Not to beat a dead horse...

Spermadzika wrote:
k1rage wrote:
Spermadzika wrote:
Read standard as dumpster, no matter how many you have it doesn't matter at all.

yeah the finest gold and jewels are useless when stuck in a dumpster...

but in this case thats not true because there is a whole society living in said dumpster

Theres alot of flies eating poo, wanna try?

no ill stick to leagues lol
I dont see any any key!
I like my dumpster, thanks.

Leagues, so short, here today, gone tomorrow. I've played some, but am inevitably disappointed.
Mal_function wrote:
I like my dumpster, thanks.

Leagues, so short, here today, gone tomorrow. I've played some, but am inevitably disappointed.

all things are here today gone tomorrow
I dont see any any key!
And yet Standard is always there :)
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Mal_function wrote:
And yet Standard is always there :)

untrue in time it will be gone to just as we all will
I dont see any any key!
The idea of rich / middle class / poor is pretty vague and not well defined here. So first lets start with defining them.

If we correlate to real world terms, then the dividing line I would say between "poor" and "middle class" is that the latter is able to meet all of their regular needs for the day to day easily, and earns enough to make the occasional splurge or to save up for a major purchase. So at baseline, in order to play the game comfortably at the end game, you need to be able to afford to spend 2-10 chaos per map you run on to roll proper mods, use sextants, use Zana mods etc. To do this comfortably without needing to make it back immediately I'd think you need a bankroll of about 100c, and on top of that to be middle class you should be steadily profiting 10+ chaos per hour played. Poor is anyone who struggles to play in the high end mapping game because they can't afford the costs associated.

The upper end of middle class for me would be someone who makes the most sought-after normal items in the game (not Relic / Legacy / Mirror) their 'dream' purchase for a league. So I'd say someone who aims to and achieves wealth accumulation on the order of 50-70 exalts to buy their Skyforth / Headhunter etc, and is able to gear a character around using such high end items over the course of an entire league, is the upper end of middle class.

Rich would be someone who is beyond that and makes enough currency to be able to casually buy such luxury items without focusing on such things for an entire league.
Imaginaerum wrote:
Mythabril wrote:
Wealth in a game is measured by the amount of fun, joy and entertainment you can get out of it.


I find it unlikely people have hundreds of exalts in one league unless they do nothing but play or get really lucky with drops. Or trade a lot. Look at some of the 'high end' gear and see how much that costs. Being able to afford that is what I'd consider being wealthy in this game, unless we're talking legacy items... then you'd be really rich

A guy in legacy a while back linked 21 mirrors to chat and another guy recently linked 2 legacy Kaoms which sell for hundreds of ex. There are people that have obscene amounts of currency like that just not a ton.
Well im more a casual and usually spend 1-2 months more or less all my spare time (like 2h a day and more on weekends) with POE.
i never had more than a handfull exalts at once. Maybe if i sold everything and turned all currency to exalts i gues i usually end leagues with like 10 exalts give and take.
I usually end leagues with 4-5 toons 80+ and 1-2 90-91
For me, in my microcosm, wealth is buying all the top end gear for my build, yes I never had more than 30 pure exa, yes I'm poor.

Don't measure your wealth vs streamers, huge guilds or no lifers, and I'm not going to even bring RMT into discussion.
Second-class poe gamer

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