[3.6] Immune HOWA Jugg | CI 15k+ es | Insane dps | Indestructible | Uber Elder video up

Finally was able to play Occultist tri-curse version of this build.
Curses feels so amazing in Delve. Im not deep yep, but still dont have any problem with any content.
I did my first ever uber elder.
But yeah, after bow-builds mapping feels slow, but its compansete while u know u can do any content in the game and go deep pass 1000 lvl.
This is most expensive build i've ever done playing casualy 2/hours a day, but still was able to make 80-90ex per week (around 4ex per/hour) on my other character to be able run this build, wich cost me exactly this much and can be higher.
Currently 11k+ ES.
Pros for occultist:
- curses: Temp chains, enfeeble, ele weeakness (one of the best layer of deffence in the game if u not include bosses, but still u do bosses 1% of the time)
- better clearspeed and aoe
- access to Point Blank node

Conclusion: overall jugg might be better for bosses and occultist for all other things. In case most of us spent <1% playtime for bossing overall occultist better. But for the start of the league i think jugg would be eathier and better for life-based verison.

I have alot of space to upgrade, im still crafting my crystal belt, ammy, regalia and boots with abyss jewel, but im playing less cuz of work and have less desire to play videogames atm.
Last edited by omgree on Oct 26, 2018, 9:03:33 AM
anyone can share passives tree for 8x levels?
RazarkKertia wrote:
anyone can share passives tree for 8x levels?


Check any. If u wanna try Occultist switch class.
omgree wrote:
Finally was able to play Occultist tri-curse version of this build.
Curses feels so amazing in Delve. Im not deep yep, but still dont have any problem with any content.
I did my first ever uber elder.
But yeah, after bow-builds mapping feels slow, but its compansete while u know u can do any content in the game and go deep pass 1000 lvl.
This is most expensive build i've ever done playing casualy 2/hours a day, but still was able to make 80-90ex per week (around 4ex per/hour) on my other character to be able run this build, wich cost me exactly this much and can be higher.
Currently 11k+ ES.
Pros for occultist:
- curses: Temp chains, enfeeble, ele weeakness (one of the best layer of deffence in the game if u not include bosses, but still u do bosses 1% of the time)
- better clearspeed and aoe
- access to Point Blank node

Conclusion: overall jugg might be better for bosses and occultist for all other things. In case most of us spent <1% playtime for bossing overall occultist better. But for the start of the league i think jugg would be eathier and better for life-based verison.

I have alot of space to upgrade, im still crafting my crystal belt, ammy, regalia and boots with abyss jewel, but im playing less cuz of work and have less desire to play videogames atm.

How do you achieve 8 ex in 2 hours? MF?
VariableGLHF wrote:

I switched over from Molten Strike a couple of levels ago because I didn't like the clear in maps and I wanted the jewel slots back. Moved over to Blade Flurry, but of course, the clear isn't much bette; and arguably much worse. Decided to try out Wild Strike and holy shit, it is exactly what I meeded.

I get about 400k unbuffed dps between the melee hit and the projectile damag, and when I need to tackle a tough boss, I just gem swap into BF and hit about 1.2-ish million no problem.

No watchers eye yet, but I'm at 9.7k ES. I don't use wrath yet as I'm waiting for my enlighten to hit level 3 to corrupt.

Solid build so far. If you don't want to use Molten Strike but can't stomach BF's clear, use Wild Strike- you won't be sorry.

Try lightning strike with fork (ancestral call, not multistrike)
ThorTheGray wrote:
Grizz, how is the progress with the next scaling build you've been working on?

I'm afraid it's going to be delayed till 3.5 due to lack of time. But i can promise, this build is going to be ridiculous :D
grizzly40 wrote:
ThorTheGray wrote:
Grizz, how is the progress with the next scaling build you've been working on?

I'm afraid it's going to be delayed till 3.5 due to lack of time. But i can promise, this build is going to be ridiculous :D

Strong words for someone who already has a ridiculous build under his belt! Can't wait to see it and I'll say it now, RIP currency for 3.5!
omgree wrote:

This is most expensive build i've ever done playing casualy 2/hours a day, but still was able to make 80-90ex per week (around 4ex per/hour) on my other character to be able run this build

I would rly like to know how you make that currency? I'm serious. Cause when i read something like this i get the feeling im failing at the game big time.
ThorTheGray wrote:
grizzly40 wrote:
ThorTheGray wrote:
Grizz, how is the progress with the next scaling build you've been working on?

I'm afraid it's going to be delayed till 3.5 due to lack of time. But i can promise, this build is going to be ridiculous :D

Strong words for someone who already has a ridiculous build under his belt! Can't wait to see it and I'll say it now, RIP currency for 3.5!

Can't wait to try it out!
omgree wrote:

This is most expensive build i've ever done playing casualy 2/hours a day, but still was able to make 80-90ex per week (around 4ex per/hour) on my other character to be able run this build

I would rly like to know how you make that currency? I'm serious. Cause when i read something like this i get the feeling im failing at the game big time.

I can only speak for me. Now I do not make as much as 80-90ex a week at all, so I don't know what their secret is. I'm I guess what you would call a hardcore casual. Play maybe 3-5 hours a day, sometimes more. I just play the game. Keep in mind, most people earn the total cost of a build over time, not all at once. For the years I have played I have found a few things that are lucrative. Uber lab is quite lucrative if you can stomach running it over and over. Most times the new league mechanic is lucrative to some degree.

I also pick up t1 rares that I am familiar with (corsair swords, jeweled foils, siege axes) and id them. I made 5ex off one corsair sword this league. Most will tell you the chaos or regal recipe is not worth it but I still do it throughout the league. Should you find a super rare item that is very RNG based (ie ancient reliquary keys) sell them. Don't be a fool and use it because RNG usually states you'll be disappointed.

Also learn some boss fights. To be honest most are super easy with this build. Normal Atziri will drop some decent items to sell early league. Graduate to uber atziri for chances at some really good gear.

I used to think the same way and wonder how people make so much money. There is no secret. Just play, learn items or a niche market. Sure some people flip items all day but that just isn't fun to me.

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