Constant lag spikes

Playing on Australian Servers with constant Lag Spikes. Giving up playing until something is done about this.
bumps for aus and sg server
I log in every day hoping that I wont get that 1.8k ping and see my character freeze there. I also check forums as well figuring I would stumble on some response from GGG or perhaps an explanation with a possible fix. But nope, their silence tells us a lot.

And please, dont give me that shit that this problem is on our side. It makes no fucking sense for this game to be the only one giving me latency problems while all the others run w/o any issues. This is an online fucking game, to enable the players to play the game properly should be the top priority of a company running the damn game.

/Rant off. Either way, I hope this gets sorted out. My hype is gone, the league is well on its way and I wont be able to play it.

Communicate with your playerbase, dont leave them in the dark like this.
ign: Whirlaboonm Trapstaboon
Started happening to me as well today, making the game unplayable, tested multiple different servers but it seems to be the same thing everywhere. Normal ms is ~40 and then getting constant +300 spikes that freeze the game.
Same problem here, having huge lag spikes since the new addon. Yesterday it was impossible to play for me, ms jumped sometimes even to 2000 :-/
Totally unplayable due to constant lagspikes. Started today. ;__;
Lagspikes started today for me too. Normal around 50ms and i'm getting terrible 500ms spikes almost constantly.

Edit: False alarm, problem was with my ISP here in Finland.
Last edited by MegaForce83 on Mar 14, 2016, 2:58:47 PM
I have constantly lag spikes, this game is actually not playable for me. I hope GGG (Technical Support) can help me with my problem! Thanks in advance

Frankfurt (Germany) Server:


Amsterdam (Netherlands) Server:

Frankfurt loss packet
Last edited by itstaren on Mar 14, 2016, 4:26:37 PM
ggg plz fix your servers cant play on frankfurt / amsterdam 2 much lag spikes plzz!! its unplayable
Please message me here or ingame. My IGN is ReroII.

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