Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath

Lordkoon wrote:
The only concern I have about this is that back in maybe 2014 GGG said in an interview that the game will conclude with 10 acts. So does that mean this expansion gives end to the story? Only 3 month leagues ahead?

Interesting question. I would like to hear official answer too.
Amazing news , i wana buy every new supporter pack sadly i cant pay in children :(
Cicindela wrote:
Lordkoon wrote:
The only concern I have about this is that back in maybe 2014 GGG said in an interview that the game will conclude with 10 acts. So does that mean this expansion gives end to the story? Only 3 month leagues ahead?

Interesting question. I would like to hear official answer too.

Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Last edited by Archwizard on Feb 15, 2017, 2:09:48 PM
i knew it! i goddamned knew that the player would return back to Oriath! Its only logical that, after slaying the hight templar, the player would go settle scores there!
The anouncment of the SIX NEW ACTS tho?
As much as i am hyped about it, i cant help but to worry about quantity lowering quality. are we talking about six, decently long, elaborate acts, with sidequests and lot of unique locations and enemies like act one or two, or more act four-ish dried lakes?
I want EVERY act to be unique, it doesnt even have to be that long, just, please, avoid repetition and things we have already seen!
and no cross-act monsters! i have enough of fighting helions and snakes where they shouldnt be (and no, the re-skin doesnt help in the slightest)

the stakes are all high, but i trust you, GGG
I will pray for you to not have bite more than you can chew on, and delivering worthwhile experience to all of us

sincere congratulation to this announcment.

Anyway GET HYPE EVERYONE!! There has never been a better time to get excited over PoE!
Ascendic wrote:
This has to be a massive troll or the acts are going to be small as fuck. How could they possible have created 6 full acts in less than the time it took to do one (act4)?

Since you haven't been paying attention, I'll do your research for you...

"We've been working on this 3.0.0 content since we released The Awakening in 2015 and are really looking forward to sharing it with you."


In case you forget, Awakening was released in April of 2015... that's two years... I think they've had plenty of time to fine tune.
Archwizard wrote:
Cicindela wrote:
Lordkoon wrote:
The only concern I have about this is that back in maybe 2014 GGG said in an interview that the game will conclude with 10 acts. So does that mean this expansion gives end to the story? Only 3 month leagues ahead?

Interesting question. I would like to hear official answer too.


Thank you.
I've been playing computer games since 1979 (Sinclair Spectrum ZX!) and POE is the most enjoyable thing out. Even tho I am totally shite at it (never got a character past level 89 and never killed Atziri, died 233 times in breach so far) I play most days. Even if it just a daily mission. The infinite possibilities and sheer creativity of the whole thing is amazing. It doesn't matter if you die, just pull on a new pair of boots and try again.
Really looking forward to the new levels!!!
GGG, you guys are seriously mad... I mean in a very positive way. :)

Now bring these new supporter packs online and take my money goddamit!

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