Mathvil vlog : Chaos damage

raics wrote:

By the way, what's this doing in Gameplay Help? They surely aren't messing with our dear I_NO?

This sub thread is not just for Gamplay Help, Gameplay Discussion is included as well. The video I_NO provided is an in depth deliberation of Chaos Damage :)
Last edited by Melissa_GGG on May 18, 2016, 12:48:47 PM
Ah, right, I always forget about the discussion part, the salt is usually over there in general and feedback. Thanks.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on May 18, 2016, 12:58:32 PM
i bet you with most of the chaos builds out there, chaos reflect wouldn't even do anything to them. its because most are not build on super hard hits (except the chaosblast build or something) but most are dependent on an abundance of hits which apply a super buffed double-dipped poison which eats their HP in half a second.

reflect is very easy to get by with many small hits that add up to massive damage, like CoC builds, or most of these chaos builds. they'd just get some instant life leech and be just as fine as everybody else that isn't discharge.

the problem is quite obviously the double dipping. to get essentially like 8 MORE damage factors on your poison damage is out of this world stupid as hell.
if you actually watch the video (I hope that's what you are doing, and not taking anyones word [even mine] on what is said on the video), Mathil's main points is that chaos now as opposed as to chaos before,

1)was made easy to get and scale
2)made even more powerful with ascendancies
2.5)with non-phys leech much more easily available, people can in general focus on just damage in their setup

he also says that chaos builds dont give a shit about map mods- obviously true, but it was like that before as well. the main points is how easy and non-niche is to make a chaos build (compared to pre-talisman, lets say), and how easy the ascendancies and latter gems scale damage

so, this is a video more about power creep than reflect.
^ Point 2.5 pretty valid actually. Was surprised to take a break in 2.0 and come back to the Duelist Nodes.

One of the things I have disliked about post-2.0 is the overloading of the "More" multiplier on all of the Support Gems, which indirectly affects how well Chaos can be scaled. Nowadays, you stack a shitload of multipliers and you have your DPS, something that in the past you needed to have well-tuned gear or make sacrifices to obtain.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on May 19, 2016, 2:48:41 AM
One of the things I have disliked about post-2.0 is the overloading of the "More" multiplier on all of the Support Gems, which indirectly affects how well Chaos can be scaled. Nowadays, you stack a shitload of multipliers and you have your DPS, something that in the past you needed to have well-tuned gear or make sacrifices to obtain.

this. equipping voltaxic has no opportunity cost anymore. the "increased" spell damage/cast speed/etc. you could get from wand & shield or dual wands just doesn't make that much of a difference anymore when you're stacking "more" damage in every support gem.
I think he made a good case for removing reflect. Ive been on the fence with the issue but leaning towards leaving it in the game because historically it did make more sense than not at some stage and you kind of cling to such things. I think he sold me on ditching it now though.

does it rly do anything other than force a reroll on a char that cant do it? Are the chars that can and cant balanced in a fair way? No, essentially, it has ceased to be an appropriate division between chars. Once it was a thing that made a good separation, these high damage chars care about reflect, these other low damage chars dont and these awkward trappers etc maybe dont. Thats the theory, spork totems sort of leled that theory to some extent and by this stage the randomness of who cares, who doesnt care, why they dont care is such a mess and not at all supporting the positive initial theory behind it.

My 2h physical earthquake build probably cares more about ele reflect than phys, I cant even run ele reflect maps. Is it intended that my physical RT melee build should have trouble with ele reflect and phys reflect while an arc build cares only about ele reflect and a chaos sparker cares about neither? Is that a good way to split up those 3 builds into who should be punished the most and the least? Seems backwards to me, in complete reverse of what sort of builds should be punished for their chosen application of damage.

Im down, ditch it, and agreed to virtually all his other points. He does a good verbal wall of text, mathils a smart bloke.

Not sure about thorns, I dunno if that just takes a skill like bladevortex and fucks it, when actually thats essentially a melee spell and inherently more dangerous than most spells, how do you tune it so thats not the case while still making thorns mean anything to a quaker? I dunno, Im not completely sold on having thorns instead. Maybe just a new mechanic that is a combo of a low level thorns + a low level reflect that applies to all damage? I dunno, honestly I feel like ditching the entire thing sounds better, make some mods that kill me by making the mobs harder instead, that way Ill actually run the map and maybe die rather than just use a chaos orb to bypass reflect entirely. This is the thing, the effect of reflect in practice is how many chaos does it cost your build to never run it, it doesnt actually make playing the game harder for you because you never play reflect maps, it just removes some of your currency. Is that something really meaningful and positive? No, it really isnt when you think about it.

Snorkle_uk wrote:
I think he made a good case for removing reflect.

Theoretically, I'm for having some form of reflect in the game, however under one condition only - that it can't be nullified in any way except by doing damage indirectly as that has its own share of inherent drawbacks.

Unfortunately, the whole reflect concept has been exactly wholesome at no point in PoE history so right now I'll just say screw it, lock away the damn thing and throw away the key. Also thorns on spiked shields and as a mod while you're at it, that thing was never more than a piece of toilet humor.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

What if, in reflect place would be placed charges generated on mob like every 0.3 seconds with maximum 8 charges, when mob is hit- mob consumes charges and reflects damage back 500 damage per each charge. Damage would scale on area level as well. It would be the middle ground between thorns and current reflect and somewhat similar to volatile blood.
Last edited by Andrius319 on May 19, 2016, 2:11:42 PM
Personal opinion is that they keep reflect, but give more incentive to run it, like much higher IQ and IR bonuses, or even packsize. That way players who run defensive, slower clearing builds capable of doing reflect maps are rewarded, while giving other players more of a reason to try doing reflect maps instead of rerolling.

This suggestion does mean that chaos builds get rewarded, but chaos(particularly poison) is overpowered and overused, and it needs to be looked at again, not have other damage sources "buffed". Maybe what we need is for monsters to have more chaos resistance, or to have map mods that hamper chaos builds, like just "enemies have X chaos resistance" or "enemies take reduced damage from DOT effects"

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