You want PoE to get better? Please don't duplicate existing threads.

Quantity is an important factor when judging the weight of feedback.

Let us be realistic, you post in a hundred page long discussion and the chance is slim of your point getting across. Everyone that believes they have something that needs to be said really should make their own thread, unless they are aware of saying exactly the same as someone else said.

Most of the time, people make new posts because they have a different angle on something, a new take, and want to be heard. In that case it should be done in a new thread for the purpose of that point.

Ideas then compete similar to evolution and the strongest will survive the longest. It does in fact serve to purify threads instead, focused by the angle of the original poster.

Instead, there are all too many forumers so focused on their own need for attention and recognition that they continually create new threads on the same issues, trying to drown out the voices of others so that their voice can be the one which is listened to. They might say they are trying to help the game by offering criticism, and some of them do want to make the game better, but their actions prove that, when it comes to the forums itself, they don't care one bit about them and would watch them burn if it would help achieve their objectives. They fail to realize that healthy forums help players help improve Path of Exile better than sick forums do.

You are exactly the same, but the reason is not that people seek attention, no they seek attention for what they write, they don't write to seek attention.

PS: There is a direct relation between people being recognized for their efforts and the continuation of those efforts. It is natural and normal to seek to make your own threads when you have something to say.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Apr 14, 2014, 4:55:35 PM
I was going to make a long posting but it isn't worth the time.

Scrotie, while your postings can be insightful and organized, everything you said in this thread reeks of hypocrisy. You are totally guilty of exactly what you accuse.

I don't fault you for it. I think someone should have the freedom to express themselves. If the posting is useless or violates some horridly grey GGG policy, then it dies. There is no problem.

The moment that we accept some notion that a desync post from 6 months ago is adequate, and no further discussion is needed, then we have lost. I don't want to get into the politics of saying who should be able to post what, and when. It's a public forum ffs!

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
well lets see the relevant threads all get locked because of heated discussions and poe fanboys being delusional
in. my humble opinion,moderators should merge topics that are of same nature.

A day ago we had 3 fkin threads that game is can have any opinion you like,but if replica posts are created,there should be a merge(closure of the other op,then merge with notice that discussion is carried over there).

If you give them,as a moderator,the explanation needed for such actions,then soon you will see more quality threads.

I dont talk lightly on this.I ve been a forum moderator on a quite famous Mmo and i see what is happening over here.

They leave too much unnessary freedom of created posts,where they could do what i suggested.
Bye bye desync!
Last edited by elwindakos on Apr 14, 2014, 5:53:00 PM
yungjoc wrote:
well lets see the relevant threads all get locked because of heated discussions and poe fanboys being delusional

Not at all. The discussions in the locked threads got out of hand because of the lack of self control and manners of certain users.

It doesn't matter if someone is a delusional PoE fanboy or whatever, he can still share a meaningful opinion and defend his stance - however the moment when a user loses temper and derails the thread, and the other user(s) follows the carrot like donkeys, the thread has to be closed.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
elwindakos wrote:
in. my humble opinion,moderators should merge topics that are of same nature.

So cute that you think they can! Have you *ever* seen a thread merged on here? Like, ever?

why you selectively neat pick my post?

I explained,but let me try again(i am at work on a nokia 6300,lol).

As i said if multiple of same nature being done,then they must close the thread and point to the one that existed before those new threads of similar nature.

And ofcourse i noticed that there is no merging of threads
Bye bye desync!
Crackmonster wrote:
Let us be realistic, you post in a hundred page long discussion and the chance is slim of your point getting across. Everyone that believes they have something that needs to be said really should make their own thread, unless they are aware of saying exactly the same as someone else said.
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you can expect quality replies to threads, people are more likely to read those replies and respond to them. If you know that replies are always going to be stale and uninteresting, you suddenly need to create a new thread to get attention.

Essentially, a bunch of trolls created a trend, and we blindly followed along.
Crackmonster wrote:
Most of the time, people make new posts because they have a different angle on something, a new take, and want to be heard. In that case it should be done in a new thread for the purpose of that point.
I don't disagree with this, but people seriously split hairs on this one far too much. Simply having a different angle isn't enough, because everyone's got a different angle; there should be significant divergence.

And the "most of the time" part is dubious. I'll grant it's pretty close to 50%.
DarthSki44 wrote:
Scrotie, while your postings can be insightful and organized, everything you said in this thread reeks of hypocrisy. You are totally guilty of exactly what you accuse.
Probably. What of it? I think Garrot has a good point, and I can accept criticism.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Apr 14, 2014, 6:57:44 PM
General Discussion is Gameplay Discussion's overly-loud, slightly retarded big brother.

Tears in my eyes, tears in my eyes.
<^..^> - meow!
Firecrest5 wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
Ah I get it. GGG is aware of all the issues, so we shouldn't mention them further. The status of said issues is irrelevant, since they have been brought in the past already.

Makes sense. The grin and bear it mentality.

Also keep in mind the extremely small fraction of players that actually decide to post on said issues. Quite frankly if no one posted in those new threads they would just die on their own, and GGG wouldn't have to administrate anything.

The problem is the issues are not fixed, GGG says nothing, and white knights have the balls to ask people to shut up about dead topics.

I'm sorry, until many of these issues are resolved or at least given some sort of planned developmental strategy, I have no issue with people sharing their thoughts in a public forum. If they turn out to be troll topics with no interest, they will die off on their own. If they are hot button issues, discussion will continue. This is how a "forum" works.


I need more hands to applaud this properly.
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.
elwindakos wrote:
As i said if multiple of same nature being done,then they must close the thread and point to the one that existed before those new threads of similar nature.

That's what we used to do. Religiously. It was:

a) A lot of work, especially for volunteers
b) time-consuming
c) antagonising, as any player seeing their thread locked gets upset

d) dangerously close to seeming to play favourites. Typically we'd lock a thread about a similar topic if it had less 'activity' than an existing one. This might make sense from an administrative point of view but it just seems like victimisation to players.

We called it basic house-keeping, but as it turns out Chris W really isn't a fan of padlocks, even when they're just that. Also, as noted, people would rather be 'visible' by creating their own thread for Known Issue #2452 than simply 'tagging along' in someone else's 100 page thread that no dev would ever get through. Ever.

Honestly, I see virtually no point to the main forum boards anymore. The UI and the backend are so ridiculously antiquated that it seems natural that people really wanting to be heard either just email the devs or use a much cleaner, easier to access reddit.

Feedback has turned into a bigger cesspit than GD these days.
Suggestions is mostly the real dumping ground.
General Discussion is Gameplay Discussion's overly-loud, slightly retarded big brother.

Only the sub-areas like skill feedback, class discussion and trading serve any real purpose.

I don't even blame Support for this. They're trying to block a flood with sandbags and superglue. Every day.

i know the pain and respect your opinion.but point is the concerns are on bullet c and d of your posts.continuing in newport due to phone memorz
Bye bye desync!

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