[3.16]Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-AxeVersion- (Melee is dead)

As I have made the switch to staves, I am letting go some of my original gear for the right price.

As usual, HMU in game if interested.
Is the only way to get the ice crash helment enchant from the lab by just doing it over and over again?
Texansfan22 wrote:
Is the only way to get the ice crash helment enchant from the lab by just doing it over and over again?

Or buying it from others. XD
Last edited by Theryk on Oct 8, 2020, 11:39:53 AM
Hey love your guide so far leveling is awsome

but i have a question can you explain how to craft a proper Fleshripper like step by step im kinda still new to crafting (starded in harvest)

also i have around 100c if you have time can you explain what items to upgrade first ?

I personally don't really like to craft weapons myself as it is one of the most RNG-dependent process (especially with harvest bench being gone zzz).

You could buy a pre-made high pdps fleshripper and try to 6L it yourself.

Would not recommending crafting if u have 6 ex or less but if you really want to craft then buy a pre-6L ilvl83+ fleshripper base. Usually I start spamming perfect fossils till i get quality to 28+% . This is followed by spamming all sorts of currency (essences, jagged, etc.) that give pdps.

i understand your point of buying but i dont have the currency and i need the dmg to get to higher maps to get the currency to buy the weapon as in low tier maps nothing drops ...

can u give me any tips how to do it properly i played only necro spectre where u dont need anything to scale
Texansfan22 wrote:
Is the only way to get the ice crash helment enchant from the lab by just doing it over and over again?

No, get the base with enchant and craft on top of it what you need.

i understand your point of buying but i dont have the currency and i need the dmg to get to higher maps to get the currency to buy the weapon as in low tier maps nothing drops ...

can u give me any tips how to do it properly i played only necro spectre where u dont need anything to scale

You will need currency to get a high-pdps weapon anyways. Still, indeed you may be able to reduce the cost by crafting yourself quite significantly, though there is no guarantee given that it still relies on random outcomes.

1. Buy an ilvl83+ fleshripper
a) it can be either non-influenced or warlord influence, for you I'd recommend non-influenced since the mod pool is less dilluted
b) you can buy either 6-linked axe or not, it depends whether your body armour is 6-linked or not

2. Use perfect fossils with single-socket resonators to get 28+ quality on axe. If you can't afford perfect fossils, skip this part, as you can still add 28% quality with hillock or 30% quality with beast corrupt later

3. Buy single-socket resonators and jagged fossils. If you are low on currency, put them on live search and buy the freshly listed ones for lowest market price (crafting with fossils is more deterministic but still random, but I can give brief estimate - you should be able to get 600+pdps weapon within 10-60 attempts, and you should be able to get 700+pdps weapon within 50-250 attempts)

4. The key to actually succeeding in crafting is being able to identify when you have gotten something good, even though it may not look like it at the first glance. First of all, make sure you have advanced mod descriptions enables if you don't have that yet. Then, keep in mind that usually weapon after using fossil can still often have some empty affix slots, where you can craft %physical damage/flat phys/attack speed/crit. For example, you might get a weapon with hybrid%phys, flat phys, and attack speed - if it still has open prefix, then you can easily craft %phys onto it (keep in mind that best phys crafts cost 1ex though, but lower tiers are cheaper, like 2-4c). Sometimes the weapon might not have free crafting slots, but the mods they have are very high tier, and it is worth trying to use annulment orb trying to get lucky and remove some useless mod.

Overall, experience is the only thing that can make you better at crafting and realising what's good and how to proceed, but hopefully those few hints explain the process a little bit.

Just lowered the price of this fleshripper by 2 ex...really need it gone asap...the closest pdps weapons are all 3-4 exa more expensive than my listed price!
Hey guys been enjoying the build but I'm really struggling to stay alive in t14+ maps. Here is my gear if anyone can take a look and let me know what I need to do to get more survivability. I seem to really struggle on bosses especially.

I've tried switching out the abyssus with the other helm too, but haven't noticed too much of a difference.
Last edited by Gnarzid505 on Oct 8, 2020, 4:25:35 PM
Your hp is too little...why do u have life as es on your body armour when you can have increased max life craft?

Your gem setup is also very confusing...why do you not 6L ice crash but instead use a 5l setup with blood and sand on the armour?

Also try to use more armour bases and crafted life mod is just not enough going into end game. I would strongly suggest replacing the gloves, helm and romira's ring with high hp rares.

Gnarzid505 wrote:
Hey guys been enjoying the build but I'm really struggling to stay alive in t14+ maps. Here is my gear if anyone can take a look and let me know what I need to do to get more survivability. I seem to really struggle on bosses especially.

I've tried switching out the abyssus with the other helm too, but haven't noticed too much of a difference.

Get rid of surgebinders, circle of fear, romira's and replace them with rare items with life, resists and damage whenever you can fit it.
Respec Kinetic Impacts wheel and get more life from scion life wheel.
Try rolling better stats on armour, if anything craft %life/%mana instead.
Get 600+pdps fleshripper, offense is the best defence.
Quality up your taste of hate.
Get few more levels.
If it's still not enough respec from Unyielding to Unbreakable.

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