[2.1.0] Grocery's Boss Destroyer BLAST RAIN Compendium! Phys2Ele Build!

Finally back playing again after holidays. I am leveling in Tali right now with TS and Blast Rain. Going well with minimal gear, Death's Harp is great for leveling until chin sol. I may try dropping frenzy altogether and just going TS/LA with Blast Rain for bosses.

I bought a Chin Sol for when I hit 62 tonight for a fusing with almost perfect rolls, got a bit lucky. I plan to use it for a long time. Should be a pretty cheap time in Talisman!

I will be updating some stuff over the next few days.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
What do you think about?
holewka wrote:
What do you think about?

No need to use it imo. Better to get a nice rare quiver. You convert 100% of BR dps to ele already with phys 2 ele.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Hey Grocery. Loving the build mate. im running this in HC tali atm but i just have a few questions about Vaal pact. do you take this to negate phys/ele reflect? like if i shot blast rain into a huge pack of reflect mobs will it one shot me? or will i leech through the damage reflected? thanks.
Nonybrah wrote:
Hey Grocery. Loving the build mate. im running this in HC tali atm but i just have a few questions about Vaal pact. do you take this to negate phys/ele reflect? like if i shot blast rain into a huge pack of reflect mobs will it one shot me? or will i leech through the damage reflected? thanks.

Yes, that is why I take it. Leech is processed before reflect damage, so you'll hit, leech (instantly) and then take the reflected damage. The big one shots can hurt but with blast rain it hits many times very quickly, which is ideal for how VP interacts with leech.

If you have enough leech you can leech through the damage to an extent. Ele reflect maps will be rippy.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Last edited by Grocery on Jan 7, 2016, 2:03:16 AM
You link two sets of trees here, one for physele and one for straight phys leveling, is the leveling one usable for both trees?
Hello everybody ,

Firstable im a begginer on the game , and second i try to understand and speak in english but im french so its hard to understand all perfectly , so excuse my syntax and orthographs faults.

Thanks for the build and the great video , but i cant understand how you can stack your frenzy charges without using frenzy ? and how you maintain the stacks after that ?

could someone explain that to me ? Thanks guys
Last edited by arkan68 on Jan 11, 2016, 4:44:14 AM
Hello nice build and all, but i wonder.. why do you recommend taking blood dance with vaal pact? am i missing something? i thought that the vaal pact removes the hp regen blood dance gives

Just wanted to say that this build is SICK!!

I was lvl 64 and just did a 95% quantity 45% items as lvl 64 with chin sol.

Thanks for a nice guide!! This most be in top 5 builds for 2.1.!

Just sick....
Love this build but too much of a Noob to figure out \ guess all of the abbreviations. Can you update the build page with Gems fully defined and what items they are placed in? Example:
Chest - Chaos Golem -
- Minion Life
- Fortify
- Life Leech

Any help would be awesome!
Thanks in advance.

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