I am lucky, therefore game is fine

"I don't like it when people point out the fundamental consequences of RNG-based progression, the fact that people could get to where I am in this game through luck compromises my narrative that I got here through skill and that those who can't get here are just whiny kids who cry because they're jealous of what I've got."
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
Last edited by gilrad on Aug 13, 2015, 5:56:28 AM
johnKeys wrote:
first post
I am doing well, so why you QQ?

guys, you have absolutely no idea how utterly annoying this attitude is, when reading through forum posts.
out of all possible replies to other people's complaints - legitimate or not - some choose the one which indicates, more than others (choose the most appropriate):

1) they don't give a shit about other players.
2) they don't give a shit about the game, because they couldn't care less what happens outside their current bubble of "me".
3) they simply enjoy acting like complete dirt bags, in Forums.

this kind of shitty behaviour plagued the PoE Forum for as long as I remember it, but currently there's just too much of it.
please stop.

Hmm. Okay.
Simplicity in its finest.
Let's just "reverse" it and watch the outcome.

" I didn't get instant gratitude\was killed with 1200 hp at merciless
(can't faceroll WHOLE GAME with randomly assigned passive nodes and ineffective 5L skill)\never found a Shavronne in a month of playing\ etc \ etc

THEREFORE THIS GAME IS ***_random list of insults_ "

guys, you have absolutely no idea how utterly annoying this attitude is, when reading through forum posts.
this kind of shitty behaviour plagued the PoE Forum for as long as I remember it, but currently there's just too much of it.
please stop.

See what i'm talking about? That's the stick with 2 ends.
That argument is fair for both sides.

Most of the time these posts come from people who doesn't want to (here i come to the dangerous line of probation) use their brains(c)
because "i am playing the game - why should i read more than 2 words \ calculate % \ plan ahead \ do stuff wisely \ etc - i want fun and gratitude NOW".

Nope. Not this kind of game.
And people, instead of just changing the game\choosing other one, will flood the forum with their (let's call it) disappointment. Constructive criticism is good, "nerd rage" isn't.

Negativity is "contagious". Try to "move away" form it on these forums and the game itself will become more interesting and "fun". At least it did for me.

Thank you for your time \^_^
Remember, suffering is convenient.
That is why many people prefer it.
Happiness requires effort.
Do you have an option to spent your life doing things you like?
Yes? Then go do them!
Is reading forums one of those things you enjoy?
No? Then don't read the forums.

Was reading the forums one of the things you enjoyed in life but fore some reason it is not anymore?
Well can you do something about it?
Yes? Then do it.
No? Then move on, find another thing you like.

Is the only thing you can do about it, telling others they are idiots?
Then do it, you have the right to do so.
Will you get probation because of that?
Of course you will.
But then, This is GGG's game, it's their forums, they can do WHATEVER they feel like doing.

Do you feel that
- allowing people to QQ in forums
- being polite and politically correct but still kind of rude to others (by just being selfish)
is way more harmful to the community then -
- having an aggravating argument full of personal insults with someone
Then post a thread exactly like this one.

But will it have any impact on changing the forum rules or on what people will be allowed to post here?
Not in the slightest way.
But then again, This is GGG's game, it's their forums, they can do WHATEVER they feel is right.

The only thing you can do about things is, be the shining example.
Do things the right way. Don't get annoyed by others.
Be the one who brightens the day for someone else.
Don't fall in with the crowd.
My original account Dushan is banned.
I miss my Kiwi and Demigod's Presence.
By reading any of Duchan's forum posts you agree to the following Duchan forum posts Terms of Use:
Miská wrote:
Jojas wrote:
Miská wrote:
Funny, i find the opposite annoying. Where lazy people complain nothing ever drops for them. Where people claim to play 3000 hours without an exalt drop. Pff, so tired of these posts.

I find calling people "lazy" when it comes to playing games even more annoying. This is the brainwashed 21st century corporate tools applying their work ethic to their spare time, and turning their nose up at anyone who sees it differently.

No not really. You just interpret my words to fit your story. Lazy gamers are the brainwashed 21st century created by the likes of blizzard and co. Get everything, do nothing.

I have no problem with anyone spending their time the way they wish. However, if i have time to play 2 hours of PoE in a week, you won't find me complaining on the forum about all kinds of things. Unlike alot of people on these forums.

It's fairly simple to put RNG to your hand in this game. It just requires effort. And sadly, by the likes of yourself, effort is confused with work these days. Where as this is a game, and no work should be done (Cause we work in real life) It's hilarious really. And abit pathetic.

It's true that some of the complaints come from people who run three maps, don't get an upgrade, and think the system is broken. But a lot of the complaints also come from people who think that PoE's shift from trade-heavy to trade-exclusive - as it is with maps now - is not good for the game.
Or who think that luck should not be a factor when it comes to accessibility of content. Or who think that having tons of possibilities when it comes to making builds, while being extremely stingy - and again trade-gated - in giving the players the means to make these builds, is hampering with PoE's potential.

None of that has anything to do with being lazy, or with being spoiled from modern RPG's or D3. In PoE there are two ways to "succeed": Either you put in endless hours of playing the same very restricted sample of content over and over again, or you start trading. But both have way more to do with work than with effort. Figuring out a way to beat a boss, or how to optimize your build and your gear, or overcoming the death of a HC char, that takes effort. But running a shop, or grinding mind-numbing content is much more akin to work. If people can live with that, that's fine. But they should be honest enough to admit that the effort to work ratio in PoE greatly favours the work part.

PoE is not much of an old-school game. Old-school never entailed the necessity for trading or grinding, it entailed difficult encounters. I'm really tired of people giving themselves a pat on the back and looking down on the oh so spoiled new generation of gamers. They exist but very few of them find their way to PoE, and stick with it. Many of the people who stick with it but occasionally pop up to complaini see PoE as half a game - a huge potential marred by a fixation on the economy and a very large RNG variance - always hoping that GGG one day "gets things right".
I can agree with most you said. I don't think we are to far from eachother in Pov.

However, i disagree that work has any part in PoE. My shop takes me literally less then 1 min to sort out each day. The grinding part marking as work, i don't about that either. I do what i like to do. I don't need anything to drop because i have enough currency to do whatever i want every league from pretty much day 1.

Trading is not black and white, its not a synonym for being a trade sim just because trading is a big part of PoE. If you are efficient with your setup and are experienced in pricing your items, you can literally do nothing and maintain a high end, well selling shop with no effort. Just because some can't, is not my problem tbh. That might sound selfish but it's really not my problem.

I give people advice in PoE every single day, some people just DON'T want advice. And rather keep whining and complaining, while there are countless of others that have proven them wrong. Without a single bit of luck.

I 6linked 20 items so far in Warbands. Is that luck, or maybe it has to do with me spending 30k+ fusings. For some people no matter how rational you bring something, they will always choose the easy way and call it luck.
Miská wrote:
I can agree with most you said. I don't think we are to far from eachother in Pov.

However, i disagree that work has any part in PoE. My shop takes me literally less then 1 min to sort out each day. The grinding part marking as work, i don't about that either. I do what i like to do. I don't need anything to drop because i have enough currency to do whatever i want every league from pretty much day 1.

Trading is not black and white, its not a synonym for being a trade sim just because trading is a big part of PoE. If you are efficient with your setup and are experienced in pricing your items, you can literally do nothing and maintain a high end, well selling shop with no effort. Just because some can't, is not my problem tbh. That might sound selfish but it's really not my problem.

I give people advice in PoE every single day, some people just DON'T want advice. And rather keep whining and complaining, while there are countless of others that have proven them wrong. Without a single bit of luck.

I 6linked 20 items so far in Warbands. Is that luck, or maybe it has to do with me spending 30k+ fusings. For some people no matter how rational you bring something, they will always choose the easy way and call it luck.

The problem with trading is that for many people who don't like it it breaks the fourth wall. The actual effort involved in maintaining a shop is a non-issue. You set it up and occasionally add something. There are not that many people who shy away from the effort (or work) it involves, not in PoE. And if you're involved deep enough into the game, very often you know the mechanics well enough that recognizing and pricing good gear correctly for all kinds of builds is just a small step further from what you already know and do anyway.

One approach to ARPG's could be called "romantic" - in which you advance by what drops for you, with an ever increasing amount of farming, and every good drop is a potential for inspiration for a new char -, and the other one "utilitarian" - where you have a clear picture of your build in mind, and every action and everything that drops is seen as a means to get the gear required. For the latter this feeling of breaking the fourth wall simply does not exist.

Romantics don't like trading for gear. It feels cheap. For romantics, the whole point of an ARPG - the feeling of progression and of overcoming challenges, and of building something by your own efforts - is gone once they bought what they need. For them it's work not in the sense that it's tiring or boring, but in that it stops being a game. You don't work because it's fun you work because it means money. You set up a shop not because it's fun, you do it because it means currency. Same thing.

That's why it is a black and white issue. You cannot be both, at least not at the same time. You always at the very least lean towards one. And PoE in its current state not only favours the "utilitarians", like it always did, but makes content available virtually exclusively only for them.

You say you 6-linked 20 items. How did you do that? My guess is, you played the market, right? As in, buying low and selling high. 6-linking good gear, then selling it for profit. Rinse, repeat.
I might be wrong but I see no other way to do it, other than playing 24/7 and being very "lucky".
But if you did that, how is that not work? I'm not saying it cannot be enjoyable, but this sort of approach is a big outlier to what you can expect from (A)RPG's, old-school, new-school, no matter.
It's no wonder people keep on complaining when they have this big, juicy fruit dangling in front of their noses (PoE how it could be), and what they get so shoehorns them into a very specific playstyle.
Last edited by Jojas on Aug 13, 2015, 8:24:43 AM
Jojas wrote:

The problem with trading is that for many people who don't like it it breaks the fourth wall. The actual effort involved in maintaining a shop is a non-issue. You set it up and occasionally add something. There are not that many people who shy away from the effort (or work) it involves, not in PoE. And if you're involved deep enough into the game, very often you know the mechanics well enough that recognizing and pricing good gear correctly for all kinds of builds is just a small step further from what you already know and do anyway.

One approach to ARPG's could be called "romantic" - in which you advance by what drops for you, with an ever increasing amount of farming, and every good drop is a potential for inspiration for a new char -, and the other one "utilitarian" - where you have a clear picture of your build in mind, and every action and everything that drops is seen as a means to get the gear required. For the latter this feeling of breaking the fourth wall simply does not exist.

Romantics don't like trading for gear. It feels cheap. For romantics, the whole point of an ARPG - the feeling of progression and of overcoming challenges, and of building something by your own efforts - is gone once they bought what they need. For them it's work not in the sense that it's tiring or boring, but in that it stops being a game. You don't work because it's fun you work because it means money. You set up a shop not because it's fun, you do it because it means currency. Same thing.

That's why it is a black and white issue. You cannot be both, at least not at the same time. You always at the very least lean towards one. And PoE in its current state not only favours the "utilitarians", like it always did, but makes content available virtually exclusively only for them.

You say you 6-linked 20 items. How did you do that? My guess is, you played the market, right? As in, buying low and selling high. 6-linking good gear, then selling it for profit. Rinse, repeat.
I might be wrong but I see no other way to do it, other than playing 24/7 and being very "lucky".
But if you did that, how is that not work? I'm not saying it cannot be enjoyable, but this sort of approach is a big outlier to what you can expect from (A)RPG's, old-school, new-school, no matter.
It's no wonder people keep on complaining when they have this big, juicy fruit dangling in front of their noses (PoE how it could be), and what they get so shoehorns them into a very specific playstyle.

I'm sorry but it is widely known this is not the right game to be able to play any build you please selffound. That would be a horrible design choice. Because it would make PoE like diablo 3 is right now. Everything would be common crap.

I've played selffound in the 5 day selffound league, and made it top 20. Almost lvl 91. It's not as tough as people claim. Selffound even without masters is in a great spot. The only problem is, buildchoice. You just gotta accept that you can't predict what will drop for you. That's PoE. It has also little to do with 'lucky'.

I'm not sure how long you play PoE, but pricing is not as simple as you say it is. I would say as little as 0.1% of the player base has a deep understanding of pricing every piece of loot that will drop in this game. Hence, for new players or players that are 'lazy' pricing will be impossible, and many many good items will be vendored by lack of knowledge.

You should really not speak for everyone neither. I enjoy making a shop, even though it only has the purpose of making currency. Just because it has that goal, doesn't mean one can't have fun doing so and maintaining it.

I made my currency this league with my shop. 'playing' the market is not as dramatic as people make it sound. I think everyone including myself sometimes sold something off cheap to get currency quick. That someone else then buys your item and waits 1 day and makes and ex or 2. Big deal. People really don't understand the concept of time is money. Scamming is not flipping by definition. The people that complain the most, haven't even been in a situation where they could actually understand why flipping happens, and why it is certainly not always a bad thing, for neither party involved.
Your perception of the game is that end game content should be 100% accessible and not gated by RNG. My opinion differs with yours on a fundamental level. I'm not lucky, I'm just happy with running 73-75 maps and enjoying the occasional higher level map that I find.
Every Saturday = National Booze n Poe Day
my attitude:

problem: man i wish i had enough chromatics to make this upgrade work, what ever should i do?

solution: Farm more. Create more opportunities to be 'lucky'. Or not get lucky but have some stuff other people might want.

i do get a kick out of the idea that having done one or a few level 76 maps means you should never do another level 73 map, and that everyone else is just 'lucky' when they have some 78-82 maps to do.
Hey...is this thing on?
If you work hard enough at it, you can get anything you want in this game. I have nearly 3000 hours in this game, and have farmed around 1000 exalts worth of gear. I do no flipping whatsoever, I farm like crazy. Even when I find nothing, I do chaos recipes, easily doing an exalt a day, sometimes 2 or 3.

All my legacy IIQ/IIR gear, I earned. I farmed for stuff, sold that stuff and bought what I needed. I've never scammed anyone, and my prices are usually extremely fair, if not fair, underpriced. I'm not greedy.

Just don't listen to greedy assholes or elitists. They have no bearing on what you do.

I don't even have an up to date shop. I'd rather play the game and not be bothered by it.

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