Does anyone actually enjoy Labyrinth?

Vaalamity wrote:
Does someone out there think this shit is fun?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the labyrinth, even with crappy concept builds. I find the lab more enjoyable than maps. I just with there were a larger variety of traps, especially in combination with pressure plates.

Oh you lagged and died? Trololol do it again!

Yes, getting lagged out sucks.

Don't make me grind it.

Nobody is making you grind it. If you don't like it, don't do it. I'm not a fan of maps, you don't see me on here complaining about new map content every patch.

At least there's a new hero in Heroes of the Storm!

Have fun with your ultra-casual MOBA.

And1111 wrote:
how would anyone enjoy dodging shitty traps which can kill you in 2 sec in grinding arpg for 45 min,then you dc,then all over again,lol

The same way I can enjoy dodging boss attacks that can kill me in 1-2 hits. Though these are much easier to dodge and have easily identifiable telegraphs and patterns.
I've been playing POE for over a year now, but I'll probably give it a break now.
Personally I don't like the Labyrinth and I think that's a psychological thing.
Running in circles makes me feel like I'm trapped.
Rerunning the whole thing after I died or having been disconnected drives me nuts.
Also Labyrinth seems to be a "must do" to me because of the ascendency points. It simply is not that "kind of fun" I enjoyed before.
I understand that there are a lot of people who like it and I am still curious about what GGG will change or do with it.
My only problems with it are pretty minor:
- D/Cs and crashes in the Lab hurt my soul
- Perandus chests/Cadiro don't spawn in the Lab; there's no interaction with the current league
- Merc Izaro is kinda daunting and waiting a day for better mechanics (i.e. not Frenzy) sucks

With those caveats, I'm really enjoying the Labyrinth. Finding all the secrets in it, mastering the Izaro mechanics, and learning all the trap patterns is good times. Tunable risk/reward loot is also pretty great, and enchants make a decent permanent sink for labyrinth time.

I really enjoy a slower, focused pace of game, and as an ES/CI player in the Lab, it really forces me to slow down (i.e. ~15-20minute labs). I can probably get going faster than that, but at the same time, I don't really have a strong desire to do so.

It's totally different than facerolling maps and falling asleep until a "perfect storm" Volatile pops me or a herpaderp power unique drops.

I wish there was a way to make the Labyrinth bleed out into the normal world, but GGG already taunted the bear enough with this change. The reality is that the people complaining about the Lab (as a concept, not its minor bugs/problems) are a different demographic of gamer from me and is a demographic that GGG themselves have fostered over the last few years.
I absolutely love the Lab, as I'm sure several of oyu can tell from my posts. I have run it a lot already and intend to run it more. In fact, I'll probably try to create builds specifically around it.

Note: I understand the ES issues, but that's not really that much different than ES always has. I usually end up playing at least 1 ES build a league, so I will give it a go a little later. I played one last league and HATED bonespire with a passion. That said...I still wanted it added to the core game.
pneuma wrote:

I wish there was a way to make the Labyrinth bleed out into the normal world, but GGG already taunted the bear enough with this change. The reality is that the people complaining about the Lab (as a concept, not its minor bugs/problems) are a different demographic of gamer from me and is a demographic that GGG themselves have fostered over the last few years.

+1 Thank you for saying this.
I really enjoy the laby! However I don't enjoy the constant disconnects that come with it. Haven't been able to complete it for 2 days straight due to dc's. :/

Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
A kid with a magnifying glass. . . looming down on the anthill. Eventually one is going to get you.
Last edited by Maceless on Mar 12, 2016, 10:06:04 AM
Labyrinth and Izaro are so utterly disconnected from each other, they might as well just go the whole way and remove him and make him a different challenge. As it is, there is no reason to explore the Labyrinth unless you need to complete the relic challenge.

I like the labyrinth. But the labyrinth is not the reason we're there, Izaro is. Therefore, the labyrinth becomes a waste of time and an utterly pointless hindrance. There's a concept in game design called "iteration cycles." It basically means the time it takes to go from a failure state to another attempt, and as a rule harder games require shorter iteration cycles to make the difficulty bearable. So, for example, if you die to Dominus you get kicked right back outside the door and walk back in, the iteration cycle is mere seconds. I started to realize GGG was out of touch with this concept when I played the Kaom areas. If you get 90% of the way through and die, you have to spend what feels like an eternity walking all the way back. Daresso's zone is slightly less heinous, though only in the second half where it's broken up into checkpoints.

The point here is that the iteration cycles on Izaro are ridiculous for how hard he is, and everything making those cycles longer (AKA the labyrinth) is sheer torment. Even somone who would enjoy the labyrinth, like me, will quickly learn to hate it because it's just one more stupid thing between you and another attempt at this stupid boss.
This is a buff™
Yeah, it's fucking awesome. Not David Bowie awesome, but it's close.
To OP: Nope, not one bit. Ruined this game imo, with few reasons already mentioned in many posts. Some do like though, equally easy to understand this, since very different feeling gameplay. Some surely love having different type of thing to do now.

Is not optional, this is the problem. Some people also like Atziri runs, is similiar in a way. Same challenge there: make build for it, can grind rewards. But lab needed to get something essential for char, that cannot achieve by any other way. And it sucks.

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