[outdated] King of the Forest (Crit version)

I was wondering which amulet is better, the one with 30% more chaos damage, which may give me less tooltip but more actual dps? Or the one that gives Multi (taking me to 280%) and some more evasion and 900DPS tooltip but it might give less actual dps. I'm not to sure. Not sure which to use, thanks

Last edited by GGZII on Oct 3, 2016, 10:20:05 PM
GGZII wrote:
You seem to be the same level of me but have an extra point in the passive tree on your character, could anyone see what im missing?

The bandit choice in cruel is a point. Maybe this is the difference?
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
What do you think of taking the 18% increased duration node before Frenetic and the one before Savagery and not take the fourth frenzy charge? You get 36% increased duration and only have to generate three charges to get to max.
wactober2355 wrote:
What do you think of taking the 18% increased duration node before Frenetic and the one before Savagery and not take the fourth frenzy charge? You get 36% increased duration and only have to generate three charges to get to max.

Thats true, you would lose 4% damage / attack speed, but getting to 3 instead of 4 would be nice
So been playing this for a few days, pretty great overall. I'd like a better amulet but outside of that my gear is pretty final. At the moment I'm able to cap res at 169 without any res on jewels, so I have 2 2dmg/1life jewels and 1 3dmg/life jewels. Also have heartseeker so Multi is at 360 atm without PC.


I was skeptical about the ms focus with celerity at first but I actually really like it now. Eventually will get even more out of it with a 21 grace. Using a jade flask atm. Had some thoughts about small things

- Prefer 3 frenzies to 4. 3 Frenzies with 1 dur node is very comfortable to play. Faster ramp time makes bosses feel much safer, and saves 2 nodes

- Heartseeker is huge efficient damage and I have it atm but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it yet

- Arrow dancing is extremely nice for surviving big packs of vaal constructs/porcs, and you can run ele reflect maps without gem swap while jade is up

- In line with the last point, I was thinking of dropping cwdt-IC for wither-spell totem, still with inc dur/vaal haste. Wither is insane on t16 bosses, shaper. I don't notice cwdt-IC doing much - maybe leave it in for uber farm to stop trio rain? Would like more input on this

- PCOC on frenzy feels essential. Damage is so much greater with 4 PC as sin than without. Otherwise its very difficult to sustain max PC on single target. In this vein, I need another gem slot. Current other gems are Grace/AA/Blood Rage, which are essential, and ice golem, vaal haste, inc dur, cwdt, IC. Would like to rethink this so I can fit blink arrow back in as that is also essential.

Last edited by PosteriorPounder on Oct 3, 2016, 11:56:51 PM
if you get a death's opus do you run with no gmp/lmp like reach?
is Slivertongue viable for this build, with small adjustments ofc. any thaughts about it?
sinlol wrote:
if you get a death's opus do you run with no gmp/lmp like reach?

With lmp.
Lightning Arrow - LMP - Added Chaos - Critical Strikes - Pierce.
Last edited by reh on Oct 4, 2016, 3:04:04 AM

Loving this build so far. Started with 6 frenzy charges, they only last 8 seconds, feels bad. Now trying if going down to 3-4 helps.

I was thinking of using

but I think solving the frenzy charge problem and using snakebites is just better.

What would you recommend for upgrades? Probably just rares I guess. got really lucky with hitting the gloves on some 30'ish corruptions.
Last edited by GilgameshNL on Oct 4, 2016, 4:44:20 PM
what about Pacifism for parma max frenzy?

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