Path of Exile's December PvP Update

So is this gona end up being like WoW where ''pvp'' starts to mess about with the main content?
No rest for the wicked.
Pvp is coming ! :)

chaotic neutral
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo

Sick but honestly take someone in addition greendude. He knows a lot about LLD but he's downright clueless about HLD.
IGN: KiPad

Mirror Services (/view-thread/778747): #1 Crit Rings for *ALL* builds (Low-life, CI, and Life), #1 1H Axe, #1 Ar Boots, #1 Life Rustic
KiPad wrote:
Sick but honestly take someone in addition greendude. He knows a lot about LLD but he's downright clueless about HLD.

Downright clueless is harsh. Especially since I hosted an HLD tournament and did my research via pvp feedback and I also asked HLDers directly for info. See this reply:
No. I did do my research before I left and I even made a thread where I asked HLDers to tell me one thing they'd like to change about HLD if they could. However I still do not consider myself an HLD expert by any means. This is also why HLD is not the main focus yet, because it still needs more work.
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude on Oct 15, 2014, 9:16:24 PM
Thanks a lot for the status update on this!!! :D
I dont think that taking a single person and using their opinions to balance things is a good idea. Can a person have alot of knowledge ? Yes. However that doesnt change the fact that there will be bias in the opinions and suggestions given by said individual.

This isnt the type of thing you get a single persons insight on, you need to incorporate the entirety of player feedback, and im sorry to say this, but one person isnt going to be able to manage or memorize all that, especially when their opinion differs. Theres too much room for personal bias opinions/thoughts which is why things need to be collectively tested from feedback, from the community.

Not trying to be the bad guy here or anything, but alot of HL PVP is Rock, Paper, Scissors, the only people who seem to think differently are the ones trying to advocate PVP balance, which makes no sense because they arent acknowledging the present faults.

Im really hoping that this is going to be a phased system, the core gameplay is already in an incredibly unbalanced and fragile state, changing a few things to please a handful of players is in poor taste, especially if it means breaking the core gameplay.

Speaking from a competitive PvP point of view, theres reasons why PvP in games like World of Warcraft Arena, Forge, Smite, etc are prevalent, its because theyre balanced, skill based arena PvP games. Such a large amount of skills, build diversity, gearing etc, balancing simply just isnt possible without making it its own separate thing.

Low level is a good starting point, main reason is because its about skill and skill gem usage over gearing and build choice (what little build choice there is at level 28).
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
Last edited by Tin_Foil_Hat on Oct 15, 2014, 9:37:55 PM
for those unfamiliar with low level dueling (LLD) you can visit this site

it has forums where people have been discussing rules, balance and builds for awhile

GreenDude and Willywonka have hosted a few LLD tournaments and they were very fun to watch
Last edited by jamesl on Oct 15, 2014, 9:43:11 PM
sad news for HL PVP :( (end game part of all action RPGs was HL pvp) +1 to Kipad , DDub, Hegemony
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
man, PVP balancing aways fucks PvE, unless they designe specific mechanics for skills hiting players, so skills will work in a different way for PvP

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