Hideout Bug


I have bug my Hideout dont save the position when i come back to my Hideout all Masters and items are moved.

Reference Number : 3.750.262.340.
Last edited by MajorLazer77 on Jan 26, 2020, 9:23:14 AM
Last bumped on Jun 8, 2020, 4:32:56 AM
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same here. the last patch broke so many things, its annoying.
i am having a similar problem but it only happens with my map device and my waypoint when i leave my hideout
Same thing here.
A few days ago I switched to this fancy hideout. When I log in and go to the hideout, I'm at a specific point in the center of it instead of where the waypoint should be; also, NPCs are in wrong positions (in particular, Navali is inside some decorations). Reimporting the hideout file fixes it, but visiting players still appear in that center spot.
After I reimported the hideout and moved everything around slightly (the waypoint, the crafting bench, and each NPC), they spawn in proper positions. This should be the temporary fix until it's fixed properly.

As far as I can tell, the bug is that when I import, new locations of those objects are not recorded.
I would like to raise the profile of this problem.

It's clearly not new and the fix appears simple...
When a hideout is imported write the default object locations to the hideout database for that base.

Xhul also gave me the solution and I refined it (thank you Xhul)

After importing the hideout file reclaim all the decorations.
This leaves just the default objects.
Go around each object and move it left/right (or up/down) with the cursor keys.
This writes the object location to your hideout database.
Reimport the hideout file and hey presto they will no longer move between relogs or instance resets.

The reason for the reclaim reload steps is that it can be very difficult to select the default objects with a full loadout of doodads in your hideout.

This is not a viable solution if you have multiple hideouts on the same base.
For example I have 2 hideouts on the Coral Hideout base (and will eventually have 3).
Between switches I would have to move every default object and that does not allow for quick switching.

I have contacted GGG support directly on this problem and encourage that if you experience this problem to do the same.

Given the apparent age of this problem, the number of people reporting it and the apparent lack of a fix the bug report forum is ineffective in influencing change in this instance.
Only by making noise about the problem will we get it fixed.
Please see my new post on this subject where I go into detail and lend your support.
Last edited by Simrien on Jun 8, 2020, 4:38:12 AM

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