Atlas Changes in 3.10.0

Can we get maps within maps back? That was kinda fun in and of itself.
Marluxiar wrote:
RaZeR_90 wrote:
XeoTech wrote:
Reflect damage is pure toxic cancer waste of time. This is a fossil of an old era. You had your cute little fun with making people die with this pure cheese tactic mod. Get rid of it.

Cannot regenerate Mana/Life/Energy shield is obnoxious toxic cancerous map mod. Complete and total nonsensical cheese mod showing lazy design effort without thinking about repercussions to builds.

All Path of Exile players says "THIS!"

No regen ? make a leech build, equip a mana flask for when skill without hitting ennemies
damage reflect mod ? use a sextant to counteract it or have a chaos build, or a pure phys build for ele reflect, and an elemental build for phys reflect...

Pure elemental builds are popular. Pure phys builds are very viable even if not the strongest atm, still lots of fun.

Stop whinning because you can't do all maps with a single build. POE is made to have build variety.

amen brother
rami1337 wrote:
Nerf Selfcurse and make HH buff duration unmodifiable!

just remove f*cking HH.
rami1337 wrote:
Nerf Selfcurse and make HH buff duration unmodifiable!

just remove f*cking HH.

Yeah, remove the one (or one of the very, very few remaining) chase item(s) in the game that less than 1% of players will ever use ever in their PoE careers that is only situationally not universally powerful.

HH is fine and it always has been. Relax.
XeoTech wrote:
Hey GGG.

It really is quite simple here.

You have always treated map drops like they're some kind of golden super high tier reward that you should have to grind your eyeballs out to get. This is the wrong attitude.

The year is 2020, people's average attention spans are dwindling at a rapid pace, down to almost 4 seconds before you lose someone's interest. If you don't feed players a constant source of end game mapping, they're going to become BORED and QUIT.

This should trigger a flag to you, even from a business model, where you want to maximize player retention and interest to sell more MTX. You do this by providing a positive reward system, aka the flooding of maps to keep the player interested.

Let people run T15 beachhead 24/7 all day every day.

Let people farm T16s until their CPU case fans burn out.

Let people endlessly farm Delve, remove Sulphite entirely, it is a stupid gating system.

Remove all "gating" systems and let everything run crazy and free.

Stop trying to treat Sirus as some super ultimate grind fest end game boss that requires 300 maps to spawn. That is quite silly. In Diablo 2 you could just farm Diablo endlessly without spawning influence and other nonsense.

Over and out.

Здравствуйте, меня зовут Кеша и я лицемер, плохой человек, меня здесь недолюбливают, и еще я очень старый и у меня нереальных высот ЧСВ.
Sadauka wrote:
the one huge downside to the new atlas for me was that if you like to play with friends it is a lot less rewarding.

If you normaly have a party of 5 persons everyone plays solo because everyone can spawn the awakener way faster solo.

The awakener gave you so massive currency (awakener orbs) that playing in a group is less rewarding as to play with friends.

We only did kill the gourdians and sirius together. and start spawning them solo again.

Make coop play more rewarding or the solo play less rewarding, please.

I've been playing this league quite consistently over the past three months; during that time I've managed to down sirus twelve times. Now, I'm the first to admit I'm not a speedster that rather farms than just kills off a few hour a day like other people. But a quick multiplication exercise to that number yields a number of just below 400 maps to get to those 12 Sirus kills, and that's when you find a conqueror almost immediately in an area. Oh, and I play solo.

What I'm saying is that it takes a lot of time to spawn Sirus. A lot more that it used to take to spawn the elder or the shaper. So making the dropas less valueable for solo playing seems to me, at least, the wrong way to go about it.

Now, your argument is that spawning Sirus solo is quicker than partying up and spawning him together. Well.....yes, since if you're six you could do it in a sixth of the time required to do it solo. So basically you get at least six times the rewards as you do when you only solo. Secondly, what's the diffrence from pre 3.9? You could do the exact same thing, spawning the elder and shaper in the sixth of the time required as solo palying.

So basically you get more chances at good loot when partying, depending on how you allocate the drops. And as far I know, IIQ bonus for partying hasn't changed with 3.9; Hence the IIQ bonus for being in a party of 4 or more, is at 150% for currency, Items are at 73% bonus, and rarity stands at a bonus of 44%.

No of the above mentioned paragraph applies to solo play. It seems to me that you've missed some vital pieces in your farming puzzle; I'm going to go through them step by step: Spawn the Conquerors and Sirus by yourselves, then invite at least 3 friends or other to party with (divide the time solo-spawn by the number of people in the party, subtract that from the solo-spawning-time and you get time saved). And the last and final step, this is the most important one - Kill Sirus and the conquerors - Et Violá - LOOT BONANZA!!!! A lot more than solo killing.

So making the drops lower for solo, seems.......harsh. I think you've gotten you're concept wrong; solo spawning has always been quicker. It's the mechanism of partying when taking down the big guys that's always been the key to more and better loot. How you guys manage the drop allocation is an internal issue within the party. Now if you really want the help each other but still can't overcome that feeling of jealousy when someone else gets a good drop allocated to them, just set some ground rules. For instance the owner of the spawn gets all the loot. If anyone breaks that rule, then shun that person for good.

Hopefully you'll take this to heart and see that partying is a lot more rewarding. And I believe that if you re-read your post again; You'll notice that you're all over the place and it's quite difficult to understand what you really want to say. So I've just taken that last line of yours as the intent of your post.
I think the max all resist is a big no no as far as map mods go. Far too risky for HC. I would much prefer an increase in elemental dmg that would be significant but would not kill you in an instant so you could feel the increased dmg at the start of the map and could then decide whether or not you would like to continue the map. The instant dead out of nowhere in general in Path of Exile is the biggest issue I have about the game as far as HC content goes (and I almost exclusively play HC). I dont know what the solution for this could be. Maybe a warning tool by entering maps that informs player about deadly map mods or far more deadly bosses than the average boss on those map tiers. I dont think that this kind of message would spoil too much to a new player since it wouldnt need to be too specific. For experienced players this kind of warning message would insure that they have a safety-net for loosing a character for no reason (e.g. physical builds with physical reflect mods. most ppl will avoid this mod but sometimes out of an oversight run a map with this mod and get instantly killed for no real reason. This kind of dead doesnt feel good in any way.) For me a really unsatisfying Death last league was a death caused by the lightning synthesis Boss: I was having no problem with all the content I was engaging (maybe the tier of that unique map is just too low. If the tier of the map would be much higher it would maybe make ppl more cautious naturally) and just got one shot by that boss. Any player who has experienced that boss will be highly cautious whether or not to engage the fight. So I dont think that a simple warning message for this kind of fight would spoil too much but rather would tell new players to consider if their HC character is ready for this content or not. By contrast my death to the boss of the core map on tier 14+ with a clear avoidable one shot slam did make me feel sad of course but didnt feel bad at the same time since I was on a red map and new that in this content range boss fight should be dangerous is some way. I knew I messed up and it was a "deserved" death and when starting this fight I already knew that a death could be an outcome thus making me excited before starting the fight and also preparing myself emotionally of a possible death outcome. Loosing a character out of nowhere without any kind of preparation just makes me feel empty and somewhat angry and often results in stopping the game for some amount of time, while a death that was caused by e.g. a conqueror boss fight almost never makes me stop playing the game and just will just encourage me to become a better player and continue trying to beat the game.
bla bla bla, no pay for u ggg
schusaku wrote:
I think the max all resist is a big no no as far as map mods go. Far too risky for HC. I would much prefer an increase in elemental dmg that would be significant but would not kill you in an instant so you could feel the increased dmg at the start of the map and could then decide whether or not you would like to continue the map. The instant dead out of nowhere in general in Path of Exile is the biggest issue I have about the game as far as HC content goes (and I almost exclusively play HC). I dont know what the solution for this could be. Maybe a warning tool by entering maps that informs player about deadly map mods or far more deadly bosses than the average boss on those map tiers. I dont think that this kind of message would spoil too much to a new player since it wouldnt need to be too specific. For experienced players this kind of warning message would insure that they have a safety-net for loosing a character for no reason (e.g. physical builds with physical reflect mods. most ppl will avoid this mod but sometimes out of an oversight run a map with this mod and get instantly killed for no real reason. This kind of dead doesnt feel good in any way.) For me a really unsatisfying Death last league was a death caused by the lightning synthesis Boss: I was having no problem with all the content I was engaging (maybe the tier of that unique map is just too low. If the tier of the map would be much higher it would maybe make ppl more cautious naturally) and just got one shot by that boss. Any player who has experienced that boss will be highly cautious whether or not to engage the fight. So I dont think that a simple warning message for this kind of fight would spoil too much but rather would tell new players to consider if their HC character is ready for this content or not. By contrast my death to the boss of the core map on tier 14+ with a clear avoidable one shot slam did make me feel sad of course but didnt feel bad at the same time since I was on a red map and new that in this content range boss fight should be dangerous is some way. I knew I messed up and it was a "deserved" death and when starting this fight I already knew that a death could be an outcome thus making me excited before starting the fight and also preparing myself emotionally of a possible death outcome. Loosing a character out of nowhere without any kind of preparation just makes me feel empty and somewhat angry and often results in stopping the game for some amount of time, while a death that was caused by e.g. a conqueror boss fight almost never makes me stop playing the game and just will just encourage me to become a better player and continue trying to beat the game.

I'm sorry i didn't have faith to read everything since it's not airy :p
Minus Max res is not that bad by itself, it's a 50% more damage for SOME monsters.
As a single mod, extra damage is much stronger.

The most dangerous one is 2 extra projectiles since monsters can shotgun, so this mod is basically high chance of triple damage.

as a HC player i really believe minus max is over rated.

I would classify most dangerous mods like that :
reflect (if you're tired)
no regen (not dangerous but most annoying by far :p)
extra proj
monster AOE
boss AOE
minus max
extra elem dmg
extra dmg
etc etc

edit : forgot about hexproof because when i rely on curses i make sure i can curse hexproof ennemies, be it with a cospri's malice, an occultist, or whatever othe mean exists
Last edited by Marluxiar on Mar 5, 2020, 3:30:58 PM
There're too many unique builds that function completely different. If map mods exist, most builds will have mods/combos they can't do.

It's not really a fixable problem without completely removing certain mods, or completely removing certain builds.

I'm more annoyed that they think having extra maps is a bad thing. Temple is garbage and shouldn't have went core...stop trying to keep it alive. Delve is still awesome for plenty of things besides maps, but you guys phased it out by adding extra unnecessary layers to Atlas progression.

You're trying to band-aid a bigger wound.
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