New UI Mockup

Looks pretty amazing to say the least :)
As a whole it looks amazing. The two women chained to the health and mana orbs are awesome. Its like eery and sad, yet beautiful.

Now if you guys could come up with some lore that relates to the both of them. Some in game mythology about enslaved protectors of life and mana paying out a debt for something relating to their orb.
Your GUI redesign is fantastic, you have some amazing artists working for you.
very great
It looks gorgeous, but should the "Inventory" be written to the top of the window? I mean it is like obvious that what it is... :)
I just love this revised ui. Works so well with the rest of the art. really completes the aesthetic.
The UI has a rustic/tattered feeling to it. I like it :D
This new UI just really brings this game up to date with other current games. I mean, the UI looks so polished this way.
Very nice indeed, this looks like a UI fit for a modern RPG. Well done! :)
Stay a while and listen.
Although on second glance the pic posted doesn't show the power status of the energy shield. I'd like to see how that will be added to the gui in a more polished styling

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