[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

Recently change from poison Cobra Slash/ Venom Gyre to Pestilent Strike and find way more success using it as poison Claw Assassin.
Much better clear/ Blight encounter with 100% win rate ever since the swap. (All in t14~16 maps)

Video Demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31JNDYRG9rc&feature=youtu.be
(Forgot to show the map, but it's t15 Cove with 80% qii.)

This setup use the exact same setup as the Cobra Slash/ Venom Gyre set up, but with much smoother clear than both of those skills. All you need to do is swap out 3 gems, using Pestilent Strike, Ancestral Call, and Melee Splash.

This build function like a melee ED Contagion/ Melee Worb.
The AOE from Pestilent Strike do seem to "shotgun" the whole packs when using Ancestral Call + Melee Splash, much like how Worb works.
This result into a more deadly poison proliferation effect.
The bigger the packs the higher this build damage becomes.
Even blight unique melt in 2~5 seconds IF there're packs around it.

Amazing clear, amazing Blight clearer. (So far I haven't fail a single blight in red maps ever since I swap to Pestilent Strike. It literally melt every packs no matter their size). In addition it has better synergy with Plague Bearer because of the melee zoom zoom nature.

However, this build requires you to swap out 3 gems when facing real challenging end game single target boss like Shaper Guardians . You need to swap to Viper Strike, Multistrike, and Fortify to feel smooth fighting those.

Also this build is still a melee so it's more risky playing it. Good thing is 75% dodge, blind and 50% evasion do trivialize most mapping encounters.

POB code: https://pastebin.com/V36XrRat

PS: My gears are far from optimized yet.
No dps on rings, very meh Amulet, no good glove like Fenemus, and only using medium tier weapons. (1 ex worth) With lv21 Pestilent Strike and better gears the build should be even smoother/ stronger.
Last edited by mic01851165 on Sep 21, 2019, 6:07:02 AM
OK I lied. I put blood rage back in, but I took the Growth and Decay nodes, which gives you 2% regen. That plus 1% from Heart of Oak and 0.5% from Resourcefulness gives you 3.5% regen, which makes it so you are barely losing health between packs.

That being said, because I am a bit OCD, I think I am going to try and get 1% regen on my helmet.

Here is a link to my lvl 95 tree:

dyNa1337 wrote:
Hello guys,

I see a lot of questions in this thread and a lot of people asking what to do and so on.. it would take too much time to answer every question, but I stream this build almost daily at:


and I gladly answer all the questions I can :)

For all those wondering, who I am - I am the first guy who had Uber Elder down with this build and uploaded some videos on this thread.


I'll be live now and farm some juiced up T16 Burial Chambers and happily answer questions that you have!
I uploaded a video where I melt through a T15 Coves, including the blight event.
Map even has phys reflect, doesnt bother the build at all!

I just got in maps with this build, it seems to be pretty smooth and i'd like to ask some questions:

-how important is the aspect of a spider? I am not sure that all that mana reservation is justified unless i run -mana cost on both rings to be able to spam venom gyre. If it's important i guess i can fit them in, just new to squishy assassin builds. I am trying some tombfist as an alternative (i had them in the stash and used them for leveling) and i think they are worth consideration.

-what notable is recommended as anointment in the amulet?

-for optimization of the rings i was thinking of buying/crafting one with a curse and assassin's mark seems the obvious choice but i was wondering if warlord could be better for the survivablity the endurance charges may provide (I am thinking about end game bosses like uber elder) since the damage seems pretty high already. Thoughts?

Great guide, I hope to see it finished it great detail.
Last edited by Dortin on Sep 21, 2019, 6:28:58 AM

Need some crafting advice... I want to craft + additional curse on it, but I am not sure, if I first should enable it for multimod. Is it worth it for another specific suffix mod to multimod it? Or shall I just mod additional curse and afterwards slam it with 2 ex to get 6 mods on it? Thanks for advice. Either way I still need to farm enough currency first. ;-)
What would be the best neck enchant with the oils for this build?
Thx for answers.
Akkatoraa wrote:
What would be the best neck enchant with the oils for this build?
Thx for answers.

I recommend Whispers of Doom so you can apply two curses (temporal chains and despair) or Dirty Techniques for a cheaper alternative.
Do we still prioritize Temp chains over Despair?
IGN: Delran
Last edited by Delran2 on Sep 21, 2019, 10:56:47 AM
Went down from 10 million to 8.2 million so i could run these

They are amazing for blights with venom gyre. Also huge high level packs get shredded faster.

A couple jewels with 6-8% projectile speed is enough to send venom gyre projectiles off screen.

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