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[3.2] HoWAbout Occultist. Shaper/Uber Elder, Minotaur flaskless on 1L!!

Hey I'm looking into this build since I havn't played a CI build since a long time. A few questions though:

- Why purity of elements? You get a lot of res from tree and it isnt that hard to get some on chest/boots/rings/helmet. Am I missing something? Could maybe use e.g. Herald of Ash instead for more damage?

- I suppose the Watcher's Eye with ES on Hit while affectd by discipline is pretty good right?

- In general my budget is 30ex+ so I can pump some currency into this build. What are some good luxury items? Watcher's Eye, corrupted belt, ele hit shaper touch, molten strike enchant, good opal rings I suppose? Some special HoWA corruptions maybe.
- I chose Purity since Wrath is only around 8-9% more dps then Herald, while Purity makes gearing a lot easier (and cheaper). If you have a choice between Wrath and 2x 25% WED 70res 45 Int rings, or Herald and 2x 45%WED 30res 50 Int rings for the same cost, then higher WED rings will probably mean more damage. It also makes swapping gear pieces a lot easier since you aren't locked out of anything because you need for example that 65% total cold res on your ring to get a cap, it limits your upgrade options.

- ES on hit, ES recovery, or Clarity ES are best options in my opinion.

- Pretty on point with everything :) to give you an idea, my current gear cost me:
Chest - 4ex + 1 Divine to get better rolls
Helmet - 4ex + around 20-30c worth of Shrieking Essences of Spite.
Boots - 5c, will probably look for better ones once I upgrade my chest in the future. Boots linked on first page cost me 30c.
Gloves - 1ex
Belt - 1ex, but honestly it isn't that much better then simple 15% Cyclopean.
Ring 1 - 1ex
Ring 2 - 60c
2x Howa - both I farmed myself, not sure about the price but I guess 30c each?
Amulet - 22c
Jewels - around 1ex for full set including all Abyss jewels.
Dying Sun - 3ex when I bought it, not sure about current price.

So more or less 16ex for all my current gear. Shaper vid was without helm enchant so you can get that performance for 11-12ex.
Not sure about current price of Clarity Watchers but that would be the item to get if you can spare 30ex on this build :)

For HoWA corruption, attack speed would be best, but have to come with 11-12% Int roll and 6-7% attack speed to be worth it. Flat lightning wouldn't be that good since we already have a lot of added flat, definitely not worth the extra cost.
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Last edited by Bristoling on Jun 20, 2018, 5:39:10 AM
Thanks for the answer. Currently in the process of selling gear and buying ES stuff. Actually somewhat awkward to buy ES gear because there isnt a lot on the market and some stuff are overpriced while other stuff cost next to nothing.

I will respec my lvl 93 elementalist to occultist and gonna post my gear here once I have everything. Can't wait :)
If I'm already res capped without rings and helmet, what should I replace Purity with?

Also, thoughts on The Vertex mask? (+1 socketed and high es)
Vertex is a very decent helmet but getting one with enchantment is going to be crazy expensive. We're taking over 30ex for a single piece of gear, adj I've seen them going for 60 sometimes. A white/magic/rare with enchant can be bought and essence crafted for 3-6ex depending on number of projectiles and ilvl .

You can replace Purity and Herald with Wrath for bigger dps boost.

@MMC I know, since ES isn't meta the prices are all over the place. 2 rings with almost same stats can vary between 10c and 1ex for example :) but if you spend a day or 2 on shopping you should be able to get great gear for cheap.
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Last edited by Bristoling on Jun 21, 2018, 12:52:46 PM
Would you recommend curses or multistrike ( to have more balls ) ?
Not sure I understand the question about curses so if you clarify it'd great. Multistrike is an ok link but you'll need 1 more off colour. It also locks you in place when you attack so your clearspeed might be slower.
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Hi there,

thanks a lot for the build idea, it is so far working really good (only level 71 atm).

I have a question and a suggestion. I am currently not running blood rage in my CWDT setup because it prevents the energy shield passive regen. Does it still have that effect once you have Chaos Inoculation or since you don't really lose life, shield can regen normally while you still have the blood rage debuff?

Also, suggestion to further help with clear speed and bring it back into the Reave level of clear speed (or close), just swap Damage on Full Life Support with Ancestral Call Support, does wonders on clear speed, truly was a game changer for me.

Thanks again, looking forward to the end-game!
Unfortunately it still works the same but if you're in trouble and your blood rage is in your weapons, you can swap it to disable the buff and your recharge should kick in soon.

I still need to update gem section but yeah, ancestral call is good for clear. So is increase aoe gem instead of concentrated effect.

I'm thinking about changing it to wrath instead of Herald+purity and shield isntwad of dual wielding but I got some testing to do first. Build definitely works as dual wield so it shouldn't be a problem if shield turns out better :)
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That's my gear for now, missing Dying Sun (need to sell more stuff) and boot enchant (too lazy atm lol):

Watcher's Eye gives nice "leech" and phy dmg reduction. What pantheons did you take?

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