Is It me or is this Game becoming Path of No-Lifing....

BlessedLore wrote:
As the title suggests, is it me or is this game becoming Path of No-Lifing. First let me say I have been playing this game for years and I have mostly enjoyed my time in the game and I have supported GGG by means of buying various supporter packs and loot boxes and such. I say this all as my disclaimer, I love this game but can't help but see the direction the game has been going and it saddens me. I have seen a steady increase over the last few leagues of RNG gating RNG and gating of end-game even by RNG as well.

But this current league mechanic of gating crafting in delve and etc is crazy. Every league previously it's been no problem to 6s/6l stuff for me and or craft my gear as well. And I'm not even talking about high crafts ether. Gating 4s/4l in delve and then gating 6s/6l in abyssal delve is crazy. This game is ever increasingly catering to the 1% streamers and no-lifer's. Us casuals are being left behind in the dust. I like the league and I like this game but gating crafting as they have done in this current league has greatly reduced my enjoyment while playing this league and this is the same for many of my friends and guildies that play as well. I wanted to buy a supporter pack and for once actually like all the mtx's in the Fairgrave's loot boxes but have decided not to purchase anything this time around because of this piss poor development decision and where I see the game heading.

GGG why do you cater to the no-lifer's and streamer's so much, the rest of us the casuals make the majority and we do support you by way of buying your supporter packs and mtx's; I know I'm not the only one to feel this way and to be honest hope you, GGG turn this stuff around, PoE is a great game and the best thing out at the moment. But if this isn't corrected by next league honestly myself and many others are thinking of leaving the game maybe not permanently but maybe. This isn't a rant post or me wanting all gear loot etc lols, don't really care about that, but more so about the mechanics each league keep getting more and more cringe-ier....

What do you all think am I off my rocker or am I spot on, look forward to seeing the reply's and consensus of the community's mindset on this.

Sincerely, (A disenchanted avid player of PoE)

You aren't off your rocker. I feel the same way. I'm glad you made this thread. Spot on. I don't even care to play anymore of this league.
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 15, 2019, 1:12:21 AM
Funny how the people who agree have like 5 challenges completed 1.5 months into the league, LUL.

Yeah it's a fucking joke like I can't stress enough how casual the game has become yet here you casuals are thinking it's run by no lifers hahaha naw far from it.

I'm not a no-lifer or pr0 player by any means, more like a mid tier-baddie, and I agree - the game is already more casual than it should be.

And what is OP even complaining about? Muh supporter packs, muh money... och, you have to actually play the game to get the crafting recipes, yeah that's totally too hardcore. Doing those brain-dead master missions was much better.

rzuk892 wrote:
Funny how the people who agree have like 5 challenges completed 1.5 months into the league, LUL.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION those 6 challenges were completed in 2-3 weeks and I haven't played since then b/c league is mouthwash.

Now shut up and smell my breath.

/sticks tongue out

Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 15, 2019, 1:56:45 AM
I prefer this system.
Better than do some ez boring quest from the old master. Took me a month or two to level them to level 8 to get crafting mod. only take me 7 days in this league to get all meta craft mod. ( The only hard one to get is 6 Link Socket i guess ).
I spent like what 3 days building a 2.5 exalt character who did the mastermind and shaper deathless.

That said the way the 6 link recipe is gated is annoying as hell. It shouldn't be so hard to get. And by hard I mean RNG hard.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Jan 15, 2019, 2:56:39 AM
What do you mean it has been no problem to 6s/6l gear for you in the past?
You mean you collected 1500 fusings and used vorici? How is that not no-lifing already?

and if you did it manually then you can do it now all the same.
What exactly do you want to be corrected? That an ARPG isn't about grinding anymore?
Really I think this league is actually catering more towards casual players. You can do whatever you want, there is more variety, especially in how you want to make currency if that is what you're complaining about.

People should just stop comparing to streamers all the time. I play 2 hours a day and having a blast and I don't cry in my bed because I don't have 5 characters level 95+, 8 6Links and chaining pure breachstones.
Last edited by leto2626 on Jan 15, 2019, 3:00:06 AM
Just play permas. Even my brother killed uber atiziri after 3 years playing a couple hours a month - one toon level 93 after 3 years. Look man can't dance at all the balls. Sometimes you can play the league and get to end sometimes not because you have othr things to do.. NO BIG DEAL
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jan 15, 2019, 3:25:02 AM
nah man you right.

this game will fail so hard.

why do you think they pump out bullshit content every 3 months?

because they cant keep a stable playerbase of more then 50k people lol.

it looked fun at first but then we realized how tedious and bullshit betrayal is... its all self gating content, veiled modes suck because you don't know how much mods you missing so you are forced to pick that junk up and unveil it endlessly hoping you will get some craft you don't even know is missing because the GGG is so braindead they couldn't fucking put unknown recepies grayed out in the craftbench so you actually know what the fuck you are missing and what is possible to craft... also how exactly is this better then grinding master missions before if you will be forced to unveil every craftbench every league since it would be imba for players to have acess to old crafts at start?

betrayal is worst league ever, if it didnt come with all the revamped beastery incursion and delve it would be hands down most tedious and boring league so far.. except maybe Torment but at least that wasnt tedious.

GGG has no idea what the fuck they are doing with their design philosophy, they implment AH like system for chinese market, give bullshit excuses for it not being implemented in our market, Xbox version doesnt even have a chat and its trade system is the same as the one on PC meaning its here to boost "player interaction".... how the fuck are you supposed to "player interact" in poe without a fucking chat?

game is getting mechanics implemented that no one asked for or wanted... Chris said in Ziz interview he didn't know what the new elemental statuses or bonechill does... 1 day before betrayal release.

So who the fuck does? Who the fuck goes in GGG and says hey lets make a bullshit helm no one will use in 3 variants that gives new elemental statuses no one gives a fuck about?

great idea get right on it sir.

Honestly I think GGG is making shit out of their ass at this point just trying to keep PoE relevant and turn it into something without realizing how much their design approach is ruining and undermining the game itself.

Not 1 month into this league we already had a 10k players dip. Its around 20-50k players now from 123k peak.... this is how much this game is interesting to people. And steam is 2/3rds of playerbase so yea...its maybe at 100k players.. more like 50k base.

The game did it to itself by constantly ignoring all the problems players want GGG to adress because they are too busy self glorifying themselves how much "they listen to players" and then years and years proceed to do just the opposite.

Players dont want bullshit content that selfgates itself. This is the best they could have done? Seriously?

Players dont want 20 leagues packed in 1.

There is already so much shit... Delve, Incursion, Prophecy, Beastery, Syndicate (which gates Delve with scarabs), Breachstones, Atlas, Lab... like holy shit. And thats just basis... imagine in 2-3 years ? What, every new league will be 1093019301 leagues before combined? Also the tediousnes and overcomplication of new leagues is bullshit, i want simple leagues like they were not this Cluedo shit where i gotta struggle for 1 month to get vorici into fucking research. Whoever made Syndicate mechanics should be hit in a head. Repeatedly.

Fuck you and your bullshit RNG'ing everything. This game will never go mainstream no matter how much it tries, and imagine how much Tencent will push that agenda now.... making GGG under even more pressure then they setthemselves in.

They created a fucking hamsterwheel with this content 3 month bullshit because they dont wanna bother to fix the existing issues that werent adressed for years and maybe create a trade system that would actually be usefull to use and not force people to play SSF because they don't wanna bother with trading at all since its so complicated for no reason. Don't give me that bullshit excuses, there is simply NO EXCUSE for not having a searchable index of tradetabs in the game. Forcing players to alt tab the fucking GAME in order to perform a basic GAME FUNCTION is like why 50% of people quit this game, trust me. Its pointless and retarded and has no real explanation to it except GGG probably not being capable enough to fucking program it in the fucking game in the first place. (remember the "it will be hard to program tab "searches"" bullshit?). Gheez.

Im done. I have been playing this game since 2013, over 6k hours on steam, probably twice as much on retail... havent played for a year before betrayal i came back nothing fucking changed it just got worse.

Fuck them and their bullshit desing philosophy, overnerfing usefull uniques and casting them to oblivion just because they dont wanna balance shit but instead prefer to metashift the fucking game.


At this point it just seems like a giant ball of ideas glued together exactly because there is no clear consensus on what the fuck we trying to achieve with this game. When 3 years later I came and still its much cheaper and easier to make autocasting mine/trap/totemist that can do endgame content on 2ex budget tops and has the advantage of moving while dealing dmg compared to 5ex minimum budget and usually much much much more for any meleee or "non meta build" character to do the same... .what exactly is the point of this game?

play meta builds to save up money so you can do your nieche builds? fuck that.

And no, the game got incredibly easy. MOst classes dont even need a 6l anymore. What the fuck. And all these shaper and elder mods what the fuck? Too OP, the powercreep is too big just like any other game they dont adress the balance and they just add new content hoping it will render old problems unoticable while its undermining the old content making everyone just power rush to new one. Its retarded and pointless instead of focusing on balance and variations they focus on fucking power creeps and adding shit that sounds good on paper but undermines the whole backbone of a game.

This game is pointless. YOu can do endgame content on a 2ex budget build so you can farm shitload of ex for incremental character buffs so you could... do endgame content again?

Unless you are a twitch streamer or one of these premades that wanna be server first in mirrors this game really doesn't offer anything to a casual player except "follow guides and play current meta" because much of usefull and once cool content is rendered useless by the endgame power creep and their own stupid design philosophy. For a game that has 889 unique items around 870 of those are total shit. Because GGG nerfed them to oblivion and gave them too big drawbacks and thats also consufing as fuck to anyone whos new to the game because uniques first shouldnt be so abundant, shitty and cheap. Thats exactly the opposite of the word "unique".

Yea "just because you are unique doesn't mean you are useful" holds true but in nieche cases not for 870 fucking cases.

Gheez. There is just so much, I could go on for years. And would still list all problems before they fucking admit or adress any.

So yea, lose hope man, 2018 was a year of revelation. Game developers are fucking clueless. THey have no fucking idea what they want, because buisness metrics dictate the developer.

Its all about that MTX and money, game is put into 2nd perspective after that.
Its sour to eat that shit but fuck it, its what it is. YOu can either decieve yourself to make yourself feel good about choosing to still play it or you can admit its what it is and stop wasting your time on it.

I don't like it either but I ain't gonna lie and make up excusses just so I can glorify GGG and make them appear like some saints in game industry. These guys are fucking idiots and are fucking clueless, which shows in how even tho with years of development they still have almost same number of players playing the game.

Its a cheap thrill until you get to underlying tedious grindfest that its underneath, and now its GATED grindfest. So yea, no fucking reason to continue playing at all unless you like your own personal Theorycraft Build Stimulator 3000 which is only thing PoE is good for.
dezignedelic wrote:
Large sentence

Fail hard? How long has this game been failing for yet it still succeeds to be one of the best ARPG's to date how many times do people say poe is dying again and again and when it's lively as ever.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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