Synthesis Challenge Rewards and Betrayal Migration Information

Not gonna lie, all three look both forgetable and underwhelming. Hopefully the league will be the exact opposite.
Me luvs scifi. Noice stuff!
Depending on how much RNG will be involved, I might go for the challenges or not.

The pet is nice, the helmet is something that I have plenty of, and the back attachment while looks nice, again so many leagues gave so many of the same.

We need some weapon effect as a reward, or some character effect like from harbinger league, something different. Portal+helmet+back attachment have been done I think too many times in the last 2-3 years.
Natalia_GGG wrote:
Your unveiled mods will be carried over to Standard but you'll need to wait until you see Jun again

Most important information - so I still can at least for one more league season proceed in perma... no problem with the little gap between migration and league start on friday.
webas wrote:
What about alva? If my alva is not level 7.. how will I know how to level up it? f*ck..

Temple discovery should be 'documented'.

grayscaler wrote:
with betrayal merging with standerd is my standered atlas going to remain as the low completion one or will i get the full completion betrayal atlas merged over

Usually, it is the same for the atlas as for any other 'progress': the highest/most completed/progressed will be kept (but for atlas and master: will need until new league begins for 'full' migration!)
But, this time (or: with any atlas/map overhaul) the atlas will be scabled again (probably also with new map iteration?), and all of us will have our complete progress reset on friday. (as asssistance in perma leagues you can run just high maps to catch their full progress up in the new atlas)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
The wings are nice, really nice. Too bad I´ll never be able to wear them.
I wish there would be some exclusive reward for ppl grinding 40/40.

Not feeling special enough? I wished they removed challenges, so many people think achievements and so-called challenges are what they have to play for. SO sad, I really feel for you people with a need for a huge swinging e-peen.
Rather underwhelmed by the Helm and Pet. Love the wings though.
Such a grind to get to 36/40, and by that time league is half over so you don't get to fully enjoy the wings through the league!
So bad, especially the rigid cardboard wings.

I thought the idea of becoming less backwards compatable and getting rid of dx9 etc was so we didnt have stuff like rigid cardboard wings.

Now for the silver lining.
At least there is no pressure to grind for this crap.
Last edited by plodd on Mar 4, 2019, 11:20:26 AM
I wish there would be some exclusive reward for ppl grinding 40/40.

You get a trophy.

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