Is It me or is this Game becoming Path of No-Lifing....

As the title suggests, is it me or is this game becoming Path of No-Lifing. First let me say I have been playing this game for years and I have mostly enjoyed my time in the game and I have supported GGG by means of buying various supporter packs and loot boxes and such. I say this all as my disclaimer, I love this game but can't help but see the direction the game has been going and it saddens me. I have seen a steady increase over the last few leagues of RNG gating RNG and gating of end-game even by RNG as well.

But this current league mechanic of gating crafting in delve and etc is crazy. Every league previously it's been no problem to 6s/6l stuff for me and or craft my gear as well. And I'm not even talking about high crafts ether. Gating 4s/4l in delve and then gating 6s/6l in abyssal delve is crazy. This game is ever increasingly catering to the 1% streamers and no-lifer's. Us casuals are being left behind in the dust. I like the league and I like this game but gating crafting as they have done in this current league has greatly reduced my enjoyment while playing this league and this is the same for many of my friends and guildies that play as well. I wanted to buy a supporter pack and for once actually like all the mtx's in the Fairgrave's loot boxes but have decided not to purchase anything this time around because of this piss poor development decision and where I see the game heading.

GGG why do you cater to the no-lifer's and streamer's so much, the rest of us the casuals make the majority and we do support you by way of buying your supporter packs and mtx's; I know I'm not the only one to feel this way and to be honest hope you, GGG turn this stuff around, PoE is a great game and the best thing out at the moment. But if this isn't corrected by next league honestly myself and many others are thinking of leaving the game maybe not permanently but maybe. This isn't a rant post or me wanting all gear loot etc lols, don't really care about that, but more so about the mechanics each league keep getting more and more cringe-ier....

What do you all think am I off my rocker or am I spot on, look forward to seeing the reply's and consensus of the community's mindset on this.

Sincerely, (A disenchanted avid player of PoE)
Last edited by BlessedLore on Jan 15, 2019, 12:27:01 AM
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2019, 2:25:36 PM
God dude even I break my sentences and I'm a walrus the fuck man.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
God dude even I break my sentences and I'm a walrus the fuck man.

Lols, I'll take that as a compliment I guess. Anyhow what do you think? And thanks for reading my thread.
Posted something like this in another post ..agree 100%.
Eh from the heart? They've casualized this game so fucking hard like I don't think you understand how shitty it was in the old days shit I was in havoc's group before we had a falling out but anyway maps are 20 times easier to get.

DPS is off the charts
Crafting is amazing now since this patch
etc etc

If anything THEY'RE CATERING to you casuals by far.

See these 40/40s in my name? They're a fucking joke compared to the old challenges the 8/8 ones granted I found those to be stupid.

Anyway yeah that's my opinion.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
God dude even I break my sentences and I'm a walrus the fuck man.

Also edited the post "broke the sentences up" lols thanks
I think u missed his point.
Last edited by jpkiwi on Jan 15, 2019, 12:31:34 AM
It has always been a game catering to no-lifers. If anything, it became more casual friendly.

Feels like OP's expectations what he deserves grew faster than his game knowledge and skills.
3.5 build:
It has never been easier for joe schmoe to pick up the game and within 1 season manage to create a meta lord build that crushes shaper with less time investment than ever before in the past.

IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Yeah it's a fucking joke like I can't stress enough how casual the game has become yet here you casuals are thinking it's run by no lifers hahaha naw far from it.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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