[3.9] Frostblades Assassin SSF Viable. 1M+ DPS w/ Budget gear! League starter! Insane Clear Speed

I didn't watch the video, but I was hoping you'd write out what ascendancy order in your opinion at least for assassin, Raider is like you said tried and true and fairly obvious IMO, but was hoping for assassin order, as I've never played one.

Thanks :D
emagie1ka wrote:
Hi, do you think this build has good progress routes with big currency investments? I''m talking about t16 and end game bosses. Would some major tweaks be necessary or perhaps other ascendancy like raider? I'm really keen on giving assassin a go and try to make it work in endgame. Never really played a FB character.

I'm not sure on bosses like shaper/uber atziri, but with enough investment I don't see why you couldn't do other bosses. The only limiting factor is life. We have a ton of DPS scaling potential

FakeWayne wrote:
Looking forward to trying this out. Assassin and Frostblades are exactly what I want to play this time around.

This will only be my 2nd league. I started mid last league, but now have a nice understanding of the game.

I never got to kill Shaper in Abyss, so I'm looking forward to downing him this time around. Do you think this will be able handle all end-game content, assuming I have better than budget gear at higher levels...and how much life would you say I should be aiming for, to do so?

I'll be sure to let you know how I progress with your build.

Read above for a general assesment of what our scaling can do. I don't know if it can kill shaper. It would need to have a lot of DPS / 5k+ hp for it to work. Uber atziri is 100% off the table I think.

xYumiko123 wrote:
Is it necessary to pick the 3 leech nodes at Vitaly Void? (Without picking Vitaly Void) Because you already got Mana leech at Soul Raker.
Thanks for an answer.

I think it is. If it turns out it isn't I'll update the guide. Better safe then sorry.
TehHarness wrote:
I didn't watch the video, but I was hoping you'd write out what ascendancy order in your opinion at least for assassin, Raider is like you said tried and true and fairly obvious IMO, but was hoping for assassin order, as I've never played one.

Thanks :D

I'll write that up now. Check back in about 5 minutes.
Reloads wrote:
TehHarness wrote:
I didn't watch the video, but I was hoping you'd write out what ascendancy order in your opinion at least for assassin, Raider is like you said tried and true and fairly obvious IMO, but was hoping for assassin order, as I've never played one.

Thanks :D

I'll write that up now. Check back in about 5 minutes.

You're a god.

I follow this in start, and this is NOOT 3.2, not even begin so THANK and F

Cute and simple build. I gonna try obviously :)
maikyn wrote:
Cute and simple build. I gonna try obviously :)

Glad to hear it. Lemme know if you have any difficulties with this. You can find me most days streaming on twitch don't be afraid to ask questions! :)

Also I updated the build guide containing skillgem orders. Explaining why I won't be showing my gear right on the page ( Ran out of words to use in the post) and added what bandits to take. Also updated what ascedancies to take first. Please re-read through the updated sections to make sure you don't mess something up. Sorry if you were already farther ahead than me and I made you make a mistake.

Thanks for the support and I hope this build works for you as well as it for me.
I wanted to play a "new" ascendency this league with frost blades so I decided to go with your build but I quite don't understand something : do you not take any "+1 to maximum Power Charges" node at all ? If so I think it's quite a waste since we benefit from them with the assassin ascendancy.

If I was in any way wrong and you actually take these nodes, then excuse me :p
tritriguigui wrote:
I wanted to play a "new" ascendency this league with frost blades so I decided to go with your build but I quite don't understand something : do you not take any "+1 to maximum Power Charges" node at all ? If so I think it's quite a waste since we benefit from them with the assassin ascendancy.

If I was in any way wrong and you actually take these nodes, then excuse me :p

We take it on our merciless lab. Taking it at our cruel lab doesn't make much sense because Ambush & Assassinate is far better early game.
Last edited by Reloads on Mar 3, 2018, 1:53:50 PM
Ambush might be worth taking first. When leveling it is a solid 30% dps increase and we have a decent 12 second duration on frenzy bought time we are done with lab so its quite easy to keep them up.

Also, wanted to thank you for making this. I was trying do the same thing but had a horrible tree. So I ditched starting with frost blade for something I never played before and absolutely hated it.

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