What Happens When You Let An Algorithm Write the Delve Patch Notes

That was my favorite line.

All of these lines are my favourite. The exception to this is the same thing.

I hope this will become a new tradition and every patchnote post will first appear in that state.
ShadowYony wrote:
That was my favorite line.

All of these lines are my favourite. The exception to this is the same thing.

I hope this will become a new tradition and every patchnote post will first appear in that state.

It has been a tradition - they've posted previous notes in the same fashion.
Damn you guys are quick "Weird_Fleshy_Sleeve" - that character name is already taken.

Had to settle for _Weird_Fleshy_Sleeve_ :)

I think Weird_Fleshy_Steve has potential too
Second-class poe gamer
There is a sure way to die.
Lol I bet there is.
I know all player come and say : "ahahah nice, u have try a bot u get ban, sooo nice" but i tell u its just for try, for see and for know. I have use this 10 minutes maximum and i have insta uninstall." - some not-too-bright dude, 2013; Joined 2012, † 2013.
This is seriously one of my favorite parts of a new league release!

Repeatedly weapon-swapping is now modified by modifiers to skill duration and buff duration if those modifiers in some way affect the Hall of Grandmasters.


That guy who opens the gate to Lioneye's Watch now also causes increases and reductions to Minion Damage passives.

Thanks, I'll make sure to talk to him!

Added 3D art for the Queen.

As a Canadian I am honored, but when can we expect other heads of state to get the same treatment?
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash on Aug 28, 2018, 4:42:42 AM
Deadly monsters and great treasures are waiting in the NPC dialogue window.

Now that's a change we've all been waiting for. Good job little algorithm.
Last edited by Maniek715 on Aug 28, 2018, 5:03:32 AM
Maniek715 wrote:
Deadly monsters and great treasures are waiting in the NPC dialogue window.

Now that's a change we've all been waiting for. Good job little algorithm.

Putting the RP back into ARPG!
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash on Aug 28, 2018, 5:42:43 AM
LOL that a some patch notes i I like to read:D
Wonder if I’ll b laughing as hard once I’ll read t real patch notes;)
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
Fixed a bug where Cold Snap did not require other sources of block. The exception to this is the same thing.
worst league

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