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Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Dear Enki,

just wanted to finally reach out and express my appreciation. Played some iterations of this guide in multiple last seasons - it is always ideal for me and my gateway to enjoy this game a lot.
Being family dad with full time responsibilities and one of those POE "casuals" with multiple thousand hours played over 10 years but most of this accumulating from afk selling stuff, your guides are always the go to manual for enjoying the time I have to the max. Very satisfying build and step by step min/max-able if there is more time.
This season for example I have a sabbatical and therefore more time and reaching around 11-12 Mio shaper dps and being able to theoretically doing all content (still too inexperienced for Uber Elder but will do it soon) while being fairly tanky feels amazing and is pure fun.


Keep up the good work!

Someone asks above for some feedback on what is possible on top - have a look (while far from maxed out, implicits, watchers eye, helmet etc etc) I built in frenzy charges, onslaught, sulfur flask, unnerve and it works nicely:

Last edited by Tswehn on Feb 21, 2023, 6:29:57 PM
hi can any 1 link or post the gear ur using with this build i just started this build and then saw they no gear in the build :( but only writing of what to get and iv never used the neversink before :( it will be a huge help to me thx :)
nice build
Hi, this is my first ever time playing PoE, and this build was recommended to my by a friend since it's beginner friendly. After a few months, it's really difficult to get the +2 amulet that you have on PoB for the high budget setup.

So, idk if this has been asked before, but would ashes be a good substitue. Seeing as I already have all alt qualities for gems, this would significantly improve the buffs that I get from golems, no?

It would be great if someone could help me out. Thank you!
I really love this build. I'm still only mid game but having a lot of fun with it. I only have one question, is that the Cast When Damage Taken tooltip is showing that it doesn't support Molten Shell, is that a tooltip error or is something else wrong with that?
I really love this build. I'm still only mid game but having a lot of fun with it. I only have one question, is that the Cast When Damage Taken tooltip is showing that it doesn't support Molten Shell, is that a tooltip error or is something else wrong with that?


Showing that it doesn't support Molten Shell how?

It says "Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered."

None of this eliminates Molten Shell.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021

So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized.
Last edited by Dspayre on Mar 26, 2023, 9:35:04 PM
Thank you for this build! I defeated The Feared today for the very first time. Here is my PoB in case anyone else is interested in my exact gear:
Last edited by RexTempus on Mar 26, 2023, 5:07:19 PM
Two most important masteries of this build got removed in 3.21

Lightning Masteries
Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Strike is Lucky
Non-Projectile Chaining Lighting Skills Chain +1 times

jliu72 wrote:
Two most important masteries of this build got removed in 3.21

Lightning Masteries
Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Strike is Lucky
Non-Projectile Chaining Lighting Skills Chain +1 times


Question is if they are added back into the crucible skill tree and how common they are
Theoreticly, if we use new option from elemental mastery that is: "Hit's have 25% chance to treat enemy elemental mastery as inverted", and we "Theoreticly" get this as:

Inverted = (Enemy resistance) x -1
so when guardians/bosses and pinacle bosses have 50% ele res, it will be -50% res.

When You set enemy lightning resistance at -50, in the end it's extra combined (Arc+GF) 2mln DPS!!!!!!!!!!! I hope im right :)

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