Tyrs Paladium is Hiring! "The 30-70+ Year Olds' Guild"

Welcome to Tyrs Paladium Hattor, Princess Zarnia, and Bundyka!!!
I have applied and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time.
Thank you for filling out our app --- it was a fun read and I think you'll make GOOD FRIENDS in Tyrs Paladium during and after the current league. You're in!
Well met AllainaDremar and Theriatron,

... and Welcome to Tyrs Paladium!! Don't forget to create a post in our Roster & Recruitment section, guildies DO read them and you will feel welcome here ON DAY ONE!!

possible to join? im 39 from the netherlands
IGN Squwelly

Please add me

Yes indeed its possible for you to join Squwelly & Tuberiolse! Thank you for the inquiry!

We do require an application to be filled out so that our officers and leadership can review it. Typically the response time is within 24 hours.

Look forward to seeing you BOTH in game very soon! I'll be on the lookout for your apps!

When you get to the site -- please read the guild rules, and if you think they are fair head over to fill out the app!

Last edited by AandretheGiant on Feb 15, 2020, 11:26:24 AM
Just filled out an application on the website. I'm usually either on TripleBeams or TriplePets.
Yer in! Have a drink on us Triple!

Last edited by AandretheGiant on Feb 16, 2020, 5:09:57 AM
I filled out an application and am waiting on an invite to this wonderful sounding guild. IGN MandrolMDU......MandrolSpinny in standard
Last edited by Mandrol on Feb 17, 2020, 1:36:19 PM

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