Hideout Bug: Default Objects Move Position ++

Hideout Bug: Default Objects Move Position (NPCs, Waypoint, Spawn Position, Stash, Guild Stash, Map Device, Crafting Bench)

Authors note:
Good day exile,
This post is designed to be a head post to describe the problem, the workaround and link all the related posts from other people.
Please reply to it if this issue affects you and if this workaround helps you (or not) or if you have a better solution.
Let's raise the profile of this bug and get it fixed.
Thank you for your support.

The problem with hideouts where NPCs and default objects move between instance resets and relogs has been reported many times by many people over a long period of time.
Despite that it does not appear to be included the list of known issues or scheduled to have a resolution.

Some time after importing a hideout file random NPCs and/or default objects move position - such as the waypoint, map device, stash, guild stash and crafting bench.
This behaviour is observed after a relog or period of time away from the hideout.

On importing a hideout file, the doodads are written to the hideout database for that hideout base.
The default objects are placed in the locations noted in the hideout file but are not written to the database.
After the hideout instance is reset and reloaded from the database, one or more default objects have a saved position different to the original imported hideout file and so they move.
Other decorations are not affected.
The objects which move or are affected are always consistent.

Players can spawn into the hideout away from the waypoint.
NPCs will move position, possibly out of view / inside decorations and inaccessible.
The same can occur for the waypoint itself, map device, stash, guild stash and crafting bench.

Simrien wrote:
Xhul gave me this workaround and I have refined it (thank you Xhul).
Move each default object to force its position to be written to the hideout database for that hideout base.

1) Import the hideout file.
This resets your hideout putting all the default objects where they should be.

2) Reclaim all the decorations.
This leaves just the default objects.

3) Go around each default object and move it left/right (or up/down) with the cursor keys.
This forces a write of the object position to your hideout database for that base.

4) Re-import the hideout file.
The default objects will no longer move between instance resets.

You will have to repeat the procedure each time you load a different hideout onto the same base.
This is a significant problem if you have multiple hideouts on the same hideout base.

For all those people who engage in the building and collection of hideouts this is a significant quality of life problem.
GGG, I and the entire hideout building community would be very grateful if could allocate some resource to resolving it please.


Example 1:
Before: Correct location of Helena, Jun, Sister Cassia and Crafting Bench in Sanguina Basilica

After: After a relog, Helena has gone indoors, Jun has wandered up the street, the waypoint has moved and the Crafting bench has disappeared.

Why: The default object positions have reverted to their previously saved positions on this hideout base, Coral Village.

Example 2:
Before: Correct location of Zana, Navali, Map Device and Stashes in Sanguina Basilica

After: After a relog, Kirac has moved, the map device, stash and guild stash wandered off. Zana and Navali are AWOL.

Why: The default object positions have reverted to their previously saved positions on this hideout base, Coral Village.

For the very best examples of custom built hideouts visit hideoutshowcase.com
Last edited by Simrien on Jun 10, 2020, 6:22:37 AM
Last bumped on Jun 10, 2020, 5:51:13 AM
This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
Hello there.
Good job on the thread regroupment, Simrien.

@GGG :
That bug has been there probably since the import/export feature was implemented, and is reported at least once every 3 days.
I know you're a busy company and all, but that's a ton of unanswered threads, not to mention the bug is 100% reproductible, and has been deeply documented by the community.
I mean, i even created a guide about it in the "Hideout Showcase" section to limit the flood in "Bug Reports".
If you ask me, when players start to do that, there's a problem, especially when you sell hideout microtransactions.
Do we really have to go through reddit (again) to get your attention ?
Nice thread, i can confirm it's been there for a while and is pretty annoying when we're importing an hideout, it'd be great to fix it please.
📜My hideout thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2542497
Last edited by Synopsis on Jun 8, 2020, 12:52:39 PM
Thank you, I greatly appreciate your support with a view to getting this fixed.

It's annoying but fixable with the workaround but only if you have one loadout on a specific hideout base.

I don't, I have 2 on the Coral Hideout base - and soon to have 3 - so switching hideouts is an absolute pain.
It should be load and go... not load and spend 10 minutes fixing it every time you want to switch hideout.

Xhul raises a very good point around MTX hideouts.
I've bought one and have my eye on more.

This is therefore not a free feature and reasonable to expect a level of support for it.
Last edited by Simrien on Jun 10, 2020, 4:43:42 AM
Hey everyone, thanks for your patience regarding this matter and for the very helpful and detailed reports!

I've added this to the Known Issues thread, and it should be fixed when 3.11.0 is deployed. :)
Need some help? Contact us at support@grindinggear.com

Queen of Padlocks
Thank you Rachel, that is wonderful news :0)

I will check the behaviour once Patch 3.11.0 is deployed.
A big thank you from me and I'm sure, the entire Hideout building community.
Last edited by Simrien on Jun 10, 2020, 6:47:14 AM

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