[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Hi all,

IGN: CasualLootHunter
I've read the charter and I'm ready to join whenever you'll have me.
Hellow im Max, im a rather slow and softcore player, i also study so i cant play for more of 4 hour a day or so, and my old guild died by a player who took everything everytime and was also the guild leader so i left. my main lenguaje is spanish but i know enough english to pass normal discussions and conversations.

Highest Level: 92
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Around Bestiary so 2018 around April.
Country/Time Zone: UTC -5h to UTC -8h.
Average Hours Played Per Week: 15 hours.
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 6 if i know the answer i will answer

1.IGN: Darkshiz
2.Do you have discord(Required!): yes
3.is poe your main game: yes
4.How many hours played in path of exile: Not sure, played a lot last season and almost done with campaign, level 66.
can you add me to the guild im a veteran poe players since the good oll days of ledge farming lol played a lot of seasons IGN: Mine_Mine_Miner_Mine
can you add me to the guild im a veteran poe players since the good oll days of ledge farming lol played a lot of seasons IGN: Mine_Mine_Miner_Mine

Could I join the guild? My IGN is bestlyboom. I have read the charter and looking forward to complete the challenges this week.

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