[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]


Survivability is a little low, but just know that most of your dmg comes from stacking curses. im also only lvl 91. you can get more survivability from tree.

Soul mantle adds curses, Rings reduce curse effectiveness, New passivse "Sanctum of Thought" reduces curses more. = Atziri's Reflection no curses. but minus the curse reflection.
using Self Flagellation your curses now increase your damage.
so totem die= curse. curse = more dmg.
spam totem dying = lots of curses.
Arcane surge increases our dmg more.
every time our totems kill things, it increases their dmg globally.
Unwavering stance from kaoms roots.

you dont need the weapons I have to do dmg, remember your dmg comes from stacking curses.

the helm base is cheap. just buy one and craft it how you like. look at my mods and figure out how to make it from fossils. might take a few tries.

wands are cheap now too. so just find a good multimod wand with extra lightning or cold.

I could be tankier/ stronger at 94 or more but i have been farming enchants. 400 +labs. Just stack your totems with soul mantle you have a lot of stacked dmg from curses.

Last edited by qqazraelz on Jul 21, 2019, 12:36:49 PM
ksenia654 wrote:
Hi can i get PoB link? :D and can i have another armour than soul mantle?

you can at the start but your dmg would be low. your dmg comes from stacking curses and self flagellation jewel in tree.

Is dual Kikazaru the way to go for endgame?
Cool,gonna try it
With the changes to the ascendancy in 3.8, would it be better to go Sanctuary of thought over Conviction of power?
Aarelius wrote:
With the changes to the ascendancy in 3.8, would it be better to go Sanctuary of thought over Conviction of power?

comes to you, if you like 500ES and 2 AOE radius more then Power/Endurance charges, 5% Ele pen, and 5% reduced ele dmg taken

I wouldn't choose that road and stay with Conviction
Currently playing this build, here is my Day1 Gear

got a bit lucky at the start of the league, bought the self-inflagnation jewel with 20% for only 10c
Currently playing this build, here is my Day1 Gear

got a bit lucky at the start of the league, bought the self-inflagnation jewel with 20% for only 10c

Think into going with this build, its smooth to clear blight encounters?
bielc1 wrote:
Currently playing this build, here is my Day1 Gear

got a bit lucky at the start of the league, bought the self-inflagnation jewel with 20% for only 10c

Think into going with this build, its smooth to clear blight encounters?

atm on clearing T5-T6 easily. Waiting to get the 40% Helm Enchant and on move on with better wands and some gloves with Life
Anyone have any tips on far away notable nodes to grab with the new oil mechanic?

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