Knuckledust13 wrote:
How do you guys deal with long fights, such as well rolled guardians? I feel like I can't do them deathless, even with great gear and level 89. When flasks are down, there is little I can do..

You have a vinktars, but no anti shocking flask. Literally running kiaras when you have skyforths..

Thats why you're dying.
Hauzilla123 wrote:

You have a vinktars, but no anti shocking flask. Literally running kiaras when you have skyforths..

Thats why you're dying.

Le_Sanzo wrote:
Knuckledust13 wrote:
How do you guys deal with long fights, such as well rolled guardians? I feel like I can't do them deathless, even with great gear and level 89. When flasks are down, there is little I can do..

You can't facetank with this build unless your vinktar's are up. Practice dodging their attacks. All of the guardians have very obvious wind up before making their moves and you can dodge them easily. Once you get used to hitting them in between dodging, you should be finding it easier and easier to kill them. Takes me about 30 seconds to bring down any guardian. Hydra takes about a minute or two depending upon how well i've dodged the dmg.

Thanks for the hints guys, Im gonna try switching up Kiaras for an anti shock flask and practicing dodges.
Knuckledust13 wrote:

Thanks for the hints guys, Im gonna try switching up Kiaras for an anti shock flask and practicing dodges.

No. Kiara's is still an excellent choice for this build. It's a silver flask that offers freeze, chill and curse immunity freeing up flask slots as well onslaught. You've already got staunching on your diamond flask. Just roll your basalt flask with a grounding on it and you're good to go. That's the exact setup I use.
Free Atziri Service - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1458846

Done :D feels MUUUUCH smoother doing guardians now. Farming them comfortably and deathless.
Hello, i did a similar build, but with 2 curses and lowlife.
I got a question though, I have those two daggers:

The flat ele damage is quite similar. I could divine them for perfect rolls. But i wonder, which dagger is better, with perfect rolls?
Lower crit chance + higher AS versus higher crit chance + lower AS.
My Critchance with the Poignard is around 72, with the Royal Skean around 75% (with power charges), a diamond flask pushes it higher of course. Am using Blade Flurry.

What are your opinions?
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry

heya, awesome build. Been playing it the majority of the league. Quick question, how do you sustain leech assuming vinktars runs out? I've always seemed to have trouble with it. (Ignore enchant on Skyforths, I was running uberlab and got unlucky)
IGN: BendieStraw
I found the build to be fantastic, but I would like to know if I can improve it on damage.

My gear:

It's worth using divine orb in this dagger:
Last edited by Extremo_X on Feb 20, 2017, 7:58:10 AM
a faster dagger base would be better i think
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
(sorry for wall of text)

So I respecced my pizza totem inquisitor into this build and this is what im currently rolling with

I know, very budget cuz i didnt have that much money after i dumped all my chaos into regrets and i still had the chest/boots/gloves/eye of chayula that i used with the totem build.

i was using the curse on hit with assassins mark until yesterday but then i thought about getting and especially mainting power charges in longer boss fights since my damage still is... well kinda meh so i got orb of storms - inc crit strikes - pcoc and put in poachers mark instead of assassins for frenzy charges/more flask charges since i 100% rely on vinktars since i dont have any leech elsewhere. my cwdt setup is messed up because i need 3 reds for cwdt ic and warlords but my vorici isnt quite there yet. and i have to say i like this way more because the extra attack speed from the frenzy charges feels p good and my vinktars being up more often is nice as well. i just have to cast orb of storms a little more often and it can be tricky getting charges up when trash just explodes instantly most of the time but its not as bad as i thought. anyone who plays/played this build got any input on that? im basically sacrificing vaal haste/disc and inc dur for this setup but i never used them anyways...

another thing im wondering is, if i ever want to multimod etc my dagger, it would need flat lightning damage after the regal right? and the dagger base doesnt matter too much as long as it has decent base attack speed? (sorry if this has all been answered in previous pages but i skimmed through most of them and didnt find much)

also, for the 6th link assuming that im gonna roll with this setup for a while, what would you guys recommend? i thought about using inc crit damage or faster attacks instead of pcoc but im very unsure about that atm.

thanks in advance

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