ITT we guess what Scion's Ascendancy class will be like

- more damage/defence per jewel
- more something for having dex and str and int
- nodes bonuses not tied to weapon types or damage types (effects on hit, kill, cast etc)
- more big nodes than other classes
- Iron will, Iron grip as big nodes
- spell/ranged/melee nodes apply to spell/ranged/melee attacks
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Last edited by kamil1210 on Nov 22, 2015, 3:12:17 AM
rdespair wrote:
1st node: +10 to Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity
2nd node: You may select any two other ascendancy classes.

So you'd have a lot of versatility, but you'd have to waste 2 of your 6 points to get it.

This is actually a decent idea but I can't see why I'd ever play a scion unless there was an extremely niche build that required extensive tree traversal.

2 ascendant points is basically 1 potentially powerful ascendant notable.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
For total brokenness: Pick whichever other ascendancy class of your choice.

This actually is the most likely outcome, considering there's only 1 option and scion having a 'jack of all trades' theme. It makes no sense to have them only have 1 ascendancy unless this is the case.
I am going to follow the "pick any other ascendancy class" direction.

It would make sense if it cost you 1 ascendancy point, since it would limit your choice in the ascendancy class of choice to 1 big perk or 2 smaller perks.

To one up it, "cannot use regret orbs on scion ascendancy class"

heu heu :)


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
my guess:

The Scion's ascendancy class will be the Incubis

As the scion comments herself: Corruption empowers, and her unholy gifts and nightmares continue while her eyes are open.

The first section of her ascendancy tree is Corruption - the ability to twist others intentions. The nodes/powers granted are:

Unholy Consort (aoe convert monsters into allies with less chance, but duration until death)

Beast Harness (gain 1-2 mods of the last monster you killed)

Mirrorcide - chance to reflect damage on block.

The second section of her ascendancy tree is Nightmare - the ability to change the reality around her. The nodes/powers granted are:

Carpe Noctem - lowers light radius for monsters, grants small chance for scion to dodge

Scourge of Fear - Enemies struck by the scion have a chance to flee, those fleeing have a chance to be slowed as if by tar, and those slowed by tar have a chance to be paralyzed like a statue.

In Somnis Veritas - permanently select one node from another character's ascendency (this however, changes the scion's appearance to that of the chosen node)

PoE Origins - Piety's story
I'm guessing it will be Gemling

Six linked gem sockets you can use after you unlock them.

Ah, Scrotie already went for that one, then I'll put my money there too and we can share the winnings.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Nov 22, 2015, 6:03:15 PM
raics wrote:
I'm guessing it will be Gemling

Six linked gem sockets you can use after you unlock them.

Ah, Scrotie already went for that one, then I'll put my money there too and we can share the winnings.
Actually I was guessing six jewel sockets. Your guess of six linked gem sockets is distinct, because when I said "the Tabula Rasa of Ascendancy classes" I didn't mean it nearly as literally as you did.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Nov 23, 2015, 4:40:07 PM
Part of the problem with the current game is "everything is better as a Scion."

How would giving the Scion access to every single Ascendancy class in the game:

A.) give the Scion her own unique identity and purpose for existence, a.k.a. the purpose of Ascendancy classes?

B.) solve the issue of "everything is better as a Scion"?

I'm not sure if GGG would break things open and offer the Scion a larger tree in her singular class (which could be seen as unfairly punishing the Scion, in a way), but as the Scion is supposed to be a particularly malleable class able to perform any task/build in the game (if, theoretically, less efficiently than that build's native class), I could see something like a six-spoked wheel of two-node spokes, each Ascendancy keystone themed after one of the base six classes. Hmm...just because I like baseless conjecture...

Mistress of Thaumaturgy: Increased spell damage; (non-movement) Spells gain a chance to Echo.

Mistress of Darkness: Increased physical damage; physical damage has a chance to poison enemies.

Mistress of the Hunt: Increased projectile damage; projectiles cull, gain life/mana/Frenzy charges on cull.

Mistress of the Arena: Increased melee damage; melee hits gain a chance to reduce enemy defenses (reverse Fortify).

Mistress of Zeal: Life regen; Life and Mana regen modifiers each apply to the other pool.

Mistress of War: Increased life/armor; gain damage based on a percentage of Armor Rating

Obviously just spitballing (bad) ideas, but something like this, with each of the Scion's single nodes patterned after what could be considered the core (desired) identity of the six base classes, might fit the Scion's base pattern of doing what the other classes already do. She doesn't get her own modifiers so much as she gets to pick which three base classes she most closely aligns with.

I'unno. I just think something like that makes a lot more sense than allowing the Scion to obsolete every other classes right out of the gates, again, by letting her pick whichever Ascendancy class she wants whilst also being able to go anywhere on the tree she likes. Sorta spikes Ascendancy class balancing from the start, as well as sinks their whole concept behind this initiative.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Actually I was guessing six jewel sockets. Your guess of six linked gem sockets is distinct, because when I said "the Tabula Rasa of Ascendancy classes" I didn't mean it nearly as literally as you did.

By all the brittle emperors of Great Depression - you're right, dunno where was I looking :)

Do try your hand in that contest I ripped off from you, there are eternal glory and cookies for the winner.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Heh, I was going to post a thread suggesting what the OP is guessing but when I googled to make sure the class hadn't been revealed yet, this was the first result.

Seriously though, I can't imagine a more appropriate ascendency class for the scion.

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