Buff unique bows. (pretty please)

HousePet wrote:
*raised eyebrow*
I do know the difference between physical scaling and elemental scaling. I even tried the bow for a little bit to check if there was something I was missing, but the DPS was much lower than using my rare bow, as expected.

And yes, I could reassign a load of passives to use the bow, but I'm not convinced it would be worth doing.

Maybe I could make a new ranger and transfer the harp to it, but I doubt I'll be doing another cold bowman any time soon.

Elemental scaling in that situation is just shit. Balance and stuff.
The bow itself wouldn't be so bad if there were more general bow attack nodes. Will probably take another 2 years to fix that.
Bananaplasm wrote:
HousePet wrote:
*raised eyebrow*
I do know the difference between physical scaling and elemental scaling. I even tried the bow for a little bit to check if there was something I was missing, but the DPS was much lower than using my rare bow, as expected.

And yes, I could reassign a load of passives to use the bow, but I'm not convinced it would be worth doing.

Maybe I could make a new ranger and transfer the harp to it, but I doubt I'll be doing another cold bowman any time soon.

Elemental scaling in that situation is just shit. Balance and stuff.
The bow itself wouldn't be so bad if there were more general bow attack nodes. Will probably take another 2 years to fix that.

Yup, i wonder why getting good physical gear is so difficult but almost all passives point toward doing physical conversion, at least it started to change in 2.6, hope we can get more generic damage instead of physical for everything tbh, not only bows.
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
OP is absolutely wrong. Did you know that Lioneye's Glare is the BiS bow for mirror arrow build, which is a great build and can do all game content very fast? FIY this is why a top roll LG is sold for 1ex.

You got to know for what these bows are made for. Xoph's, Windripper, Voltaxic, Death Opus and Prism are also clearly BiS in they're respective builds and still freaking strong.

If anything, they should nerf unique bows instead, cuz they're way too strong
Bananaplasm wrote:
Perq wrote:
Bows lack mostly in end-game scaling. You have crit, that is cool. But if you want to go crit-bow, you most likely want to go Ranger. Now, good luck dealing with reflect with your scaled up crit. Or forget about actually doing decent damage. Chaos/Double Dip aside, because they most likely will be gutted.

The main problem I see now is clearly visible on Shaper. I'm, of course, talking about character that have to deal with reflect and don't do Chaos/Double Dip shenanigans.
In order to complete that fight relatively comfortably, you need to have DPS so high, that T15 bosses do absolutely nothing to you. That in itself is pretty damn silly. But ok, so now you have retarded high DPS... but reflect exists.
So, you either tune down your DPS (and therefore forget about doing Shaper) or one-shot yourself the very first time you hit something with reflect.

The amount of HP Shaper has is probably because of how retarded double dip is, but nonetheless, the scale here is waaaay of. :@

But I digress... a lot. D:

Would I like to see unique bows buffed? Nope, not really. Too many uniques already overshadow good rolled rares. Evasion unique armor? Haha, you must be kidding!

I can't sell this thing for even 2ex.

If you want to have unique so good that you'd never want to swap it out, you'll have to make it VERY rare. Shavronnes level rare. And I don't really want to see 3/4 of bows to be that rare.
That said, the T1 rarity bows (Windripper) are lackluster. That I can totally agree on.

Because it is overpriced af for a decent 5-link.

don't you think it's because there are so many good unique chests? that's a pretty damn good rare evasion chest imho.

lioneye's glare unique bow is great with siege ballistas or ranged attack totems. otherwise i agree reflect is quite annoying if you attack with it yourself.

it's weird that xoph's nurture is so cheap. it's such a great bow for fire prolif.

guide for xoph prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1824184
just happens to be what i play in legacy.

"Ignites your Skills cause spread to other Enemies within a Radius of 12"
Could we get that one in English please? XD
HousePet wrote:
"Ignites your Skills cause spread to other Enemies within a Radius of 12"
Could we get that one in English please? XD

burning damage is spread in a radius to monsters around the one you ignite.
HousePet wrote:
"Ignites your Skills cause spread to other Enemies within a Radius of 12"
Could we get that one in English please? XD

Make fire on 1 guy = make fire on many guy.
Tarille wrote:
HousePet wrote:
"Ignites your Skills cause spread to other Enemies within a Radius of 12"
Could we get that one in English please? XD

Make fire on 1 guy = make fire on many guy.

And it is correct English, btw.

[Ignites (that) your skill cause] spread to [other ennemies]
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz on Jun 1, 2017, 8:43:51 PM
marcosyy87 wrote:
OP is absolutely wrong. Did you know that Lioneye's Glare is the BiS bow for mirror arrow build, which is a great build and can do all game content very fast? FIY this is why a top roll LG is sold for 1ex.

If anything, they should nerf unique bows instead, cuz they're way too strong

No, they must buff it, while nerfing those unbalanced builds you just talked about (if they trully do what you said they can do). Mirror arrow/siege ballista builds?! God how boring those can be, to put some shit down and watch, i can't even begin to imagine playing it.
Even blizzard realized how boring that was and fixed its mechanic (Diablo3 DemonHunter Marauder's set, check it's changes over the years).
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
Last edited by The_Risen on Jun 1, 2017, 10:41:11 PM
Fruz wrote:
And it is correct English, btw.

[Ignites (that) your skill cause] spread to [other ennemies]

I crap it is too. But I was staring at it for ages and couldn't get it to parse. :(

Maybe "Ignites that your Skills cause, spread to other Enemies within a Radius of 12" ?

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