My personal wishlist for 3.0 (SSF perspective)

mezmery wrote:
Kaw wrote:
Better rares
Examples are elemental resistances on weapons

such ignorance

You have your profile on private, but if it was open we would see that you never use any weapon on a lvl >70 character with elemental resistance.
I have seen people using Aurumvorax as a quick fix for their lack of elemental resistance on other gear, but never seriously a weapon with elemental resistance in late end game.
Kaw wrote:
mezmery wrote:
Kaw wrote:
Better rares
Examples are elemental resistances on weapons

such ignorance

You have your profile on private, but if it was open we would see that you never use any weapon on a lvl >70 character with elemental resistance.
I have seen people using Aurumvorax as a quick fix for their lack of elemental resistance on other gear, but never seriously a weapon with elemental resistance in late end game.

oh god, what ignorance

i failed to roll 2x res, my bad.
No rest for the wicked
Last edited by mezmery on Mar 24, 2017, 12:19:46 PM
mezmery wrote:
oh god, what ignorance

i failed to roll 2x res, my bad.

Let's see how well it would work if double dipping is addressed, you'll might find yourself pressed to have other priorities regarding boosts to your damage and disregard that resistance/those resistance like the majority of players do.

And I almost bet that you're actually compensating for lacking that resistance on other piece of gear, be it helmet, armour, belt, gloves, boots, jewelry not to mention the quiver or jewels...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
sofocle10000 wrote:
mezmery wrote:
oh god, what ignorance

i failed to roll 2x res, my bad.

Let's see how well it would work if double dipping is addressed, you'll might find yourself pressed to have other priorities regarding boosts to your damage and disregard that resistance/those resistance like the majority of players do.

And I almost bet that you're actually compensating for lacking that resistance on other piece of gear, be it helmet, armour, belt, gloves, boots, jewelry not to mention the quiver or jewels...

Oh, tell me perfect CA mods, my master.]
ignorat noobs are so boring.
No rest for the wicked
Last edited by mezmery on Mar 24, 2017, 2:16:36 PM
mezmery wrote:
ignorat noobs are so boring.

I bet you own a fedora, own an e-book of Richard Dawkins, finally found an IQ test on the internet that confirms that you are a genius, live at your moms place and laugh at all the ignorant idiots going to work every day and having a family, while you clean your swords to impress future ladies that somehow by accident ended up in your cave.
The world is so boring and you are so interesting.

And I almost bet that you're actually compensating for lacking that resistance on other piece of gear, be it helmet, armour, belt, gloves, boots, jewelry not to mention the quiver or jewels...

I bet he cursed the weapon for the elemental resist roll. He would have loved critical strike chance/multiplier and accuracy instead.
Last edited by Kaw on Mar 24, 2017, 3:02:36 PM
Kaw wrote:
mezmery wrote:
ignorat noobs are so boring.

I bet you own a fedora, own an e-book of Richard Dawkins, finally found an IQ test on the internet that confirms that you are a genius, live at your moms place and laugh at all the ignorant idiots going to work every day and having a family, while you clean your swords to impress future ladies that somehow by accident ended up in your cave.
The world is so boring and you are so interesting.

And I almost bet that you're actually compensating for lacking that resistance on other piece of gear, be it helmet, armour, belt, gloves, boots, jewelry not to mention the quiver or jewels...

I bet he cursed the weapon for the elemental resist roll. He would have loved critical strike chance/multiplier and accuracy instead.

Crit caustic arrow? Do you have a tree for that build?
Kaw wrote:
mezmery wrote:
ignorat noobs are so boring.

I bet you own a fedora, own an e-book of Richard Dawkins, finally found an IQ test on the internet that confirms that you are a genius, live at your moms place and laugh at all the ignorant idiots going to work every day and having a family, while you clean your swords to impress future ladies that somehow by accident ended up in your cave.
The world is so boring and you are so interesting.

And I almost bet that you're actually compensating for lacking that resistance on other piece of gear, be it helmet, armour, belt, gloves, boots, jewelry not to mention the quiver or jewels...

I bet he cursed the weapon for the elemental resist roll. He would have loved critical strike chance/multiplier and accuracy instead.

so, you are proposing to kill one of my builds for you noobish ssf convience without knowing basic skill mechanics. gj gj.
No rest for the wicked
First: Anyone who trades and even dares to talk about how easy SSF would be with any increase in droprates has to get the hell out. I don't know how you can keep a straight face while saying shit like that. Trading makes the game so god damn easy in comparison to SSF it's not even funny.

Now in regards to the topic. In general i think some adjustment to SSF would be be good (especially they should remove the option to change back to standard). But i think GGG in regards to loot should start with an complete overhaul of the loot and item system. The current stats of the game is just sad, 99.99% of the items aren't even looked at. GGG has to drastically reduce the item quantity and instead increase the quality. That is real quality, reduce/remove crap affixes etc.. In the end one should be able to obtain just as many good rares as before, but the total number of dropped rares has to be reduced. Even if it is only for performance reasons (there is a reason why chests produce loot in waves).

My optimal implementation for SSF would contain the removal of the standard transfer, an increased droprate of currency items (at least fuses and chromes), an increased droprate of divination cards and the loot system change mentioned before.

It would be a great experience to actually find your own gear, while playing a gear dependent build and reaching high tier maps. I want to grind my way through this game (horrible balance aside) without having to rely on others in a reasonable timeframe, hell i would be satisfied if it only were three times as long as it takes for a moderate trader.
The Bestiary league proved once and for all, that GGG only listens to crying instead of well thought out criticism.
Sorry boys, SSF doesn't and should never get adjusted drop rates of anything, defeats the purpose of the mode.

Unless you are talking about paid custom leagues, then by all means put your money where your mouth is.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
goetzjam wrote:
Sorry boys, SSF doesn't and should never get adjusted drop rates of anything, defeats the purpose of the mode.

Unless you are talking about paid custom leagues, then by all means put your money where your mouth is.

I don't want things to become easier. I want things to become less bad in terms of drop behaviour.
Currently I am top 2500 in my league with a lvl 86 character. That's not amazing but I'm also not struggling for progress.

Today I did my first tier 10 map. I alched and corrupted it. With 3 league stones I could pump the IIQ up to 160. (No map drops but that's another discussion) It was a pretty hard map to play but I killed the boss and am ready for higher tier maps.
That's maybe not amazing, but more than I expected to do with my first SSF character and the time investments I can make as a parent. So I don't need things to be easier.
There are a few things about rares that irritate me. It's strictly not an SSF problem at all.
The first thing is that rares drop like commons. They are not rare at all. With a high IIQ map you get more rares than you can vendor. And they are propably all crap.
So what are we doing? We install loot filters. We ignore low base items. We select a few rares and leave the rest behind. And we vendor them with our eyes closed knowing they will be crappy 99.999% of the time.
It would be nice if rares would be rare and rares would be of some quality. That's not that stupid or what?

Also the position of chaos orbs. We use them for trading, maps and jewels. Maybe we use them on diviners strongboxes. But we generally don't use them on gear. Why? Because that's pretty stupid because it's cheaper to buy the gear you hope to chaos. Much much cheaper and saves you from feeling stupid and angry spending stacks of chaos orbs and getting crappy rolls all the time. So I proposed a thing for chaos orbs. Not to make things easier, but to get it working.

But why am I even trying anymore on this piece of internet dirt. The crowd here is more toxic than your average dubble dipping chaos build. Just look at his postings: If you make a markov chain text generator with his replies it would be very interesting. Or should I say boring ignorat nuubfest.

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