Atlas of Worlds and Merge question.

I don't know man, a transfer would be really nice. I wouldn't see the con to it, as most people prefer STD anyhow, y'naw mean?

They don't, sc temp normally has something like four times the standard population during the first half of the league.

Essence is a bit different for a couple of reasons
- it doesn't have any league specific uniques
- mtx rewards are kinda meh
- it has a bit lacking special property
- it's centered around content that is available in perma
- your existing wealth makes that content much easier to complete and scouting out the endgame changes in standard was very much recommended prior to tackling it in hc temp

As a result we saw a significant number of players sticking it to standard this time, they probably don't want to risk it by having a significant pro perma factor around, and a filled atlas makes a huge amount of difference for your map sustain. I think they shot themselves in the foot with atlas either way as far as temps are concerned, they want us to play them and we had very little reason not to so far.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Nov 2, 2016, 12:35:53 PM
raics wrote:
I don't know man, a transfer would be really nice. I wouldn't see the con to it, as most people prefer STD anyhow, y'naw mean?

They don't, sc temp normally has something like four times the standard population during the first half of the league.

Essence is a bit different for a couple of reasons
- it doesn't have any league specific uniques
- mtx rewards are kinda meh
- it has a bit lacking special property
- it's centered around content that is available in perma
- your existing wealth makes that content much easier to complete and scouting out the endgame changes in standard was very much recommended prior to tackling it in hc temp

As a result we saw a significant number of players sticking it to standard this time, they probably don't want to risk it by having a significant pro perma factor around, and a filled atlas makes a huge amount of difference for your map sustain. I think they shot themselves in the foot with atlas either way as far as temps are concerned, they want us to play them and we had very little reason not to so far.

True, Essence is a lazier league, but it's where a lot of people have spent their time since AoW's, and to lose all of that progress would be a blow. No one likes back tracking XD
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
I hope it transfers. I didn't play standard at all and would hate to see all the progress I made gone.
I think it will be similar to Hideouts, the one with the highest completion will take over (and you'll likely lose sextants applied to the other one).

Personally I hope they do transfer, because I'm not excited at all about the thought of having to redo the Atlas progression (I'm at like 95 and had to buy close to half of my progression which upsets me a lot) so there is a very good chance I will skip the next league (unless it's a phenomenal idea that I just can't skip). If it doesn't transfer to standard and I'm skipping the league, well it will likely result in a long break from PoE for me.
raics wrote:
I expect it won't transfer, the same way lab trials didn't. We're supposed to unlock it all over again in each new league anyway, if we had fully unlocked atlas in standard and an empty one in temps I suppose it might turn some players away from temps.


League players don't want to run through the atlas once again in perm but are happy to do it all again every reset.

edit: As a perm league player, if there's a chance I could lose my nicely crafted perm Atlas then league endgame is essentially over for me.
We tested it extensively
Last edited by Icholas on Nov 2, 2016, 3:46:39 PM
Namcap wrote:
Personally I hope they do transfer, because I'm not excited at all about the thought of having to redo the Atlas progression (I'm at like 95 and had to buy close to half of my progression which upsets me a lot) so there is a very good chance I will skip the next league (unless it's a phenomenal idea that I just can't skip).

Exactly what I'm talking about.

Unless they make Atlas progress account-wide (which is a snowball's chance) they have the choice of somehow getting us to redo temp atlas or give us a clean slate and piss people off. That choice is as crappy as it gets, it's pretty much cutting off an arm or a leg, you need an arm more but the doctor doesn't feel like cutting off your leg because it's more work. No wonder the support didn't want to talk about it.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Nov 2, 2016, 3:56:05 PM
I would like to see us being able to choose which Atlas we keep Standard or Temp League.

The first time you log into Standard after a temp league is over you have to choose to import Temp Atlas or not. If you don't choose then the game automatically chooses to keep your Standard Atlas and throws away your Temp Atlas. If you choose Temp League then you lose your Standard Atlas. This way you get to keep which Atlas you like best and GGG doesn't have to figure out how to merge all the different possibilities that may occur.
See, new leagues could never start with a pre-explored Atlas, as new leagues are meant to start everyone back to the beginning. I understand that. But for STD thats not the case, and it should merge with no issues. And like the previous guy was saying, I spent a LOT of currency on the map... like, a lot, a lot. Deleting the League's Atlas(Which is way more explored than my STD) would not only delete all the time I spent into it, but also the currency, which is time on top of time. It's harsh. Hopefully we can keep this going until a Mod sees it and brings it into question what they plan on doing. XD
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
Hopefully this Atlas from the BETA leagues doesn't transfer to the parent leagues .
So many people would not have any will to ever play Leagues ever again if it didn't. Knowing all of their time and currency invested is wasted.

The only people who would say no to this idea, are probably RMT'ers, who would play leagues regardless.
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
Last edited by Totes_Adorbs on Nov 3, 2016, 2:12:39 AM

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