1.1.0 Incinerate Atziri Farmer

but spell critical strike chance and annihilation works on incinerate?
Incinerate has 0% base critical strike chance, so no. The only way to crit with Incinerate is Assassin's Mark or a Diamond shrine buff. You can't scale Incinerate with crit.
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
SlightRedeye wrote:
Aekhold wrote:
Could you include the CI-version tree?
Assuming i would use Saffell's and The Dark Seer :)

Thx a lot for this nice build! :)

This is what I have my witch specced into right now, it still needs some improvement and testing but I'll give you the tree if you like. If you have a legacy Saffell's or even very high rainbowstride/80% Saffell's Frame rolls you could lose one or two block nodes. The build hinges on getting enough mana to comfortably cast skills, currently I have 56 unreserved mana to cast everything, which is enough but I would like atleast 150~ to cast with. Fortunately you can get away with having no mana pool since Incinerate is almost like having mana degen from rapid, small casts.

It's 11k ES with an ES shield and 9k with Saffell's. Eye of Chayula can be used when you need it or are just farming maps, Lazhwar just caps spellblock for you. Level 23 purities are needed to make use of the 80% aura increases, drop some nodes if you don't have them or want more unreserved mana and use level 20 gems. Strength is important since you need ~145+ for enduring cry/immortal call gems, spec into it and lose ES if you need to.

With a Dark Seer I would take Warlords Mark for more leeching, Doryani's Invitation won't be enough to out sustain in some cases I would think. The extra gem can be used for another added damage gem, empower, fire penetration or life leech maybe. Faster Projectiles seems unnecessary with already having 60% from gem/tree.


Nice, my tree looked exactly the same. :)

I'm currently going into maps in the new league and hopefully attempting Atziri next week or so, depending if I have good enough ES-gear.

Do you think Herald of Ice is worth it? (maybe in combination with Added Cold Damage because of 2 times increased cold damage, 10% per gem I think...)
I mean we have the buff effect nodes, why not use another buff.

It should be possible to squeeze it in with LVL20 reduced mana and about 2k max mana pool and still have enough mana left to have a full AA (running excluded but I think we're using LW all the time anyways?) and cast Incinerate all the time.

My 6-Link would be : Incinerate-FasterCasting-SpellEcho-AddedLightning-AddedCold-LMP

The only thing I currently have a problem with is the availability of sockets :D

I mean 4 Auras + 2 Buffs most likely mean 3 Reduced Mana unless we want to split them akwardly.
(Empower being on the Purities)

I even thought about going the buff duration nodes and not using LW at all, but running with AA is kind of a pain in the ass.

Btw. I suggest using Vaal Discipline in the 4-Link with EC/IC/ID, maybe a little less time to cast but better emergency (and keeps ES recharging and SO MUCH ES OH MY GAWD! :D)

I agree on Warlord's Mark + Dark Seer.


Keep in mind that I haven't been able to test the build thoroughly at all. I know that on paper it works, spellblock, high effective hp, 100% with flask and Immortal Call setup. etc. In the new leagues it is going to be incredibly tough to get going though, which is why I'm leaving it out of the guide until I can make improvements. level 23 purity auras are what the aura nodes are specced for, only using level 20 leaves us with 2% less resistances. Things like +1% max Lazhwar are hard to roll/buy and legacy Saffell's are unattainable so compensating that way can't really happen. If you want to go ahead and plunge into it, go for it. It would be really impressive to have the build work in a new league within 2 weeks.

Herald of Ice would not fit with our auras, so something has to channge to fit them. Even if you use no empower on your purity auras you are still 5% over the limit that is 160% reservation. My Witch has 60~ usable mana so it can't work that way. Your max mana pool will not be 2000, more like 1200 mana with CI, we have not way of scaling the base mana apart from gear. It would be a lot of damage though and it is definitely something Incinerate would benefit hugely from. If I come across a level 20 HoI gem I'll test it out. Until then, gl with the build. I'm not happy with it's current state so I'll just warn you that you may have to respec out of it, I'm certain there is a better way to farm Atziri.

If you play Beyond then you have balls of steel for going with this build.
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
Last edited by SlightRedeye on Aug 22, 2014, 7:56:42 PM
Thx for your reply, I'll keep you informed about my progress if you like. :)


I'll see what I can do, maybe HoI is just a nead addition to farming maps and will be swapped out for Atziri, we don't really need more damage.

(The only thing that worries me, that we will never get to the shatter-damage because of our 0% crit and low cold damage...)

One last thing, do you think the Endurance Charge at Merciless is necessary?
I mean we have ~8 seconds without it, maybe thats enough?
Definately more relaxed to play with 10sec IC though. Your opition? :)

Greetz :)
You get 8 seconds of IC with a 3L 20/20 IC, 20/20 Inc Duration and level 3 Enhance @ 4 endurance charges. 3 charges puts you at 6 seconds, the skill duration cluster puts you at 10 seconds. I would not go for 3 charges ever, 6 seconds is far too low to get decent damage off and I usually refresh at the 4 second mark to be safe.

Incinerate is terrible for status ailments, so no chance of shattering. Chilling would be nice though.
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
Last edited by SlightRedeye on Aug 22, 2014, 8:18:05 PM
Do you level immortal call?
KanineAwe wrote:
Do you level immortal call?

I answered this question in the post above yours, yes. A 20/20 Immortal Call.
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
So you need a 20/20 and lvl 3 enhance to even try atziri?
KanineAwe wrote:
So you need a 20/20 and lvl 3 enhance to even try atziri?

No, I showed that 20/20 IC and level 3 enhance gives 8 seconds of duration.

The idea is to aim for as close to the setup as possible, in this case it is good gems.

If you have lesser gems then that value is obviously less, remember, it's a guide not a recipe.

I began Atziri running with a level 15/17 IC and 20/0 increased duration. Enhance was level 2. In 1.1.0 that meant 8 seconds, in 1.2.0 it is more like 6/7. The gems level quickly when you are clearing Apex's so it wasn't long until they leveled and vendored for 20q.
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
Last edited by SlightRedeye on Aug 24, 2014, 10:39:26 AM

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