[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Kaperesque wrote:
Is there a drillneck version of the new skilltrees you could post?

Anyone can download and run Emmitt's Planner from here:

Just copy the full URL, and paste it into the "tree link" in the bottom of that interface, and it's able to open them up and re-connect any gaps (which can lead to shifting skill point numbers)

Additionally, if you want a valid link, open a link, add one node somewhere, then remove that same node. The URL format will be updated to the new format, and will work on the web.

Edit: I had a moment, so I added the other skill trees:

NeverSink wrote:


115 points aggressive skilltree - 115 points aggressive skilltree - 165% life, 198% evasion, max frenzy charges, 365%+ increased damage, ~400% crit, 96% multiplier, 78% attack speed, life and mana leech. Also very high movementspeed.

Note: this is the aggressive, non-drillneck version and a excellent way to start the new "Awakening League" league. I'll post more variations during the next days/weeks. This is NOT a hardcore version, I'll post a different HC-tuned version soon enough. This version prioritizes fast leveling over survival and stacks a LOT more HP in the endgame.

If this appears to squishy to you or you want to play hardcore, use the defensive version instead!

AUGMENTED SKILLTREE - scion version - (+2 sockets, more life, less crit, less damage, better flasks)

This is a new skilltree, I've been playing around a lot during the Talisman league. I've found this skilltree to be very powerful. This tree is augmented with additional benefits for a already well-geared, high level archer. This is done by using vaal pact / arrow dodging and hybrid life/mana leech. While this skilltree has indeed slightly less health and damage than the defensive and regular skilltee, I've found it MUCH more enjoyable than the regular version.

NOTE: Do NOT level with this build, I suggest switching to it once you hit level 85+ and have troubles with reflect damage


207% Life, 70% stronger life flasks, 200% evasion, an extra jewel socket. This build is designed to help you in hardcore.


115 points aggressive drillneck edition. This build has slightly more survival than the regular build and uses drillneck to amplify it's attacks.


PLEASE NOTE: If you need str/int, don't be shy to pick up a few +30 nodes around the tree, you can remove them once your endgame equipment is highly optimized.

Leveling Skilltree - 40 Points
This is how you start the game. This pathing picks up acrobatics, mana on hit/leech, life/flask nodes, movement speed and a lot and lot of damage to boost your early game and carry you through normal smoothly. The physical damage pathing next to aspect of the eagle and the pathing through the jewel nodes are intended. It's easier to regret out of those later.

Leveling Skilltree - 58 Points
Our damage should be fairly good at this point, so we bolster our backbone a bit, by pathing into the shadow tree and picking up life, life leech. We also grab more damage/attack speed. Note that we didn't touch crit at this point yet.

Leveling Skilltree - 77 Points
Now that we have some damage and life for the moment, we pick up all the crit nodes this build uses within the next levels.

Leveling Skilltree - 88 Points
We pick up 2 frenzy charges, phase acrobatics and thick skin to prepare ourself for endgame maping. Please read the frenzy charge section (at the end of this post) if you want to understand the reason behind it. Use bloodrage and/or frenzy to keep charges up. We also regret/respec 3 nodes (damage->critchance/ias around aspect of the eagle and the 1 dex node next to our jewel socket - the frenzy duration is better)

Leveling Skilltree - 106 Points
We now focus on the duelist part of the tree and the high quality nodes he provides. More speed, lot's of health, damage, a jewel socket, that tasty extra frenzy charge and attack speed. We also gain a considerable amount of evasion. At this point, all that's left is grabing a few life and life/evasion nodes around the tree to finish the default skilltree. If you manage to get beyond that (level 92+), grab the remaining crit nodes.

Last edited by Kelerain on Mar 5, 2016, 2:49:24 PM
I'm having a very hard time after the update and using "Neversink's augmented Skill tree". I was using "regular" version and how I can't shoot 3 tornado's that I get no mana at all (using auras, of course).

There is no Essense Sap on "augmented" version, so what should I do?
vicenterusso wrote:
I'm having a very hard time after the update and using "Neversink's augmented Skill tree". I was using "regular" version and how I can't shoot 3 tornado's that I get no mana at all (using auras, of course).

There is no Essense Sap on "augmented" version, so what should I do?

I assume there's no essence sap on the augmented version because you're expected to take care of mana via a combination of hybrid leech nodes and jewels.
I have made this version of the augmented skilltree for a full crit deadeye. The main difference with Neversink's is that I have taken the path to Harrier after getting Vaal Pact, for some attack speed + crit + life and a 3rd socket. In exchange, I do not have extra frenzy charges. What do you think?



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IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Last edited by eragon1111 on Mar 5, 2016, 7:02:56 PM
Vaal pact seems like a bad idea until you are good and done running Labyrinth.
has anyone run this high enough to pick ascendancy classes?

i got my TS setup, and i know his recommendation for TS is deadeye, but i'm not sure about chain passive on TS... it says "skills chain +1," does that mean that the entire animation of the skill counts? cos obv the big aoe explosions don't, but do the secondary arrows?

just confused cos raider still looks mighty tempting...
Updated the skilltrees using the path of exile website. There is a CHANCE that I picked up some random dex nodes that you don't need to pick up, since the website planner is glitchy and annoying.

However, everything should be up and working again.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
i want to say thanks for the guide. its really awesome how much time you put into this. been using it for a long time now.
i switched to the augmented version of the tree after i crafted a new bow and decided to go pathfinder. having a 100% uptime on jade, diamond and quicksilver flasks feels so good :D merc lab is kind of trivial with this. also tested on a lvl 80 wasteland map and cleared it really fast. the boosts from the other ascendancy classes look tempting too but the advantages from pathfinder (master surgeon and master fletcher) really feel kinda op with my gear.
Last edited by hatemachine82 on Mar 5, 2016, 9:03:21 PM
that scion assasin raider of yours, i thought we have only 6 points? In your pix, you had more than 6
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!

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