The new loot boxes are actually scamming us, and GGG doesn't even care.

TundrazaL wrote:
First of all, they are so blatantly weighted outside of by rarity. Your chances of getting a portal or cape is so MUCH higher than winning a chest plate or wings. This is not conveyed AT ALL by their announcement page;

Tell that to my 65 loot boxes, 1 portal and 3 capes.
鬼殺し wrote:

Or I could just ask Chris directly. Would you believe his response though?

Hey, Charan.

Since 1000 hours post the only thing most players would believe is a line of code. Words mean nothing by now.

All the boxes in every game is like that, you get knives in like 1:1000 boxes in csgo
Meta = cattle

-ty men
鬼殺し wrote:
TundrazaL wrote:
First of all, they are so blatantly weighted outside of by rarity. Your chances of getting a portal or cape is so MUCH higher than winning a chest plate or wings. This is not conveyed AT ALL by their announcement page;

This page clearly makes it seem like each rare item has an equal chance of dropping and each uncommon rarity item has a equal chance of dropping. This is clearly not the case, you are likely to get 5 capes and 5 portals before ever getting wings or chestplates. This is downright DECEPTIVE...

Do you have absolute proof there is a scale of rarity within the tiers? This being your claim, I'd like to see evidence beyond one person's experiences.

Without that, your argument is baseless.

Fully agree. If you have proof that they are scamming, then *definitely* share it here. If you don't, TundrazaL, then you should probably retract your claim.
What it currently looks like is you don't understand probability, and you are accusing GGG of scamming you with no evidence.

鬼殺し wrote:
PS they're not lying about the GGGold process. Even I have to go through the automated system these days. Everything is done on the books and recorded as such. So no, it wasn't bad customer service when they refused your request. It was just Support sticking to the rules. Please do not confuse personal dissatisfaction with bad customer service. If they didn't yell at you, swear at you, ignore you, or otherwise mistreat you, it wasn't bad customer service. Support staff aren't authorised to make arbitrary financial calls on their own. There is a good reason for this.

If support staff aren't authorised to give good customer service, then it's not their fault, but it's still not good customer service.
Good customer service isn't just about being polite, it's about putting the needs of the customer at the forefront. "Sorry, we decided to exclusively use a particular electronic purchasing system and we haven't set up the system to accept flexible payments so we can't help you" shouldn't really count as good customer service, regardless of how sweetly it is said.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Last edited by dudiobugtron on Mar 20, 2018, 2:07:10 AM
JCOH35 wrote:
Honestly if your buying those cancer boxes you deserve to be scammed, everyone that buys a gacha box in ANY f2p game is contributing to the rape of that game. They are the sleeziest feature in any cash shop and they all lead to one thing, Perfect World Entertainment, Neverwinter or Archeage incoming next, enjoy.

This, loot boxes of any kind are gaming's new darwinism. You can't at the same time acknowledge their inherent rng and then bitch about it.

GGG is extremely open about the rng nature of the boxes, aka they're a scam, and no GGG nor anyone else gives a shit that you literally bought into that blatant cash crab and feel dissatisfied.
I think before you bought the boxes you subconsciously conditioned your brain to gamble by watching youtube videos where streamers open boxes.. next time have a plan or a limit to spend when opening those MYSERY BOX
Geez. I reckon everyday life must be a real struggle for you buddy.

Chin up. Might be worthwhile getting a referral to a professional.
TundrazaL wrote:
First of all, they are so blatantly weighted outside of by rarity. Your chances of getting a portal or cape is so MUCH higher than winning a chest plate or wings. This is not conveyed AT ALL by their announcement page;

This page clearly makes it seem like each rare item has an equal chance of dropping and each uncommon rarity item has a equal chance of dropping. This is clearly not the case, you are likely to get 5 capes and 5 portals before ever getting wings or chestplates. This is downright DECEPTIVE...

And ok maybe GGG doesn't give a dam about scamming their loyal customers fine. But, after emailing them about this i witnessed some of the most BS customer service in gaming history... They told me I couldn't get a refund on the boxes FINE, but all I wanted was THREE extra points to get one last box, and they straight up told me NO. After spending buying 45 boxes from them;

"Unfortunately we're unable to process manual payments as our system doesn't allow it I'm afraid. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause"

I'm sorry, but this made me feel a little bit betrayed and taken advantage of. How is it that Riot Games has no problem handing out up to 50 points for skins, but GGG can't do THREE for a loyal customer that probably will get NOTHING anyway?!?!

"But, why would you want another box if you know they are a scam?" W/E I could talk about how my life sucks and digital pixels are the only thing that make me happy, but I won't. I just want to ask, does GGG actually not care about how much money people spend on their fraudulent products? I am sorely disappointed and will (Hopefully) think twice before throwing away my money to GGG.

dont buy them!!
"Thank you for scam!"

Jokes aside, loot boxes is the cancer of gaming these days. Hopefully something is brewing, and this practice need to change...
Jarnhand wrote:
Jokes aside, loot boxes is the cancer of gaming these days. Hopefully something is brewing, and this practice need to change...


The whole loot box system is just wrong. In every game. It's a fishy way of making money, appealing to addiction and gambling. I have a friend in the guild, feeling a bit on the low side after purchasing way to many boxes. Directly his fault, of course, but a victim of the system nonetheless.

I played with the idea of someone mailing GGG to tell them;

"I have an addiction and gamble too much on loot boxes, could you please block me from buying more?

You think they would do that?
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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