jewel, consider respec into life and mana leech (below vaal pact) which is only 2p away


I have seen many other replica alberon guides, but sadly non of them have as much strength as me nor dps. Also many people from the community have been asking me for build guide so here it is :)

This is probably one of the strongest build i have ever played including herald stacking build in delirium league(ofc tankiness cant be compared with that broken build). I might try to reach 2500 strength at some point if possible :)
Last edited by Samchy on Nov 7, 2020, 10:37:25 PM
Last bumped on Nov 22, 2020, 1:27:27 PM
Hello, i'm selling some GG strength stacking gear if someone is interested in making this build. IGN: LagBugDc

Hey testing out my new wander, looks great so far.
I just have problems with mana, i have 65 mana left and would like
to know how to fix the man regen/leech issue.
Last edited by Skyez666 on Nov 3, 2020, 4:43:45 PM
Hello trying out the build im noticing my single target damage is awful, mapping is really smooth im guessing because im a low on strength and missing 6 link(gems not being lvl20 etc) if there is something im missing any help would be grateful TY!! https://pastebin.com/sRbJBuck
Last edited by Errhinee on Nov 3, 2020, 9:47:47 PM
Hello trying out the build im noticing my single target damage is awful, mapping is really smooth im guessing because im a low on strength and missing 6 link(gems not being lvl20 etc) if there is something im missing any help would be grateful TY!! https://pastebin.com/sRbJBuck

ive run some maths.

1. hitchance is very low. 85% hitchance isn't good enough. try getting two split personality with str and accuracy if you have currencies. they're around 3ex atm. otherwise respec and grab few accuracy nodes. Acuity will give you 7% hitchance and 22% increased damage.

2. get Astramentis and anoint fusillade. it increases your damage by 15%

3. get Divergent HoA for 20% extra chance to poison. you only have 80% without coralito.

4. change craft mod on your wand to 50%+ increased damage over time for extra 4%

5. 5L should be PS / Vile Toxins / Barrage / Unbound Ailments / Deadly Ailments

6. Consider dropping Sould of Steel idk why you have it cos you have acrobatics. If u needed res Clooth and Chain (3p) will give you 16% all res
If you do all that will cost about 7~8ex and should be about 11mil dps with 5L and 15mil with 6L

7. Tweak some nodes and get 2 medium clusters if you can, should end up around 25mil

8. Anomalous blood rage helps a lot on single boss fight

9. Helmet and boots enchant will each give extra 8% damage

10. Look for 5% increased strength on Bravery and Defiance with your lethal pride for extra 9% increased damage (doesn't show on pob)

if you do all that should end up around 30mil+
Skyez666 wrote:
Hey testing out my new wander, looks great so far.
I just have problems with mana, i have 65 mana left and would like
to know how to fix the man regen/leech issue.

Mana leech only comes from the cluster jewel. if you dont/cant spec into it look for mana leech somewhere in tree (below vaal pact or Mind Drinker)

I wouldn't run flesh and stone with Lv4 Enlighten if u dont have mana leech cluster jewel. go with clarity until you can use cluster jwewel
Zypherlol wrote:
Hello, i'm selling some GG strength stacking gear if someone is interested in making this build. IGN: LagBugDc

idk why you say you got gg gears but looks pretty crap to me.
no flat STR on body armour,
no strength on ring with crafted life on both,
demon horn base wand is pretty bad(1.2aps vs 1.77aps on mine)
Last edited by Samchy on Nov 4, 2020, 12:16:51 AM
also dumb question when bossing do you just spam power siphon during the fight or what? power siphon for bosses and kinetic for clearing?
also dumb question when bossing do you just spam power siphon during the fight or what? power siphon for bosses and kinetic for clearing?

blood rage + enduring cry + totem and power siphon boss yeah

kinetic is for clearing. but during mapping you apply insane amount of poison so kinetic blast is often enough for map bosses
Sir how do you level with this?

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