Remi's Icicle Miner (archived)

saraming wrote:
Does "Machina Mitts" that give us leech from mine dmg is good for this build or not? (seems it's very hard to find in this league)

So here is a small problem by replacing gloves.
In short run this is good, able to sustain your survivability. But on the long run you will lose damage.

Why? because shaped gloves can give you a pseudo 5l trap and mine damage that boost your damage.

I don't have the chance to try it for now, but it looks good on paper, i'm also not sure if the leech is massive (like 1 hit leech your full life back), if that's so it is good but if it's not then you need some reconsideration.

Thanks for a really great looking build, along with a detailed guide. Most likely will be my league starter in 3.9.

ty =p <33. Happy to find that you found this guide helpful for you.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide :
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
This is my starter thanks to your work you put to that guide. It is best build guide i`ve found for long time.
Hope we can make it even better when leaguee starts.
Thanks for it man!
can you play this tree for arc mines??
It is a generic mine crit build with np focus on specific element damage so yes
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide :
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
thank you so much!
Is this guide finished so far or are you expecting some real issues since league start that you need to adapt or change?
This Icicle Miner guide is finished, but what do you mean by "real issues" tho? Like scaling damage issues? I don't quite get it
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide :
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
First of all, pretty nice guide, every aspect its clearly explained, said that:

This Icicle Miner guide is finished, but what do you mean by "real issues" tho? Like scaling damage issues? I don't quite get it

Im having REALLY REALLY damage issues, can you check real quick my pob and tellme what im doing wrong

i would really apreciatte that.
First time playing mines and am having a blast! One HUGE benefit with this build in Metamorph is the way you can LOS a lot of the bosses and spam them down from around corners with mines which do great damage and dispose of the summoned trash within no time.

That being said

Is what I am using right now in SSF but I just picked up a Tremor Rod and wondering if I should dump currency in to it or simply abandon two-hand altogether for one-hand and shield.

Thanks for the great build in any case!
Is tremor rod a good idea for this build?

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