[3.4] lddiamond's Toxic Rain Penta RAT Hierophant, All Content, League Starter, Deathless Uber

Instead of running down to the Duelist area after the skill duration, picking up the minion nodes Spiritual Command and Spiritual Aid and Resolute Technique seems to be quite a bit more damage (dot dps and acc). Also allows more life from the templar area.
donnchadh23 wrote:
Instead of running down to the Duelist area after the skill duration, picking up the minion nodes Spiritual Command and Spiritual Aid and Resolute Technique seems to be quite a bit more damage (dot dps and acc). Also allows more life from the templar area.

RT don't do much, because the dot don't seem to be affected by accuracy. And where I'm using quill rain, my hit, and explotion dps is negligable anyways.

Sure with less accuracy we get less chance to proc wither, but with so many arrows, thats hardly an issue, even if it was 12% chance to proc.

I'll have to test some numbers though to see if life is better.

Edit, Wow, thanks for this, it increased my damage by over 20%, RT isn't needed though.
Last edited by gryphon79 on Sep 7, 2018, 10:07:15 PM
New POB/SKill Tree, changed a ring for resistance.

Same Life, More mana, 30% more damage.

Thanks to donnchadh23
Playing the pathfinder variant, no totems. I'm not surprised to see this variant kicking ass though. Some basic math says you can do about 1.7 mil shaper DPS (10 wither stacks, spreading rot with vaal blight, and witchfire brew). That's counting 5 arrows not 7, because I believe it's very hard to overlap more than 5. I think the pod explosion is the same radius as the DOT, so you're definitely not able to overlap them all. I would run inc duration or swift affliction instead of conc.

Looks dope though. I thought about playing this. It's an easy shaper killer. But I like the speed of the PF, which can do about the same damage. You should definitely take the jewel above witch and running a spreading rot and vaal blight.

Also, why not run a curse on hit despair frenzy setup? You're not going to be in range for witchfire brew most of the time, and the frenzy's are free dmg.
Last edited by joshrose on Sep 8, 2018, 2:35:58 AM
What's your choice for bandits?
washere31 wrote:
What's your choice for bandits?

Kill all.
Added Deathless Shaper, Final Stage.
This is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was actually my first build (exact same passives if you can believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - except I took the minion attack speed passives) then I went arc trapper to get some currency but I love this a lot too!!!!!!!!!!

Now I thought of Atziri's Splendor for the armor because the 100 life and 100 mana on kill would go to us the Templar (not the totem) because the dots when they kill count as our kills? What do you think of that?

Thanks for posting this it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since we now go into minions nodes, does it make sense to look for minion % damage on jewel slots to open up the possibilities even more?
Last edited by Alcsaar on Sep 9, 2018, 2:43:30 AM
Thanks for the Build! I read about Toxic Rain on Reddit and all the talk about unlimited DoT stacks just made me think about totems.

Now, I'm a casual and not a very good player. Been trying to level using Toxic Rain + RAT, but the clear speed is quite bad at my low level. (the delay around mobs is quite irritating, and dangerous for a slow moving player like me)

Just want to comment that I'm finding leveling with Caustic Arrow is much faster for clearing trash - just one RAT will do. And switching to Toxic Rain on bosses and other mean monsters.
Last edited by eskeemoo on Sep 9, 2018, 2:53:52 AM

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