Supporters United!

Sexcalibre, you are literally the opposite viewpoint from mine. I was encouraging players to stop supporting PoE because the devs weren't willing to take time out and fix real issues with the game. I realized that the game had to die for these things to ever get properly addressed. This death is precisely the thing you rebel against... and I revel in. From the ashes of this downtime shall hopefully come a Phoenix of improved netcode and spell-projectile balance (and hopefully some changes to mapping, although that might be over-optimistic). This is what needed to happen if the game was to move forward instead of pathetically starting at its own reflection. Even without a key, I'm almost motivated to get out my credit card.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Apr 22, 2015, 1:05:21 AM
I just cant identify with this post. I never played a beta and never want to. I had RoS beta and only logged to see changes but game was not ready for prime time so I see no point in playing. Everything gets wiped many things get changed and game sometimes buggy. My join date here was after game was released even though I saw Kripp streaming a year prior.

Anyway I'll continue to support like I always have if it's good on full release. Not be a little bitch because I didnt get my way.

I also dont show my supporter packs as I don't want to influence anyone how to spend thier money. I certainly wouldn't start a thread about it. Again bitch move.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 22, 2015, 1:12:54 AM
Holy crap, Calibre. This is ridiculous.
FYI: It's not a fantasy story, it's a cosmic horror story.
Xtorma_Xtorma wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Sexcalibure wrote:

sure i would be powerless on reddit, its filled with BrownNosers, its known

'Everyone who doesn't agree with my blatant shitposting is a brownnoser!'

Sure thing m8

Now rewrite this and replace "brownnoser" with "salty kid" and you have every one of your posts over the last 2 days.

Looks like you're salty bro :3 Chill.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
This is pathetic in many ways, you SUPPORTED something, you are not entitled to anything, your whole mentality about this situation is sad.

Shit happens, there is no perfect company out there yet GGG seems to do everything to be that company, don`t agree with it, fine send them feedback but don`t bring your whole "i paid" as an excuse to give us your so called opinion.
Muliebrity wrote:
This is pathetic in many ways, you SUPPORTED something, you are not entitled to anything, your whole mentality about this situation is sad.

Shit happens, there is no perfect company out there yet GGG seems to do everything to be that company, don`t agree with it, fine send them feedback but don`t bring your whole "i paid" as an excuse to give us your so called opinion.

Looks like you're salty bro :3 Chill.
Looks like you're chill bro :3 Salty.
You said you were blacklisted from CB. What is this about?
Xtorma_Xtorma wrote:
Muliebrity wrote:
This is pathetic in many ways, you SUPPORTED something, you are not entitled to anything, your whole mentality about this situation is sad.

Shit happens, there is no perfect company out there yet GGG seems to do everything to be that company, don`t agree with it, fine send them feedback but don`t bring your whole "i paid" as an excuse to give us your so called opinion.

Looks like you're salty bro :3 Chill.

totally chill here, in case of misunderstanding it was regarding op (or did i just completely miss some sarcasm?)
You can't name this thread "Supporters united!" because you are no longer a supporter.
Supporter is a person who supports - you no longer support GGG, so you are not supporter. Amarite?

GGG fucked up. Happens. I'm quite sure GGG understands that they fucked up with the beta thing, and then with the Beta Timer. You're going to brag bout that shit until they give you the key, so you shut up?
Come on.
You are, of course, free to stop supporting GGG, but I gotta admit that your reasons are (in my opinion) childish.

"I'm special, cuz I paid moneiz, give me everything I want, else I'll scream and cry."
If you haven't caught up yet, beta is not about you, and you being bored.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq on Apr 22, 2015, 6:00:55 AM

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