I had a lot of fun playing this build and found general survivability to be super easy with cold (cold snap + ice spear), slightly better damage output and FUN with arc+ball lightning/ice spear+arctic breath(and of course arctic breath's slowing utility)

I found that enduring cry doesn't need to be with cwdt and, unless I anticipated taking extreme bursts of damage, enduring cry and immortal call just ended up conflicting with each other. Maybe someone else can prove me otherwise about this. Increased duration still helps immortal call buff without enduring cry.

Life leech over pcoc in the 6L looks better for survivability, i would think, before doryani's invitation belt, however 6+ power charges helps perma stun lock everything down. I would say 1% leech isn't enough to survive on and I had to rely heavily on bubbling flasks.

Grinding merci ledge to 59 was easier than trying to progress to a3 first.

Piety was quite easily solo'd at 63 at which I was able to start maps
For curses, as noted by eddz's gear, frostbite seems to be good for starting a fight, or if HoT/power chares aren't up. Although, maybe it's better sometimes to put up assassin's mark first if barrage crit is a bit low <50% (right now i have 41%)

Dsync-wise, i had problems with the following aps on barrage: 1.7, 2.0
Oddly enough by some mystery, I had no dsync problems at 2.5 aps. Furthermore, the cast on crit procs are phenomenal at 2.5 aps

On a side note, I came across spinesnap at one point and barely realized he was there bc of the perma stun lock before I started dropping hp from chaos damage. This build doesn't work very well without a 6L and I wouldn't recommend a 5L voll's.

Thanks a million for posting this build!!

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