Skill Reveals - Purifying Flame, Wave of Conviction and Divine Ire

So one thing that I care about is this "exposure" has 100% effectiveness on boss?
Swiech wrote:
Am I the only one who wants to see more Instant Skills? Playing Vortex was the most enjoyable experience of PoE ever.

For me, my most enjoyable build is using CoC cyclone Ice nova on top of stacking Vortex to apply additional chill effect to get bonus damage from Hyperthermia and that amulet on bosses :P

Yeah, Vortex instant cast is such joy.

Natalia_GGG wrote:
Skills that Reduce Resistances
We've standardised a few other skills that reduce resistances. Frost Bomb now applies -25% Cold Exposure instead of its resistance being part of the Frost Bomb debuff.
Scorching Ray now applies -25% Fire Exposure when reaching eight stages on enemies.
This change was made to give you a choice in how your elemental build reduces enemy resistances, rather than providing more options that can be combined to reduce resistances to unreasonably low levels.
We'll provide more options for sources of Fire, Lightning and Cold Exposure in the future.

What i the deal here?
SR does 24% fire pen and Frost Bomb 25 cold pen.

Looks like, the same effect but with a different name.

The same nonsense with calling self-cast, hand-hast ;)

Divine Ire is already DOA.
A challenling spell in a league which prefers clear speed & mobility. Looks like a trap tbh, but we will see.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
How do you think the wave will work with the new unleash support gem ? Would it make the waves cancel each other out or would it send out all the waves for their full duration

Edit: is unleash only for projectiles ?

This was just a thought on my phone at work haven’t put much thought into it
Last edited by ItsJustPete on Feb 27, 2019, 5:58:31 AM
I really like the look of Purifying Flame and will want to mess with that I think. It looks, dare I say, hot? :D
So hyped on this Skills
waaaaave convect me to take it oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah is my starter build and end game build
My god, I wish I had this
in synthesis with divine Ire and 50% cold conversion.

I think Divine ire is gonna be fun and could potentially scale very well in the same way as blade vortex.
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