Corrupted areas should spawn in maps, Yes or No?

definitely yes!

It will never happen but this is clearly a flaw in this brilliant game. Let them spawn in non-map-areas too so all new players do also have access to them.

Best design would imo be, that bosses in corrupted maps are replaced by bosses from corrupted areas guarding a vessel. This would encourage people to use vaal orbs on maps.
Level 100 Ranger fb_stnemesis
Level 100 Witch fb_HungarianWitch
Level 100 Scion fb_scioonn
In game mostly at CEST 6PM-8PM (not every day), except weekends

Corrupted areas can be an alternative end game, but u cannot force end game character to farm low level areas
IGN Liarath - My Shop
Yes of course it should
ign: thirsty_guy
missuse wrote:
Imo the biggest problem with 1.1 is they do not. Having an end game character, who needs to farm low level content to get drops to reach end game content is just bad design imo.

This, pretty much. That's why I vote yes. Besides, you're not forced to do it if you don't want.
Yes. Being forced to do low-level areas to access endgame area, wat?
SaiyanZ wrote:
The corrupted bosses I've faced were way more difficult than 90% of map bosses.

While offering even less rewards for the additional risk taken.
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IGN: MadMalkodet

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