Two Screenshots From Content Update 1.1.5

JIZZ at ball lighting. Finally have a reason to play again.

Fingers crossed it is not another lightning trap or flame surge!
Pydien wrote:
MLGonthorian wrote:
Fucking finally... some new content... -_- Took them long enough, if they spent less time on microtransactions which no one asks for and more time on making the game greater so it get's more popularity maybe more people would actually buy those precious microtransactions the team has so much time to put in for.

Yes becouse clearly the people making mtx is the same people making content.... gtfo please.

He did not state that anywhere, that they are the same thing. He has a point. All I see lately is mtx mtx mtx every post or every other one. And it would be ok if they werent so expensive. 40 dollars for just one mtx set, please I would have gladly bought the game and expansion with that.
Looks op!
♦▲◄▼►▲♦ @Kadush ♦▲◄▼►▲♦
Not all have wanted Ball Lightning. I still firmly believe in Boss Skills remaining Boss Skills. Or do we get Dominus' blood rain too now? Because all this gem will do is set the precedent that any boss skill can become a player skill and that bosses are not that special after all. It also makes boss skills less scary and awesome than they used to be. Sorry if others dont feel this way.

agreed, i would make an excuse for phase run.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
I wouldn't mind casting da touch of god. With Mjolner.
Finnze14 wrote:
Does anyone else think that the shield doesn't look good? It's just clear with a pasted lightning blob in the middle. Looks pretty bad to me, although everyone else likes it. :(

I agree with you all the way. Looks pretty bad =/.
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Nice stuff, can't wait what else will be in this patch.

Also when will there be news about the 1 month league? Really looking forward to a fresh league and try some new builds out.
No need to cry for nerfs before it's out, ball lightning gonna obviously have low damages to compensate its multi targets ability.
Last edited by SmilingCat on Jun 25, 2014, 4:08:57 AM
It looks bad for the one who wants to find flaws and compare it to stuff they've seen in other places. This happens when you play the game all day and didn't manage to accomplish the goals you set. You become bitter and judgmental.
Woot might try a caster now :p

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