Corrupted areas should spawn in maps, Yes or No?

And my answer has nothing to do with the fact that I don't play many maps, and everything to do with the reality that maps are not a part of Wraeclast at all. The Corrupted Areas were an improvement/addition to what GGG calls 'the core game', and that doesn't include the end/post game 'Maps' bonus content.

Who says maps are not a part of Wraeclast? Unless it says so specifically in the lore, I'm more inclined to believe that maps are just parts of Wraeclast that are otherwise not accessible, seeing how they do not connect to other zones and have no waypoints.
Also calling maps bonus content seems incorrect considering many builds aren't even playable until they are at mapping level.
Last edited by sambodini on Mar 14, 2014, 6:08:30 AM
IGN: KoTao
Standard Forever

Disallowing portal uses in corrupted areas should prevent any portal exploits in maps.

Pretty much all the "NO" so far lacks good arguments, I don't even understand why someone would say NO, sounds like there's something they ignore or don't understand. Such change wouldn't prevent you to get them in normal zones, we just want them to spawn everywhere in the game!

iwantcoupons wrote:
the way they spawn now, you probably wouldn't notice if it spawned in a map anyways so what's this thread about?

What? people usually clear maps so they would be hard to miss.

TRV wrote:
I think if the Corrupted areas spawned in maps, you would end up with map mods on top of corrupted area mods. They could be the ultimate nightmare of dangerous places. -Max map + -Max corrupt mod would be murderous.

Sounds like a good challenge, bring it on!

because I know it can't happen

Why it can't happen?
Tech guy
Last edited by Warrax on Mar 14, 2014, 9:46:57 AM
Hejren / Triceps / Regnbuen / Sarinti / Striglen / Mareridt / Spoegelset / Doktoren / Dobbelganger / Skjoldtrold / Forkynderen
IGN: Arrows_and_Morality

A man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man

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